英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Young Modern 中的所有曲目
专辑 Young Modern 中的所有曲目:

Young Modern


类型: album

[English]Young Modern Station

[English lyric] Stalled at young modern station Arthritic conversation Life has a dead line lately Allergic and in the news The clocks are ticking timeless Dead Dali days behind us The band is ...

[中文对照] 止步于年轻的现代化车站 关节炎谈话 人生有一个死线最近 过敏和新闻 该时钟滴答作响永恒 死了大理天过去了 乐队一起回来 过敏和新闻 它让你哭 ...

[English]Straight Lines

[English lyric] Breathing from a hole in my lung I had no one But faces in front of me Racing through the void in my head To find traces of a good luck academy Sparks ignite and trade them for ...

[中文对照] 从我的肺中的呼吸孔 我有没有人 但是,在我面前面临 通过在我的脑海虚空赛车 为了找到一个好运气学院的痕迹 火花点燃和交易他们的思想 关于无人 ...

[English]If You Keep Losing Sleep

[English lyric] If you keep losing sleep over other lovers If you keep losing me you're gonna be bored If you're up chimney sweep under rubble covers If you keep counting sheep and being ...

[中文对照] 如果你一直失眠比其他恋人 如果你让我失去你会觉得无聊 如果你达在瓦砾下盖扫烟囱 如果你一直数羊和被崇拜 你在泥墓碑 在一个泡沫再次打捻 ...

[English]Reflections Of A Sound

[English lyric] In the sun we are found to be Reflections of a sound I know it's been far too long in stormy weather My arrested hope won't choke forever Like a memory I needed never We walk ...

[中文对照] 在阳光下,我们发现有 一个健全的思考 我知道它已经太久了暴风雨天气 我希望被捕不会永远呛 像记忆,我需要永远 我们走包裹在思想 ...

[English]Those Thieving Birds (Part 1)

[English lyric] Those thieving birds Hang strung from an empty nest This swan plagued pond Foresaken and under whelmed Those leaving words Hang strong from an emptiness Hang strong from an ...

[中文对照] 那些偷窃鸟 杭从空巢串 这天鹅的池塘困扰 Foresaken下whelmed 那些离开的话 从空挂强 从空挂强 那些偷窃鸟 杭从空巢串

[English]Strange Behaviour

[English lyric] This is tearing me apart If the sun won't shine Forever will never be fine Underneath the hollow ground Lies a night time sky For only a desperate eye When I'm paranoid I see ...

[中文对照] 这是我的心如刀割 如果太阳不亮 永远的永远不会被罚款 下方的中空地上 谎言一个晚上的时间天空 对于只有一个绝望的眼睛 当我偏执我看到后面的后面的墙壁墙墙 ...

[English]Those Thieving Birds (Part 2)

[English lyric] Lonely in life Dead or alive If the truth had incursions No more goodbyes No more big lies If the truth had versions As long as you and I are together I'll hold onto the ...

[中文对照] 孤独的生活 死或生 如果真有入侵 没有更多的告别 没有更多的大谎言 如果真有版本 只要你和我在一起 我会坚持到珠宝 如主食绑握紧拳头和钳 杭从空巢串 ...

[English]The Man That Knew Too Much

[English lyric] There was a man that knew too much With a panic attic mind but a chance to numb His golden touch to ignore the will of time Had me struck down open to the fact I was standing ...

[中文对照] 有一个男人,知道得太多 随着恐慌的阁楼想法,但有机会麻木 他点石成金忽略了时间的意志 让我打倒公开的事实 我站在一条线一个破碎的职业在我的背上 ...

[English]Waiting All Day

[English lyric] I took advantage Of a straight believing town That tore the bandage And said look who's bleeding now Are you listening or are you faithless like the others Long days are almost ...

[中文对照] 我趁着 直信镇 那撕绷带 说看看谁现在出血 你在听或者是你移情别恋喜欢别人 龙天几乎是在这里 你褪色的迹象 我会等待一整天 我一直在等待全年 ...


[English lyric] I heard a hole in the silence I saw a crack in the plan but I got lazy ways You're not a private detective take off your telephone shoes My thoughts going out of phase And ...

[中文对照] 我在沉默听到一个洞 我看到在计划的裂缝,但我得到了懒办法 你不是一个私家侦探脱下你的鞋子电话 我的想法走出去的阶段 而这些都是好天 尽管如此,似乎搞笑 ...


[English lyric] Have you ever been lost Floating on the ground Like a fading frost You've fallen asleep Next to your bed And you feel so low Oh they've stolen your pride Stand up while your ...

[中文对照] 你是否曾经遗失 漂浮在地面上 像褪色霜 你已经睡着了 下一步,你的床 你觉得这么低 哦,他们已经偷了你的骄傲 站起来,而你的良心坐在一旁 ...


[English lyric] Tomorrow will be another part of yesterday And yesterday will be another part of the day before Wait, I hear another song insomnia About the days I wasn't tired And doing that ...

[中文对照] 明天是昨天的另一部分 昨天会前一天另一部分 等一下,我听到另一首歌曲失眠 关于天我不累 而这样做“好玩复古的外观” 我留清醒天 我留清醒天 ...

[English]All Across The World

[English lyric] Underneath the shelf cracks appear in thick enamel In this laps excuse for wasting time I wait for signals shooting stars I'd scrape through every branch Coz I need to come ...

[中文对照] 下面的架子裂缝出现在厚厚的珐琅 在这个圈借口浪费时间 我等信号的流星 我勉强的每个分支 怎么我需要降下来 下方的家 我住的是我是在别人的书页 ...