[English]The Gray Race
[English lyric] the framework of the world is black and white the infrastructure builders flex their might turning true emotion into digital expression one by one we all fall down the gray ...
[中文对照] 世界上的框架 是黑色和白色 基础设施的建设者 展示其威力 转向真正的情感 进入数字化表达 一个接一个,我们都倒下了 灰色比赛枯萎 被困它创建的世界里面 ...
[English]Them And Us
[English lyric] despite that he saw blatant similarity he struggled to find a distinctive moiety all he found was vulgar superficiality but he focused it to sharpness and shared it with the ...
[中文对照] 尽管他看到了赤裸裸的相似性 他在努力寻找一个独特的部分 他所发现的是庸俗肤浅 但他着重它的清晰度 和共享它与其他 它象征着他的愤怒和痛苦 他们和我们 ...
[English]A Walk
[English lyric] I'm going for a walk not the after dinner kind I'm gonna use my hands and I'm gonna use my mind and who the hell are you to tell me what to do? you can't even tie your own ...
[中文对照] 我要去散步 不是饭后样 我会用我的双手 而且我会用我的心 而到底是谁,你告诉我该怎么做? 你甚至不能配合自己憔悴的鞋子 ...
[English lyric] sleeping on a time bomb, staring into space there's an ocean of unpleasantries we are not prepared to face sitting on the fence post to watch the storm roll in and terrified of ...
[中文对照] 睡在一个定时炸弹,凝视太空 有unpleasantries我们没有准备好面对海洋 坐在围栏后观看风暴中滚 和惊恐的破坏它开始时,它会带来 它将开始 ...
[English]Punk Rock Song
[English lyric] have you been to the desert? have you walked with the dead? there's a hundred thousand children being killed for their bread and the figures don't lie they speak of human ...
[中文对照] 你去过沙漠? 你走的死了吗? 有一个十万儿童被杀害他们的面包 而数字是不会说谎的,他们说人类疾病 但我们做我们想要的,我们认为我们讨 你生活的经历吗? ...
[English]Empty Causes
[English lyric] everwhere you looked there was confusion, violence, drama and drugs so many righteous revolutionaries spouting utopian love everyone shrouded in purple haze then one day they ...
[中文对照] everwhere你看有混乱,暴力,戏剧和药物 如此多义的革命者喷出的爱情乌托邦 每个人都笼罩在紫雾 后来有一天,他们醒来的时候,从他们的梦想状态 ...
[English]Nobody Listens
[English lyric] Hey mister, don't point at me! You shout rhetoric nonsense like a Pavlovian model responding to his questions! Hey teacher, arrogance is bliss! You spend your time turning ...
[中文对照] 嘿老总,不要点我! 你喊豪言壮语废话就像巴甫洛夫的模型回应他的问题! 嘿老师,傲慢是福! 你花你的时间水变成生活中,如果你是神的工头! ...
[English]Pity The Dead
[English lyric] there's a boy in crimson rags with a grimace and a spoon, and a little sullen girl face-up staring at the moon and there's no one around to hear their lonesome cries then they ...
[中文对照] 有深红色一个衣衫褴褛的小男孩做了个鬼脸和勺子,和一点点愠怒 女孩面朝上盯着月亮 并有周围没有人听到他们的哭声寂寞 然后他们单独消逝在夜色中 ...
[English]Spirit Shine
[English lyric] Shed a tear for the criminal, give him something to believe Light a fire for the miserable, give the darkness some meaning Closed wounds harbor pestilence, when you lick them ...
[中文对照] 潸然泪下的犯罪,给他的东西相信 生火的很惨,给黑暗一些意义 封闭伤口怀有瘟疫,当您从他们舔 慈善有芬芳的贞洁不能撤销 精神熠熠生辉,这是一个标志 ...
[English]The Streets Of America
[English lyric] desolate and without purpose radiating from so many septic sources forming the fabric of a wayward people disappearing as the vestiges of our past scratched like tartan into ...
[中文对照] 荒凉,无目的 从这么多的化粪池源辐射 形成一个任性的人布 消失的我们过去的痕迹 像刮伤格子呢到处女地 在基材的进步和混乱 破碎的梦的传播网络 ...
[English]Ten In 2010
[English lyric] parched, cracked mouths, empty swollen guts sun-baked pavement encroaches on us haves and have-nots together at last brutally engaged in mortal combat 10 in 2010 what kind of ...
[中文对照] 口干舌燥,口裂空胆肿 太阳烤路面侵占我们 富人与穷人在一起,最后 惨遭从事殊死搏斗 在2010年10 什么样的神编排这样的事情? 在2010年10 ...
[English lyric] The velveteen and oaken fixture soothed the lonely child The parents watched the escort take him while they stood outside The priest was kind and gentle as he positioned his ...
[中文对照] 平绒和橡木夹具抚慰寂寞的孩子 父母看着护航把他当他们站在外面 祭司的仁慈和温和的,因为他的位置他的头 疼痛像硫磺,但孩子很难流血 胜利 在本能的智慧 ...
[English]Drunk Sincerity
[English lyric] the smell of virgin pages wafted through the swinging doors and the croaking speech he'd heard from countries counselors before they said "we all care for you, we know how you ...
[中文对照] 处女页的气味,通过摆动门飘荡 和叫声讲话他听到从国家心理咨询师之前, 他们说:“我们都在关心你,我们知道你是怎么受苦 但我知道你可以succed ...
[English]Come Join Us
[English lyric] so you say you gotta know why the world goes 'round and you can't find the truth in the things you've found and you're scared shitless 'cuz evil abounds come and join us well I ...
[中文对照] 所以你说,你必须知道为什么世界会绕着 你找不到的东西,你已经找到了真相 而你害怕狂妄\'因为邪恶的盛产 来和我们 还有我听说你正在寻找适合的地方 ...
[English lyric] Blacktop pavement cover me Like a chemical reaction or a steam roller Spreading randomly There's a distant buzz and a low frequency It tickles my ear, rumbles under my feet And ...
[中文对照] 柏油路路面覆盖了我 就像一个化学反应或蒸汽滚筒 随机传播 有一个遥远的嗡嗡声和低频 它逗我耳边隆隆在我的脚下 它动摇了叶子掉所有树上的果子(剧烈) ...
- 推荐专辑
- Palabra De Rey
- Poison
- Third/Sister Lovers
- Beautiful Imperfection
- Sweet Heart Sweet Light
- Paper Walls
- Pilot
- Adieu False Heart
- Calculating Infinity
- Weather Systems
- South Of Heaven, West Of Hell
- Colour Of The Trap
- The Life Pursuit
- Don McLean
- Fast Movin' Train
- Joanna Levesque
- J-Tull Dot Com
- Process Of Belief
- Ludacris Presents: Disturbing tha Peace
- Ananda
- All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
- 本站所有歌词的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权,仅供教育目的及仅限个人使用。