英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 This Is Country Music 中的所有曲目
专辑 This Is Country Music 中的所有曲目:

This Is Country Music


类型: album

[English]This Is Country Music

[English lyric] You're not supposed to say the word "cancer" in a song. And tellin' folks Jesus is the answer can rub 'em wrong. It ain't hip to sing about tractors, trucks, little towns, and ...

[中文对照] 你不应该说在一首歌的词“癌症” 。 而在告诉人们耶稣是答案可以擦\'时间错了。 这不是臀部唱拖拉机,卡车,小城镇,妈妈,是的,这可能是真的。 ...

[English]Old Alabama

[English lyric] She’d rather wear a pair of cut-off jeans than a fancy evening dress, And with her windows rolled down and her hair all blown around, she’s a hot southern mess... She’ll take a ...

[中文对照] 她宁愿穿一双截止牛仔裤不是花哨的晚礼服, 和她摇下车窗,她的头发全部吹的时候,她是一个炎热的南部一塌糊涂...... ...

[English]A Man Don't Have To Die

[English lyric] Well he yelled out from the back row look here preacher man We all know you're new here but you need to understand It don't really scare us when you yell and shake your fist ...

[中文对照] 嗯,他大吼一声,从后排看这里传道人 我们都知道你是新来的,但你要明白 它真的不吓唬我们,当你叫喊,动摇你的拳头 你看,我们已经知道地狱的存在 ...


[English lyric] Kevin wasn't really all that popular in school But I remember well the day I thought now that guy's pretty cool He pulled into the parking lot and everybody cheered Because he ...

[中文对照] 凯文是不是真的,在学校受欢迎 不过,我记得很清楚我现在觉得那家伙很酷的一天 他拉进了停车场,大家都欢呼雀跃 因为他已经走了,画他的整个雪佛兰骑士伪装 ...

[English]Remind Me

[English lyric] [Brad:] We didn't care if people stared We'd make out in a crowd somewhere Somebody'd tell us to get a room It's hard to believe that was me and you Now we keep saying that ...

[中文对照] [布拉德: ] 我们不介意人们睁大了眼睛 我们会做出来在人群中的某个地方 Somebody\'d告诉我们,让一个房间 很难相信,这是我和你 ...

[English]Working On A Tan

[English lyric] She's got the focus she's got the time she's got a deeper shade in mind She's got headphones She's got spring break Swimsuit and Coppertone 8 She's working on a tan She's ...

[中文对照] 她有重点 她有时间 她有一点更深的树荫 她有耳机 她有春假泳装和水里8 她工作的一个棕褐色 她坐在沙寒心椅子上,花她的头发玛格丽塔在她的手 ...

[English]Love Her Like She's Leavin'

[English lyric] We cut the cake, everybody danced, and some people drank too much. You looked like the cover, of a bride's magazine, and I looked like some guy in a tux. I'll never forget, ...

[中文对照] 我们切蛋糕,大家跳舞,有的人喝多了。 你看像盖,新娘的杂志,我看着像晚礼服的一些人。 我永远不会忘记,当你的比尔叔叔,拉过一把椅子坐了下来, 并说: ...

[English]One Of Those Lives

[English lyric] Rush hour traffic, Always puts me in a bad mood. I got chewed out by the boss today, And now I'm stuck on highway 92. Then you call me on my cell phone, While I'm cussin' out a ...

[中文对照] 交通高峰期, 总是使我心情不好。 今天去咀嚼出来的老板, 现在我被困在高速公路上92 。 然后你叫我在我的手机, 虽然我cussin \'了凯迪拉克。 ...


[English lyric] Love starts with a toothbrush, A Bic razor and a Dixie cup A little splash of aftershave, Before you leave for that first date See stars in both your eyes After that long kiss ...

[中文对照] 爱情因一个牙刷, 比克剃须刀和迪克西杯 须后水的飞溅小, 在你离开的第一次约会 看到两个眼睛星星 这长吻晚安后 永远的开始与一个手提箱, ...

[English]Be The Lake

[English lyric] There ain't nothing I would rather see Than you drying off on this dock I've been thinking, it's so good to be me But girl, on second thought Wish I could be the beach towel ...

[中文对照] 有没有什么我宁愿看 比你在这个码头晒过 我一直在想,它是如此之好,是我 但女孩,在第二个想法 希望我能成为你的所规定的沙滩巾 ...


[English lyric] Hi, what about Western? Yeah [Clint Eastwood] You want Western? This is Western. [Instrumental]

[中文对照] 嗨,有什么关于西方?是啊 [克林特·伊斯特伍德] 你想西?这是西方的。 [器乐]

[English]New Favorite Memory

[English lyric] You're fumbling around in the bedroom, Trying to put on your shoes, Hair still down, dress half on, Looking like you’re about to blow a fuse. I know what’s about to happen, I ...

[中文对照] 你摸索周围的卧室, 试图把你的鞋子, 头发仍然下跌,上半裙, 恰似你即将熔断熔丝。 我知道什么是即将发生的事情, 我可以看你喜欢的一本书, ...

[English]Don't Drink The Water

[English lyric] Empty house, Empty Rooms, Empty bottle of Petron I need to go out but not around here There ain't nowhere we haven't gone There's this travel agent that I know who says Cozumel ...

[中文对照] 空房子,空房间,空瓶子彼得龙的 我需要走出去,但不是在这里 没有无处我们没有走 有这种旅行社,我知道科苏梅尔说谁是真正的好 ...

[English]I Do Now

[English lyric] I never knew how people wound up in a bar In the middle of the day Broken souls or broken lives From the choices that they made I didn't know how much I had to lose When I ...

[中文对照] 我从来不知道人们是如何缠绕在酒吧 在一天的中间 破碎的灵魂或折断的生活 从他们所做的选择 我不知道我有多么已经失去 当我把一切都带走 ...

[English]Life's Railway To Heaven

[English lyric] Life is like a mountain railway With an engineer that's brave We must make the run successful From the cradle to the grave Watch for curves and hills and valleys Never falter ...

[中文对照] 人生就像一座山铁路 随着工程师这是勇敢的 我们必须使运行成功 从摇篮到坟墓 观察曲线和丘陵和山谷 永不动摇永远不会失败 并保持你的双手在油门 ...