英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Too Much Information 中的所有曲目
专辑 Too Much Information 中的所有曲目:

Too Much Information


类型: album

[English]Give, Get, Take

[English lyric] You give a little, you get a little, then you take a little more. I give a little, I get a little, but I want you more. I feel the swell of perspiration. You are a direct ...

[中文对照] 你给一点点,你就会得到一点点, 那么你需要多一点。我给 一点点,我得到了一点,但我想你 更多。我觉得排汗的膨胀。   你是一个直接的灵感。 ...

[English]Brain Cells

[English lyric] An all-nighter, full of paranoia. There’s no structure; a vendetta. We have what we need, and we worked to get here, so why is there more that’s so far yet so near? Did I learn ...

[中文对照] 全通宵,充满了偏执狂。 有没有结构;仇杀。 我们有我们所需要的,而我们 曾到这里,为何 还有更多的是,到目前为止还没有这样 附近?难道我今天学到什么 ...

[English]Leave This Island

[English lyric] Have you ever been compelled? Under a spell? From a protagonist who knows you far too well? Have you ever been undone by a slip of the tongue? And betrayed a side of you that ...

[中文对照] 你曾经被强迫? 下一个法术?从主角 谁知道你太多吗?有 你是否曾经被撤消了一溜 舌?而出卖 你一面,感到来之不易?所以, 我们看水膨胀从 苏格兰酒店。 ...

[English]Lydia, The Ink Will Never Dry

[English lyric] Near the Palace Hotel, where you used to dwell, engraved against your wishes (one of your greatest misses) — you hope the ink will never dry. You’re fooling yourself. You feel ...

[中文对照] 附近的皇宫酒店,在那里你 用于居住,对刻 你的愿望(你最大的1 未命中) - 您希望将墨水 永不干涸。你想骗自己。 你觉得设置。你告诉 ...

[English]My Bloody Mind

[English lyric] Blindfolded — this is no parlour game. Unfold me so I am free again. A random phrase is as good as any. You said you want to leave, but I saw you standing there. I look for a ...

[中文对照] 蒙住眼睛 - 这是没有客厅 游戏。展现了我让我自由 再次。随机短语作为 不比任何人差。你说你想要 要离开,但我看到你站在 那里。我找了死缓,但随后 ...

[English]Is It True?

[English lyric] Disappearing into you — you can feel me coming through. Is it true? Close to understanding you — you can feel me coming through. Is it true? Now that I’m in bed with you ...

[中文对照] 消失在你 - 你可以 觉得我来过。是真的吗? 关闭了解你 - 你 能感觉到我来过。是 是真的吗?现在,我在床上 你听你喜欢的 曲调,矛盾。你可以告诉 ...

[English]Drinking Martinis

[English lyric] Above a bar called Tokyo we watch the post-work traffic flow, selective of the drinks that we buy. We used to drink the riverbed dry, you and I. We act as if the people we were ...

[中文对照] 上面的一个酒吧叫做东京我们 观看后的工作流量, 选择的饮品,我们 买。我们习惯喝河床 干的,你和我,我们作为如果 我们的人都走了,但 ...

[English]I Recognise The Light

[English lyric] I visit South America via a dead man’s words: undercover priests and barren parks. I visit through a different man’s images, exercising in his underwear, laminating the past. ...

[中文对照] í通过一个死访问南美 男人的话:卧底牧师 而荒芜的公园。我经历了参观 不同的人的形象,行使 在他的内衣,层压 过去的。我从来没有去过墨西哥 ...

[English]Midnight On The Hill

[English lyric] A floodlit tennis court. We play nocturnal sport and wear our skew-whiff smiles. A designated drive; a vehicle alive with voices quick and shrill. I tell my secrets to a ...

[中文对照] 灯光网球场。我们玩 昼伏夜出的运动和穿我们 歪斜味儿的笑容。一个指定的 开车;活着的声音车辆 快速和刺耳。我告诉我的秘密 一个完全陌生的。已经是半夜了 ...

[English]Her Name Was Audre

[English lyric] On the back of a hand Something about poetry. At the back of a throat Something about luxury. You never want to leave the local library. She always thought that you might ...

[中文对照] 在手背 一些关于诗歌。 在咽喉后部 一些关于奢侈品。 你永远都不想离开 当地的图书馆。   她一直以为你 可以理解的。 她的名字叫Audre和 ...

[English]Where We're Going

[English lyric] “I don’t know where we’re going, but you know where we’re going and if you know where we’re going, well that’s fine with me.” I looked in your eyes and they both told me ...

[中文对照] “我不知道我们要去的地方, 但你知道我们要去哪里 如果你知道我们是 去,嗯,这没问题。 “   我看着你的眼睛,他们 无论叫我什么都没有。我读 ...

[English]Middlesbrough Man

[English lyric] It's springtime, but I still miss the streets at dawn And in the morning, walking your bridges home As I sit in stare, all of England saw us I'll tell you something, I wish I ...

[中文对照] 这是春天,但在黎明我仍然想念街头 到了早晨,走你家的桥梁 当我坐在瞪眼,所有的英格兰看见我们 我要告诉你一件事,我想我是在米德尔斯堡 我不介意我自己 ...

[English]I'll Be Here In The Morning

[English lyric] There's no stronger wind than the one that blows Down a lonesome railroad line No prettier sight than looking back On a town you left behind There is nothin' that's as real As ...

[中文对照] 有没有强风比一个吹 下了寂寞的铁路线 不漂亮的视线不是回头看 在一个小镇,你留下来 有没什么,这是因为真正的 作为一个爱在我心中 ...

[English]Lover, Lover, Lover

[English lyric] I asked my father, I said, "Father change my name." The one I'm using now it's covered up with fear and filth and cowardice and shame. He said, "I locked you in this body, I ...

[中文对照] 我问爸爸, 我说: “爸爸我改名字。 ” 我现在使用一个它掩盖起来 恐惧和肮脏和懦弱和耻辱。 他说,“我在这个机构锁定你, 我的意思是它作为一种试验。 ...

[English]Northern Sky

[English lyric] I never felt magic crazy as this I never saw moons knew the meaning of the sea I never held emotion in the palm of my hand Or felt sweet breezes in the top of a tree But now ...

[中文对照] 我从来不觉得神奇的疯狂,因为这 我从来没有见过月亮知道海的意思 我从来没有在我的手掌情感举行 还是觉得甜蜜的微风在树的顶部 但现在你在这里 ...

[English]Final Day

[English lyric] When the rich die last like the rabbits Running from a lucky past full of shadow cunning And the world lights up for the final day We will all be poor having had our say Put a ...

[中文对照] 当最后一个丰富的死像兔子 从一个幸运的过去充满阴影狡猾的运行 与世界亮起来的最后一天 我们都将有穷有我们的发言权 把一条毯子上窗玻璃 当宝宝再次哭摇篮曲 ...

[English]Fade Into You

[English lyric] I want to hold the hand inside you I want to take a breath that's true I look to you and I see nothing I look to you to see the truth You live your life You go in shadows ...

[中文对照] 我想握住的手里面,你 我想喘口气这是真的 我看着你,我什么也看不到 我期待你看清真相 你住你的生活你走在阴影 您会散开,你会去黑 某种晚上到你的黑暗 ...