英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Tonight And The Rest Of My Life 中的所有曲目
专辑 Tonight And The Rest Of My Life 中的所有曲目:

Tonight And The Rest Of My Life


类型: album

[English]Now I Can Die

[English lyric] he takes me everywhere he goes and he goes everywhere he likes to try on all my clothes but not my underwear and he never hates me just wants to levitate me now i know the ...

[中文对照] 他把我带他到处去和他去任何地方,他 喜欢尝试对我所有的衣服,但不是我的内衣和他 从来没有恨我只是想现在就悬浮我,我知道 ...


[English lyric] hey baby why'd you turn away i was about to say something baby i thought would make you smile at least for a little while oh well baby that's the way it goes right from my head ...

[中文对照] 嘿,亲爱的,为什么你走了我刚想说 什么宝贝,我想会令你的微笑 至少一小会儿哦宝贝是这样的 这样它会直接从我的头到我的脚趾, ...

[English]Tonight And The Rest Of My Life

[English lyric] Down to the earth I fell With dripping wings Heavy things won't fly And the sky might catch on fire And burn the axis of the world That's why I prefer a sunless sky To the ...

[中文对照] 倒在地上我摔倒 随着淋漓的翅膀 重的东西不会飞 和天空可能会着火 并刻录了世界的轴 这就是为什么我喜欢一个没有阳光的天空 在我眼中的闪光点和刺痛 ...


[English lyric] the pinch one inch half a head and half dead no pain no gain there's a million voices in my brain it's like a game of hide and seek and i play every day i close my eyes and i ...

[中文对照] 捏一英寸半头半死不 一分耕耘一分收获有一百万的声音在我的脑子很 就像一场捉迷藏和我玩,我每天 闭上双眼,我数到十一二三和 ...

[English]Horses In The City

[English lyric] they walk the horses home at night right by my window they pull their carriages along busy city streets it's from another time it's like a lullaby but i don't think that i can ...

[中文对照] 他们走了马家,晚上就在我 窗口他们拉他们的车沿着繁忙的城市 街道是从其他时间它就像催眠曲,但我 不要以为我可以睡觉,今晚让我算 ...

[English]Hold On To Me

[English lyric] we're the same and you don't even know it we're afraid and we try not to show it and you're tired and i am too so there's only one thing you can do you've got to hold me and ...

[中文对照] 我们是一样的,你甚至不知道它 我们害怕,我们尽量不表现出来,你就 累了,我也是这样,只有一个东西,你 可你得抱我,并告诉我 你需要不要怕什么你就感觉 ...

[English]New Year's Eve

[English lyric] normally i'd be french-twisting my hair and selecting the right earrings to wear it's a special evening for most normally i'd be proposing a toast but not this year because i'm ...

[中文对照] 一般情况下我是法国人扭我的头发, 选择合适的耳环来佩带它是一个特殊的 晚上最通常我会提出一个 敬酒,但不是今年,因为我在这里的 ...

[English]Fade To Black

[English lyric] and it feels like a movie 'cause i've done something heavy now i'm all alone and you know i like it well i wish i was older i could hold my liquor then i 'd blow your cover ...

[中文对照] 而且感觉就像一部电影因为我已经做了 沉重的东西现在我独自一人,你知道我 喜欢它嗯,我想我变老了,我可以牵我的酒 然后我会吹我自己的封面,而不是 ...

[English]Number One Camera

[English lyric] number one camera so here i go i know this feeling awfully well i could build a camera custom made to tape record the smell of the perfume that we used to share until you ...

[中文对照] 排名第一的相机,所以在这里,我去,我知道这种感觉 天威嗯,我可以建立一个摄像头定制 到磁带上记录的香水的气味,我们 用于分享,直到你洒在地板上什么 ...

[English]Got Me Down

[English lyric] and this is the way it's going to be i gave him away and now i'm free but he was the life i meant to lead there's nothing left of me but this is my melody and why must the ...

[中文对照] 这是它的方式将是我送给他 走,现在我自由了,但他的生活中,我 为了带领没有什么我离开,但此 是我的旋律,为什么必须在晚上通过爬 ...

[English]Too Slow To Ride

[English lyric] from the moment i arrived until the day that i died i was selfish and slow too slow to ride by your side i was so afraid that i began to fade now another bright has turned to ...

[中文对照] 从我到达了,直到有一天,我 死了,我是自私的,缓慢的速度太慢了骑 你的身边我很害怕,我现在就开始褪色 另一种光明已经变成了灰色,有人 ...

[English]Hate Your Way

[English lyric] i hate your way i don't care what you say i hate your way i don't care and i 'm only half there so i don't care they can cut me down 'til i'm the talk of the town i'm a fool ...

[中文对照] 我讨厌你的方式我不在乎你说什么我恨 你的方法我不关心,我现在只有一半有,所以我 不在乎他们可以把我下来“直到我的话题 ...

[English]The End Of The World

[English lyric] Why does the sun go on shining Why does the sea rush to shore Don't they know it's the end of the world 'Cause you don't love me any more Why do the birds go on singing Why do ...

[中文对照] 为什么太阳继续照耀 为什么海水冲上岸边 难道他们不知道这是世界末日 “因为你不爱我了 为什么鸟儿去唱歌 为什么星星发光以上 难道他们不知道这是世界末日 ...