英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 The Impossible: Mission TV Series: Pt. 1 中的所有曲目
专辑 The Impossible: Mission TV Series: Pt. 1 中的所有曲目:

The Impossible: Mission TV Series: Pt. 1


类型: compilation

[English]Live @ The Dugout '87

[English lyric] "Good morning gentlemen. In the absence of your responsibilities to Sanctuary Records and Tommy Boy Music, you've been left with free reign to conduct business as you see fit. ...

[中文对照] “早上好,先生们,在没有你的责任 为保护区记录和汤米男孩的音乐,你已经离开了 您认为合适的自由支配开展业务。你的任务, ...

[English]Voodoo Circus

[English lyric] [Dave:] Kick up the dust like "Another One Bites the" It ain't the Queen version, see you heard 'em back on Bentley Road with the show council - whattup Divine - the bell rang ...

[中文对照] [戴夫: ] 扬起的灰尘就像“另一个一咬” 这不是女王的版本,看看你听到他们回来的宾利道 与节目委员会 - whattup神州 - 下课铃响了 ...

[English]What The Fuck #1

[English lyric] [Posdnuos:] Aiyyo this is the "What the [BLEEP]" portion of the tape Where we play you, exclusive songs you never ever heard before That didn't make the album, that's why ...

[中文对照] [ Posdnuos : ] Aiyyo这是磁带的“什么[哔哔]”部 我们打你,你永远也不会听说过的独家歌曲 ...

[English]Go Out And Get It

[English lyric] [Intro:] I mean the only way that you gon' get it is to go out there and get it, y'knahmsayin? It's like sometimes you gotta just put it all and bet the farm You ain't gonna ...

[中文对照] [简介: ] 我的意思是你坤的唯一途径“得到它 是走出去,并得到它, y\'knahmsayin ? 这就像有时候你得只是把它全部和孤注一掷 ...


[English lyric] [Dave:] Hey yo I'm proud to be black y'all, wish I could bring Jay back DJ put the needle to the haystack Pump beats like eighty-six pumped crack Raise the heat for the summer, ...

[中文对照] [戴夫: ] 嘿哟我很自豪能够成为你们都黑,希望我能带周杰伦回 DJ放针的干草堆 泵击败像86抽裂 提高热的夏天,我们飞轮海 ...


[English lyric] [unknown guest poet:] Nah that's not what I mean I mean, every mornin I wake up and I give thanks Y'know, that I get dressed up and rob banks I don't need a mask, I ain't askin ...

[中文对照] [未知客人诗人: ] 罗那不是我的意思 我的意思是,每个早上我醒来的时候,我感谢 你知道吗,我穿好衣服,并抢劫银行 我不需要面具,我是不是阿斯金的好处 ...

[English]Reverse Ya Steps

[English lyric] [crowd noise, boxing bell rings] [Posdnuos:] Who floats like a butterfly, sting like a bee Not me! Leave that for that boxing great Yet I float like b-balls on a path to swish ...

[中文对照] [人群的嘈杂声,拳击铃声响起] [ Posdnuos : ] 谁花车就像一只蝴蝶,刺像蜜蜂 不是我!留到了伟大的拳击 然而,我像飘B-球的路径上沙沙 ...

[English]You Got It

[English lyric] [x4:] {"You got it"} {"I know you got.."} [Posdnuos:] The right to remain silent Anything you say can be used Chopped up, stretched and fused, with other shit to get The ...

[中文对照] [ X4 : ] {“你猜对了”} { “我知道你。” } [ Posdnuos : ] 保持沉默的权利 什么,你说可以用 ...

[English]Just Havin' A Ball

[English lyric] [Dave:] Yeah... it's De La You know we up in here, just doin what we gotta do This joint right here we call "Just Havin a Ball" Just havin a ball, y'know See my lady really ...

[中文对照] [戴夫: ] 是啊...这是德拉 你知道我们在这里,就上来了,我们要做的 该联合在这里我们所说的“只要就吃球” 刚刚就吃一球,你知道 ...


[English lyric] [Pos:] Alright y'all, WE HERE NOW! (This, is, a, Supa Supa, blast blast, Supa Supa, blast blast) [Chorus: x4] Relax your mind, let your conscience be free Get down girl, get ...

[中文对照] [排名: ]你们都好吧,我们现在在这里! (这是一个,苏帕苏帕,阵阵,苏帕苏帕,高炉鼓风) [合唱: X4 ] 放松你的心灵,让你的良心是自由的 ...

[English]The Corner

[English lyric] [Dave:] Yeah, the 15 millionth time, 15 and 1 Check it out Yo Com, how you rhyme to this slow shit Yeah yeah, check it out Yo memories of the corner, we huddled and stayed in ...

[中文对照] [戴夫: ] 是啊, 15个百万次, 15和1 看看这个 哟COM中,你如何押韵这个缓慢的狗屎 是啊是啊,看看 哟回忆的角落,大家挤,住麻烦 ...

[English]What The Fuck #3

[English lyric] [Dove:] Aight, back to the "What the [BLEEP]" portion of the tape Umm, this song right here we recorded... in the middle of "De La is Dead" and "3 Feet High and Rising" Think ...

[中文对照] 【鸠: ] Aight ,回到“什么[哔]”磁带的部分 嗯,这首歌就在这里,我们记录... 在中间的“德拉死了” ,“3英尺高,瑞星” ...