英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 The Foundation 中的所有曲目
专辑 The Foundation 中的所有曲目:

The Foundation


类型: album


[English lyric] I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand Not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand Life is good today. Life is good today. Well, the plane touched down just about 3 ...

[中文对照] 我得到了我的脚趾在水中,屁股在沙 不担心在世界上,冰镇啤酒在我手中 今天的生活是不错的。今天的生活是不错的。 那么,飞机降落只是3点左右 ...

[English]Whatever It Is

[English lyric] She's got eyes that cut you like a Knife and lips that taste like sweet red wine And her pretty legs go to heaven every time She got a gentle way that puts me at ease When she ...

[中文对照] 她有眼睛砍你像 刀和味道甜红葡萄酒的嘴唇 和她漂亮的双腿去天堂每次 她让那使我安心一个温柔的方式 当她走在一个房间,我几乎不能呼吸 ...

[English]Where The Boat Leaves From

[English lyric] There's a place, where the boat leaves from It takes away all of your big problems You got worries you can drop them in the blue ocean But you gotta get away to where the boat ...

[中文对照] 有一个地方,船离开从那里 它带走了所有的大问题 你有忧虑,您可以拖放到蓝海 不过,你得离开了船,从离开的地方 取一部分砂和1份海,香蕉树的一部分荫 ...


[English lyric] [Violin playing] So we live in our old van Travel all across this land Me and you We'll end up hand in hand Somewhere down on the sand Just me and you Just as free Free as ...

[中文对照] [小提琴演奏] 所以,我们生活在我们的老车 在这片土地的所有旅行 我和你 我们最终会手牵手 在沙滩上某处 只有我和你 正如自由 免费的,我们将永远是 ...

[English]Chicken Fried

[English lyric] You know I like my chicken fried And cold beer on a Friday night A pair of jeans that fit just right And the radio on Well I was raised up beneath the shade of a Georgia Pine ...

[中文对照] 你知道,我喜欢我的油炸鸡 而在周五晚上冰镇啤酒 一条牛仔裤适合恰到好处 并在电台 嗯,我提出了一个格鲁吉亚松树的树荫下 这就是家,你知道 ...


[English lyric] Mary, Mary, why you want to do me this way? I was dumb enough not to settle down when you wanted to Now I'm sittin' here going crazy trying to crawl back to you Mary, Mary, why ...

[中文对照] 玛丽,玛丽,你为什么要帮我这样? 我是哑巴够不安定下来的时候,你要 现在我坐在这里快要疯了试图爬回到你身边 玛丽,玛丽,你为什么要帮我这样? ...

[English]Different Kind Of Fine

[English lyric] She make a train take a dirt road Make it stop on a dime Make 'em wonder which way to go Make a man change his mind She's a lawyer's queen, a trucker's dream With a baseball ...

[中文对照] 她上火车走土路 使其停止对一角钱 让\'时间不知道该走哪条路 让一个人改变他的想法 她是一个律师的女王,卡车司机的梦想 用棒球帽成为皇后 ...

[English]Highway 20 Ride

[English lyric] I ride east every other Friday but if I had it my way Days would not be wasted on this drive And I want so bad to hold you Son, there's things I haven't told you Your mom and ...

[中文对照] 我坐东面隔周五,但如果我有我的方式 天不会这个驱动器上的浪费 我想如此糟糕抱着你 儿子,有事情我还没有告诉你 我和你妈妈就是无法相处 所以我开车送 ...

[English]It's Not Ok

[English lyric] A man was bothering me today and I wanted to tell him to go away But I stood and listened to him anyway, okay. He said he didn't want to shoot that man And it was his thing and ...

[中文对照] 一名男子今天,我被困扰着我 想告诉他走开 不过,我站着,听他反正没事。 他说,他不想拍,人 这是他的事情,我想不明白 而且他说他可以,没关系所做的一切。 ...


[English lyric] Cocaine flame in my bloodstream Sold my coat when I hit Spokane Bought myself a hard pack of cigarettes In the early mornin' rain Lately my hands they don't feel like mine My ...

[中文对照] 在我的血液中可卡因的火焰 卖了我的外套时,我打斯波坎 给自己买了香烟硬包 在早期的早上,雨 最近我的手,他们不觉得像我这样的 我的眼睛被刺痛了灰尘和盲目 ...

[English]Sic 'Em On A Chicken

[English lyric] Sic 'em on a chicken. Sic 'em on a chicken. Sic 'em on a chicken and watch them feathers fly Sic 'em on a chicken. Sic 'em on a chicken. Sic 'em on a chicken. Bring out the ...

[中文对照] SIC的歌鸡。 SIC的歌鸡。 骰“的鸡EM ,看着他们羽毛飞 SIC的歌鸡。 SIC的歌鸡。 SIC的歌鸡。 衬托出黄油和我们准备炒面粉。 ...