英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 The Virginian 中的所有曲目
专辑 The Virginian 中的所有曲目:

The Virginian


类型: album


[English lyric] My love was like a seed that you had planted The root was not as strong as it could be And as the years went on, you weren't enchanted So you fell it like a great big tree Now ...

[中文对照] 我的爱是这样的,你已经埋下了种子 根源是没有那么强,因为它可以 而随着岁月的流逝,你不陶醉 于是你爱上它像一个巨大的大树下 现在,我坠落的木材 ...

[English]Bowling Green

[English lyric] Way down in Bowlin' Green Prettiest girls I've ever seen A man in Kentucky sure is lucky To love down in Bowlin' Green Bowlin' Green folks treat you kind They let you think ...

[中文对照] 在鲍林“绿色一路下滑 我见过的最漂亮的女孩 一名男子在肯德基肯定是幸运的 爱在鲍林的“绿色下来 鲍林“绿色人样对待你 他们让你觉得你自己的心灵 ...


[English lyric] I didn't let go 'cause you hurt me I didn't let go so you'd stay I did let you go 'cause I love you so much And it kills me to see us this way Love saved my life when you found ...

[中文对照] 我没有放手,因为你伤害了我 我没有放手,所以你会留 我没让你走,因为我太爱你了 它杀死我看到我们这样 爱救了我的生活,当你找到了我 阿债务我只能偿还 ...

[English]High On Cruel

[English lyric] I shine like the sun I'm on fire right now Your tears have come too late You break down the door There's already nothing I've only one heart to take I've got all of what you're ...

[中文对照] í明亮如太阳 我在燃烧,现在 你的眼泪来得太晚 你破门而入 有没有已经 我只有一个心脏取 我已经得到了所有你在哭什么,现在的 你的眼泪来得太晚 ...


[English lyric] Oh, the path you walk is on fire, So wild and unashamed With a passion you inspire I'm gonna keep those men at bay Cowgirl you've got that something Of what all my dreams are ...

[中文对照] 哦,你走的路是火, 因此,野生和毫无顾忌 与你激发热情 我要留着这些人拒之门外 女牛仔,你就是我的事 什么我所有的梦想编织而成 ...

[English]Lonely Old Lies

[English lyric] Sittin' here lost in my senses Drownin' in old memories Brought down from on high When you said goodbye Seems all that I lived for were lies Lonely old lies Your rhetoric cries ...

[中文对照] 坐在这里,我感觉失去了 Drownin “旧的回忆 从高回落 当你说再见 似乎所有我活了是谎言 孤老谎言 你的言辞哭声 我永远也不会学到什么也没从你 ...

[English]Honky Tonk Hiccups

[English lyric] I got the honky tonk hiccups Ready steady go I got the honky tonk hiccups Ready steady go Honky tonk hiccups Ready steady go I found the cure on the hardwood floor When I got ...

[中文对照] 我得到的低级夜总会打嗝 准备去稳定 我得到的低级夜总会打嗝 准备去稳定 低级夜总会打嗝 准备去稳定 我发现在硬木地板上的治愈 当我下班回家 ...

[English]The Virginian

[English lyric] When I was young, I knew a girl Who wouldn't love god as a test Or gamble with her happiness And so led astray So she did turn Her father would say, 'You're only a guest of the ...

[中文对照] 当我年轻的时候,我就知道一个女孩 谁不爱上帝作为测试 或与她的幸福去赌 因此带坏 于是,她没有打开 她的父亲会说, “你只是一个客人的主人” ...


[English lyric] It's your bicycle bells And your Rembrandt swells You're children like And still breathing It's your look of loss When you're coming across Makes me feel like a thief When ...

[中文对照] 这是你的自行车铃声 和你的伦勃朗膨胀 你像孩子 而且还有呼吸 这是你的样子亏损 如果你来过 让我觉得自己像一个小偷 当你在流血 公爵,公爵夫人 ...

[English]Thanks A Lot

[English lyric] Thanks Thanks a lot I got a broken heart That's all I've got You made me cry Now I cried a lot I lost your love baby Thanks a lot You told our friend As I was passin' by That ...

[中文对照] 谢谢 多谢 我有一个破碎的心脏 这就是我的一切 你让我哭 现在,我哭得很伤心 我失去了你的爱宝贝 多谢 你告诉我们的朋友 因为我是passin \'由 ...

[English]Somebody Led Me Away

[English lyric] You'll come in with the sun in the mornin' Like you've done so often before But you won't find me asleep on the sofa Exhausted from walkin' the floor 'Cause while you were ...

[中文对照] 你会来与太阳在清晨 就像你以前经常这样做 但你不会找到我在沙发上睡着了 从沃尔\'地板用尽 对别人“,而你leadin原因\', 我的心脏是跌到\'走 ...


[English lyric] Don't you misfire to fill me up With the desire to carry on. Don't you know honey that love's a game. It's always hit or miss, so take your aim. Gotta hold on tight, Shoot me ...

[中文对照] 难道你不失效,填补了我 以进行的愿望。 难道你不知道亲爱的爱是一场游戏。 它总是击中或错过,所以把你的目标。 我得抓紧了, 拍我的视线。 ...