[English]The Last Ship
[English lyric] It's all there in the gospels, the Magdalene girl Comes to pay her respects, but her mind is awhirl. When she finds the tomb empty, the stone had been rolled, Not a sign of a ...
[中文对照] 这一切都没有了福音,抹大拉的女孩 来支付她的尊重,但她的心是awhirl 。 当她发现坟墓已空,石头已经推出, 在黑暗和寒冷的尸体不是一个标志。 ...
[English]Dead Man's Boots
[English lyric] You see these work boots in my hands, they'll probably fit ye now my son, Take them, they're a gift from me, why don't you try them on? It would do your old man good to see you ...
[中文对照] 你看我手上这些工作靴,他们可能会适合现在你们要我的儿子, 带他们,他们是从我的礼物,你为什么不尝试一下呢? ...
[English]And Yet
[English lyric] This town, this stain on the sunrise, Disguised in the mist this morning, It's 8AM, a seagull shouts a sailor's warning. This sky, this bend in the river, Slows down and ...
[中文对照] 这个城市,这个污点日出, 今天上午变相在雾中, 这是上午08时,一只海鸥呼喊水手的警告。 这天,这个河湾, 减慢,并提供了我,浪潮回滚, ...
[English]August Winds
[English lyric] When August winds are turning, The fishing boats set out upon the sea, I watch 'til they sail out of sight, The winter follows soon, I watch them drawn into the night, Beneath ...
[中文对照] 当八月的风转向, 载在海上的渔船, 我看,直到他们航行的视线, 冬天如下很快, 看着他们画到深夜, 下方八月的月亮。 没有人知道我来这里, ...
[English]Language Of Birds
[English lyric] They say there's an underground river, That none of us can see, And it flows through winding tunnels, On its way to a tide-less sea. And across that sea is an island, A ...
[中文对照] 他们说,有一个地下河, 那我们谁都可以看到, 它流经蜿蜒的隧道, 在它的途中到潮少海。 而对面的海是一座孤岛, 上有天堂,我们被告知, ...
[English]Practical Arrangement
[English lyric] Am I asking for the moon? Is it really so implausible? That you and I could soon Come to some kind of arrangement? I'm not asking for the moon I've always been a realist When ...
[中文对照] 我是不是一步登天? 是不是真的这么不可信? 你和我可能很快 快来某种安排? 我不是一步登天 我一直是一个现实主义者 当它真的仅此而已 不是简单的重排 ...
[English]The Night The Pugilist Learned How To Dance
[English lyric] In the streets around here there was nobody tougher than me, I was quick with me fists and fast with me footwork as you can plainly see, But while fighting was useful for ...
[中文对照] 在街上在这里有没有人比我更强硬, 我快跟我的拳头,快速与我的步法,你可以清楚地看到, 不过,虽然战斗是让你的方式是有用的, ...
[English]Ballad Of The Great Eastern
[English lyric] In 18 hundred and 59, the engineer Brunel, Would build the greatest ship afloat, and rule the ocean's swell. Nineteen thousand tons of steel they used to shape the mighty keel, ...
[中文对照] 在18百59 ,工程师布鲁内尔, 将建立的最大的船漂浮,并统治海洋的膨胀。 十九万吨钢材,他们用来塑造强大的龙骨, ...
[English]What Have We Got?
[English lyric] Good people give ear to me story, Pay attention, and none of your lip, For I've brought you five lads and their daddy, Intending to build ye's a ship. Wallsend is wor ...
[中文对照] 对我好的人要听故事, 注意,没有你的唇, 因为我给你带来了5小伙子们和他们的爸爸, 有意打造你们的船。 沃尔森德是WOR居住, ...
[English]I Love Her But She Loves Someone Else
[English lyric] When a man of my age shaves his face in the morning, Who is it that stares back and greets him? The ghost of his father long dead all these years? Or the boy that he was, still ...
