英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 To Drive The Cold Winter Away 中的所有曲目
专辑 To Drive The Cold Winter Away 中的所有曲目:

To Drive The Cold Winter Away


类型: album

[English]In Praise Of Christmas

[English lyric] All hail to the days that merit more praise Than all the rest of the year And welcome the nights that double delights As well for the poor as the peer! Good fortune attend each ...

[中文对照] 所有冰雹值得更赞的日子 比当年的所有其他 并欢迎之夜的双重乐趣 以及为穷人作为同行! 好运参加每个快乐的人的朋友 这岂但是最好的,他可以 ...

[English]The Seasons

[English lyric] Come all you lads and lasses, I'd have you give attention To these few lines I'm about to write here Tis of the four seasons of the year that I shall mention The beauty of all ...

[中文对照] 来到你的小伙子和少女穿着,我不得不给你的关注 为了这几行,我要在这里写 这一年的四季,我要提到的那朵 万物的美凸现出现 现在,你还年轻,都在你的繁荣 ...

[English]The King

[English lyric] Health, love and peace be all here in this place By your leave we shall sing, concerning our King Our King is well-dressed in silks of the best In ribbons so rare no king can ...

[中文对照] 健康,爱与和平是所有在这个地方 您离开我们应唱,对我们的国王 我们的国王是精心装扮的最好的丝绸 在彩带如此罕见没有王可以比较 ...


[English lyric] White are the far-off plains, and white The fading forests grow; The wind dies out along the height, And denser still the snow, A gathering weight on roof and tree, Falls down ...

[中文对照] 白色是遥远的平原,和白色 衰落的森林生长; 随风而逝沿的高度, 和更密集的依然是雪, 采集点的重量在屋顶和树上, 跌倒稀缺出声来。 ...


[English lyric] I come from hevin which to tell The best nowells that e'er befell To you thir tythings trew I bring And I will of them say and sing. This day to you is born ane child Of Marie ...

[中文对照] 我来自hevin的告诉 这额尔降临的最佳nowells 你THIR tythings特鲁我带 我就对他们说,唱歌。 这一天,你是天生姊儿 ...

[English]Let Us The Infant Greet

[English lyric] Let us the Infant greet In worship before Him fall And let us pay Him homage meet On this His festival. Let us to the Infant sing And bring Him of gifts rich store Let us ...

[中文对照] 让我们迎接婴儿 在崇拜他倒下之前, 让我们拜谒他见面 在这个他的节日。 让我们给婴儿唱 并带来了丰富的礼品店他 让我们履行我们的婴儿景 赞美,直到永远。 ...

[English]The Wexford Carol

[English lyric] Good people all, this Christmas-time Consider well and bear in mind What our good God for us has done In sending his beloved Son. With Mary holy we should pray To God with love ...

[中文对照] 善良的人们啊,这个圣诞节时 考虑好并牢记 我们有什么好神为我们做了 在送他的爱子。 随着圣玛我们应该祈祷 神用爱这个圣诞节 在伯利恒后的早晨 ...

[English]Let All That Are To Mirth Inclined

[English lyric] Let all that are to mirth inclined Consider well and bear in mind What our good God for us has done In sending his beloved Son For to redeem our souls from thrall Christ is the ...

[中文对照] 让所有的人都以欢笑倾斜 考虑好并牢记 我们有什么好神为我们做了 在送他的爱子 为了赎回我们从萨尔的灵魂 基督是我们所有人的救世主。 十二月二十五天 ...