[English lyric] I don't want to be hostile. I don't want to be dismal. But I don't want to rot in an apathetic existance either. See I want to believe you, and I want to trust and I want to ...
[中文对照] 我不想有敌意。 我并不想成为惨淡。 但我不想在一个冷漠的存在性腐烂任。 见 我想相信你, 我要信任 我想有信心,收起了匕首。 但是你撒谎,欺骗和偷窃。 ...
[English]Prison Sex
[English lyric] It took so long to remember just what happened. I was so young and vestal then, you know it hurt me, but I'm breathing so I guess I'm still alive even if signs seem to tell me ...
[中文对照] 花了这么久才记得刚才发生了什么事。 我是那么的年轻,维斯塔然后, 你知道它伤害了我, 但我还在呼吸,所以我想我还活着 即使迹象似乎告诉我,否则。 ...
[English lyric] There's a shadow just behind me, Shrouding every step I take, Making every promise empty, Pointing every finger at me. Waiting like a stalking butler Who upon the finger rests. ...
[中文对照] 还有就是我身后的影子, 笼罩我的每一步走, 使每一个承诺空, 指着每个手指着我。 等待像盯梢管家 谁在手指休息。 现在杀人的道路“咄咄” ...
[English lyric] My compassion is broken now. My will is eroded, and my desire stolen and it makes me feel ugly. I'm on my knees and burning. My piss and moans are the fuel that set my head on ...
[中文对照] 现在,我的同情心被打破。 我的意志被侵蚀, 而我的愿望被盗,这让我觉得自己很丑。 我对我的膝盖和燃烧。 我的小便又岂是把我的头放在火的燃料。 ...
[English]Crawl Away
[English lyric] You crawled away from me. Slipped away from me. I tried to keep ahold, but there was nothing I could say. You slid and crept away and there was nothing I could say. So what ...
[中文对照] 你从我身边爬走。 从我身边溜走。 我试图保持阿霍德, 但有什么我可以说的。 您滑下来,蹑手蹑脚走 有什么我可以说的。 那么,你想说的 是你不想玩。 ...
[English]Swamp Song
[English lyric] My warning meant nothing. You're dancing in quicksand. Why don't you watch where you're wandering? Why don't you watch where you're stumbling? You're wading knee deep and going ...
[中文对照] 我的警告意味着什么。 你是跳舞的流沙。 你为什么不看您在何处徘徊? 为什么你不看,你正在蹒跚? 你趟过齐膝深,并去研究。 你可能永远不会再回来。 ...
[English lyric] Two times in. I've been struck dumb by a voice that speaks, from deep beneath peerless water that's, twice as clear as heaven, twice as loud as reason. Deep and rich like silt ...
[中文对照] 两次英寸 我已经瞠目结舌了一个声音 说,从绝世水的地下深处, 两倍清楚天堂, 两次一样响亮的理由。 深而丰富的淤泥状的河床, 正如无止境的。 ...
[English]4 Degrees
[English lyric] Get up and free yourself from yourself. Locked up inside you, like the calm beneath castles, is a cavern of treasures that noone has been to. Let's go digging. Bring it out to ...
[中文对照] 站起来,自己从自己。 锁在里面你, 像城堡之下的平静, 是宝藏洞穴的 没有人曾去过。 让我们去挖掘。 把它拿出来带你了。 你不会做你想要做什么。 ...
[English lyric] Here comes the water. All I knew and all I believed are crumbling images that no longer comfort me. I scramble to reach higher ground, some order and sanity, or something to ...
[中文对照] 这里谈到的水。 我所知道的和我所相信 摇摇欲坠的图像 不再安慰我。 ì手忙脚乱地达到更高的地面上, 一些秩序和理智, 什么来安慰我。 ...
[English lyric] And the angel of the lord came unto me, snatching me up from my place of slumber. And took me on high, and higher still until we moved to the spaces betwixt the air itself. And ...
[中文对照] 耶和华的使者临到我,从我的地方沉睡抢我。 并带我上高,高静止不动,直到我们搬到了模棱两可的空气本身的空间。 他又领我到我们自己中西部广阔的农田。 ...
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