英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Washington Square Serenade 中的所有曲目
专辑 Washington Square Serenade 中的所有曲目:

Washington Square Serenade


类型: album

[English]Tennessee Blues

[English lyric] Sunset in my mirror, pedal on the floor Bound for New York City and I won't be back no more Won't be back no more, boys won't see me around Goodbye guitar town Ghosts out on ...

[中文对照] 日落在我的一面镜子,脚蹬在地上 开往纽约市,我不会回来没有更多的 不会回来没有更多的,男生会不会看到我身边 再见吉镇 鬼出在高速公路上,对风的声音 ...

[English]Down Here Below

[English lyric] Pale male the famous redtail hawk performs wingstands high above midtown Manhattan Circles around for one last pass over the park Got his eye on a fat squirrel down there and a ...

[中文对照] 苍白的男著名redtail鹰执行wingstands高高在上曼哈顿中城 界各地的最后一传过来的乐园 得到了他的眼睛胖松鼠那里和一对夫妇的鸽子 ...

[English]Satellite Radio

[English lyric] Top of my shift-frog in my throat-sleep in my eyes Startin' to drift, cuppa hot joe, checkin' the sky Never can tell, makin' my list, checkin' it twice Fasten my belt, flippin' ...

[中文对照] 在我的喉咙里,睡在我的眼里我顶移青蛙 重新开始新的漂泊,杯茶热乔,签\'天空 永远无法知道,金\'我的名单,签\'两次 ...

[English]City Of Immigrants

[English lyric] Livin' in a city of immigrants I don't need to go travelin' Open my door and the world walks in Livin' in a city of immigrants Livin' in a city that never sleeps My heart ...

[中文对照] 在一个移民城市美好生活 我不需要去路途。 “ 打开我的门,世界走 在一个移民城市美好生活 在不夜城活着 我的心脏坚持让时间来一千次 歌唱的语言,我不说话 ...

[English]Sparkle And Shine

[English lyric] My baby sparkle and shine Sparkle and shine Sparkle and shine My baby sparkle and shine And everyone knows she's fine She blesses all that she sees A toss of her hair and a ...

[中文对照] 我家宝宝火花,闪耀 旌宇和光泽 旌宇和光泽 我家宝宝火花,闪耀 每个人都知道她很好 她祝福所有的,她看到 她的头发一甩,并在微风亲吻 ...

[English]Come Home To Me

[English lyric] Yellow moon, amber light Baby, baby, baby, please come home to me Another blue and lonesome night Baby, baby, baby, please come home to me I knew I'd cry, when you were gone ...

[中文对照] 黄明月,黄灯 宝贝,宝贝,宝贝,请回家给我 另一种蓝色的寂寞夜晚 宝贝,宝贝,宝贝,请回家给我 我知道我哭了,在你离开后 宝贝,宝贝,宝贝请回家给我 ...

[English]Jericho Road

[English lyric] I was walkin' Walkin' down the Jericho road And every mile that I traveled showed And I'm walkin' down the Jericho road I just kept on walkin' Walkin' down the Jericho road And ...

[中文对照] 我走着\' 走着\'下来杰里科道路 那我走遍每英里显示 而我走着\'下来杰里科道路 我只是不停地走着“ 走着\'下来杰里科道路 和日落红了金色的原野 ...

[English]Oxycontin Blues

[English lyric] Well my daddy worked in the coal mine Till the company shut it down Then he sat around and drank hisself blind Till we put him back underground Now nothin' grows on this ...

[中文对照] 以及在煤矿我爸爸工作 直到公司将其关闭 然后他就坐在身边,喝hisself盲目 直到我们把他带回地下 现在,什么也没长在此山中 ...

[English]Red Is The Color

[English lyric] North wind blowin' like a hurricane house Old man leanin' like he's pullin' a plow Neck bowed, bendin' like a willow bough Red sky color of the end of time Bleeds dry runnin' ...

[中文对照] 北风吹响“像飓风的房子 老头leanin就像他的普林\'犁 颈部鞠躬, bendin “像柳树的树枝 地老天荒的红色天空的颜色 干流血飞奔下来中线 ...

[English]Steve's Hammer (For Pete)

[English lyric] One of these days I'm gonna lay this hammer down And I won't have to drag this weight around When there ain't no hunger And there ain't no pain Then I won't have to swing this ...

[中文对照] 这些天,我要躺在这倒锤 我不会要拖动这个重量 当没有任何饥饿感 并且没有任何疼痛 然后,我就不必摆这个东西 其中一个一天我会躺在这倒锤 ...

[English]Days Aren't Long Enough

[English lyric] Another year has come and gone Another circle 'round the sun Another thousand tears have fallen I don't ever count 'em 'cause I'm surrounded by your love And days are never ...

[中文对照] 又是一年来去匆匆 另一个圈绕着太阳 另千滴泪已经下降 我从来没有指望\'时间\'的原因 我被你的爱所包围 和天都不会太长 在游行队伍四个赛季 ...

[English]Way Down In The Hole

[English lyric] When you walk through the garden You gotta watch your back Well I beg your pardon Walk the straight and narrow track If you walk with Jesus He's gonna save your soul You gotta ...

[中文对照] 当你在花园漫步 你得看着你的背影 好吧对不起 走在笔直,狭窄的赛道 如果你与耶稣同行 他是要去拯救你的灵魂 你必须保持魔鬼 在洞口一路下滑 他有火和愤怒 ...