歌词 "1000 Things" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

1000 Things



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'm overjoyed and over loved and feeling lucky 我大喜,对亲人,感觉很幸运

Like a little boy who's hiding under covers 就像一个小男孩是谁在盖隐藏

And looking to discover any way to play the part inside his darkened cave 并希望发现任何方式发挥自己的部分变黑了洞内

Well the meaning of life it starts at the nightlight 以及生命的意义就开始在夜灯

Close your eyes and hope to see mine 闭上你的眼睛,并希望看到雷


Well I've seen a thousand things in one place 嗯,我在一个地方看到百废

But I stopped my counting when I saw your face 但我停止我的计算,当我看到你的脸

Erasing memory I feel as though I've never seen a face before 删除记忆我感觉好像我从来没有见过的脸

Until I saw your eyes smiling back at me thru my tears 直到我看见你的眼睛微笑地望着我通过我的眼泪

I've been counting all these years 我一直在计算这些年

Now suddenly the thousand things I've seen were 现在突然千元的东西我见过的人

Nothing more than dreams of you and me 无非就是你我的梦想


You and me quietly at a stand still 你和我静静地在静止不动

Fortunately you will kiss me and I'll kiss you back 幸运的是,你会吻我,我会吻你回来

Fact of the matter of is that I don't know what the latter is 的其实是,我不知道后者是

That I always wanted to kiss you but 我一直想吻你,但

I always wanted to run from you 我一直想向你跑

Because I always wanted to miss you 因为我一直想想念你

And that I've always wanted to come for you 而且,我一直想为你而来


So... how do you do? 所以......你怎么办?

歌词 1000 Things 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/1000-things-1/