[中文对照] 在我这个年龄的人刮他的脸,早晨, 是谁在盯着回来,迎接他呢? 他的父亲的鬼魂早就死了这么多年? 或男孩,他是在耳朵还是湿的? 或者他所有的恐惧的可怕和, ...
[English]So To Speak
[English lyric] [Father O'Brian:] They're seriously saying it's prolonging me life, If I'll only submit to the surgical knife? But what are the odds on a month or a week? When the betting ...
[中文对照] [父亲奥布莱恩: ] 他们认真地说这是延长了我的生命, 如果我只递交给手术刀? 但什么是在一个月或一个星期的几率有多大? ...
[English]The Last Ship (Reprise)
[English lyric] Aye, the footmen are frantic in their indignation, You see, "The Queen's took a taxi herself to the station!" Where the porters, surprised by her lack of Royal baggage, Bustle ...
[中文对照] 是呀,侍者都疯狂在他们的愤慨, 你看, “女王的打了一辆出租车自己到车站! ” 当搬运工,她没有皇家行李惊讶, 忙碌她和三个威尔士矮脚狗到滑架的后部, ...
[English lyric] Ah, me name is Jackie White and I'm foreman of the yard, And ye don't mess with Jackie on this quayside. Why I'm as hard as iron plate, woe betide ye if yr late, When we have ...
[中文对照] 啊,我的名字是成龙白,我在院子里的领班, 你们不要乱跟大哥在这岸边。 为什么我坚硬如铁板,这逝去你们如果年年末, 当我们的船推出的大潮。 ...
[English]It's Not The Same Moon
[English lyric] Did you ever hear the theory of the universe? Where every time you make a choice, A brand new planet gets created? Did you ever hear that theory? Does it carry any sense? That ...
[中文对照] 你听说过宇宙的理论? 凡每次你做出选择, 一个全新的星球被创建? 你有没有听到这个理论? 是否携带任何意义吗? 一个选择可以一分为二的世界, ...
[English lyric] Ah, ye've gotta be joking, yr tekkin' the piss, I'd have to be stupid to go on wi' this, I wasn't born yesterday, or even last week, It's someone with sailing experience ye ...
[中文对照] 嗯, ye\'ve得是在开玩笑,年tekkin \'小便, 我得愚蠢下去无线“这个, 我又不是三岁,甚至在上周出生, 这是有人用的航海经验,你们寻求? ...
[English]Sky Hooks And Tartan Paint
[English lyric] Me first day in the shipyard, the gaffer says to me, "I want ye to go to the store lad and get a few things, ye see? Now here's a list, can ye read lad? Can ye read it back to ...
[中文对照] 在船厂我第一天,领班对我说, “我要你们去店里的小伙子,并得到了一些东西,你们看到了吗? 现在,这里有一个列表,你们可以阅读孩子?你们可以读给我送过来? ...
[English]Show Some Respect
[English lyric] Show some respect on this deck for the dear departed, Gather ye's round let's be bound by the work we started, Save all your strength for the length of the task before us, ...
[中文对照] 表现出一定的尊重在这个甲板亲爱的离去, 收集你们的一轮让我们通过我们开始工作的约束, 保存你所有的力量,为任务摆在我们面前的长度, ...
[English]Jock The Singing Welder
[English lyric] Any shipyard man can sing when he works upon the hull, Amongst the noise and the clamour that he all but disregards, So he'll sing to himself and no one pays him any mind, He's ...
[中文对照] 任何船厂人可以唱歌的时候,他的作品在船体, 当中的噪音和喧嚣,他几乎无视, 所以,他会唱歌给自己,没有人付给他的任何想法, 他在船厂只是一个疯狂的焊工。 ...
[English]Peggy's Song
[English lyric] Ye promised me my Jackie, On the day that we got married, Ye'd build a boat of dreams for me someday. A vague romantic notion, That we'd sail off to some ocean, But in my ...
[中文对照] 你们答应我,我的成龙, 在我们结婚的日子, Ye\'d打造梦想的船给我的一天。 一个模糊的浪漫的概念, 那我们就驶向了一些海洋, ...
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