英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Way 2 Fonky 中的所有曲目
专辑 Way 2 Fonky 中的所有曲目:

Way 2 Fonky


类型: album

[English]America'z Most Complete Artist

[English lyric] [DJ Quik] And just when you motherfuckers thought it was over I'm back up in this motherfucker.. "You better get ready" "for-for-for for America's most complete artist" "What's ...

[中文对照] [DJ Quik的] 而就在你怎么就认为这是在 我回来了在这混蛋.. “你最好做好准备” “对换为美国最完整的艺术家” “你叫什么名字的男孩吗? ” ...

[English]Mo' Pussy

[English lyric] "Give it to me!" [DJ Quik] I wonder.. how would it feel, to sleep with a woman like you? To fade that monkey til it's funky Rollin all over your bed, stickin to you like glue ...

[中文对照] “把它给我! ” [DJ Quik的] 我想知道.. 会是怎样的感觉,睡一个女人喜欢你吗? 褪色的猴子直到它的时髦 罗林在你的床上,朵朵你像胶水 ...

[English]Way 2 Fonky

[English lyric] [DJ Quik] Oh yes I'm new and improved, and to a funky-ass groove My name is Quik and I'm smooth, and I'm makin yo' ugly bitch move With the streets you can't lose, but if you ...

[中文对照] [DJ Quik的] 哦,是的,我是新的和改进,并以一个时髦的屁股沟 我的名字是快客,我很顺利的,我要做个哟\'丑婊子招 ...

[English]Jus Lyke Compton

[English lyric] Finally out the motherfuckin C-P-T Off to other cities and shit No longer just an underground hit Movin thangs... a local nigga made good And made a name off of making tapes ...

[中文对照] 最后出来的是他妈的Ç -P -T 关到其他城市和狗屎 不再只是一个地下命中 居无定所thangs ......当地黑人取得了良好的 ...

[English]Me Wanna Rip Your Girl

[English lyric] [DJ Quik: Talking] This is a song that I wanna dedicate to my true You think that then my homie I will never turn my back on you-uuu Mama say let lay you got the girl that she ...

[中文对照] [DJ Quik的:说话] 这是我想献给我的真实的一首歌 你以为我那么亲密,我会永远把我背你, UUU 妈妈说让你打好了的女孩,她让我感到真正的入江 ...

[English]When You're A Gee

[English lyric] [DJ Quik] When you a G, niggaz wanna be like you because a G has images what they look up to but some don't make it, so they takin the funk They get hot and they be poppin that ...

[中文对照] [DJ Quik的] 当你一个G,兄弟们想成为像你一样 因为G的图片,他们是什么达 但有些不让它,所以他们羚牛芬克 他们变热,他们将屁股的匪帮垃圾 ...

[English]No Bullshit

[English lyric] [2nd II None] All the way from the hood One chocolate nigga up to no good Yo I gotta watch my back, cause it's like that Too many fools on a mission Tryin to put in work for a ...

[中文对照] [第二二无] 所有从机罩的方式 一个巧克力的黑人没有好 哟,我得看我的背,因为它是这样的 在执行任务太多傻瓜 ...

[English]Only Fo' Tha Money

[English lyric] [DJ Quik] Sometimes I just don't even understand why people like this dirty talkin shit, youknowhatI'msayin? But since they do and people buyin this shit; I'ma kick it like ...

[中文对照] [DJ Quik的] 有时候,我只是不明白,甚至 人们为什么喜欢这个肮脏的说话狗屎, youknowhatI\'msayin ? ...

[English]Let Me Rip Tonite

[English lyric] [DJ Quik] Ladies and Gentlemen, the fabulous Club Dynomite is proud to present, for one night only, on a their city wide debut tour, of Compton, Watts, Glennwood, Inglewood, ...

[中文对照] [DJ Quik的] 女士们,先生们,神话般的俱乐部Dynomite是自豪地介绍,为 只有一个晚上,在他们的城市宽亮相之旅,康普顿,瓦, ...

[English]Niggaz Still Trippin'

[English lyric] [DJ Quik] Oh yes I'm rollin around in the fuckin underground I'm the Q with the E and now it's time to get down With the fact that I'm back, takin fat stacks With the macs and ...

[中文对照] [DJ Quik的] 哦,是的,我在地下他妈的周围罗林 我与E的Q和现在是时候静下心来 的事实,我回来了,羚牛的脂肪堆 ...