[Latin]In Sacred Flames
[Latin lyric] Convocare, Caelestis Bestia, Excidium Hominum Mortalis Dies Natalis, Nefarius, Detestari Dies Natalis, Odisse, Mortalis Dies Natalis, Odisse, Mortalis, Dies Excidium, Hominum, ...
[中文对照] 召集,天体 野兽,秋天 凡人 圣诞节,恶毒的诅咒 圣诞节,恨,致死 诞生之日起,恨,以及赋有一天 秋季,男装,秋天 召集天体兽 秋天,男装,秋,的陨落 ...
[English]Behold The Wicked Child
[English lyric] Rise up with fervid zeal Salvation's at hand Forged in flames as stars collide Recite the sacred rites Evoke the astral beast Black magic, astrology In sacred flames it ...
[中文对照] 站起来用炽热的热情 救赎是手头 在火焰中锻造的星星碰撞 背诵神圣的仪式 唤起星体兽 黑色魔术,占星术 在神圣的火焰它聚集的 古老的愤怒和牧师 ...
[English]Minions Of The Watch
[English lyric] When he was born The Elder gathered in the night They gave him shelter Clothed him, fed him with insight They taught him of the course Of human and the Setian ways Curriculum ...
[中文对照] 当他出生 长老聚集在夜间 他们给他庇护 给他穿上,喂他的洞察力 他们教的,当然他 人与Setian方式 课程只是害羞的讲 天结束 [合唱: ] ...
[English]The Revealing
[English lyric] The Revealing comes, now that he's thirteen Told of his coming trials, what is meant to be Taught the arts of the ancients for the mother's sake Time manipulation and of ...
[中文对照] 透出来了,现在,他是13 告诉他来的审判,是什么意思是 教古人的艺术对母亲的缘故 时间操纵换档形状和 他高举,爪牙涌向他 ...
[English]A Gift Or A Curse
[English lyric] I feel a heavy burden A million souls upon me weigh Though I've felt uncertain The more revealed, I've found my way Am I a gift, am I a curse? I'm one and all of God and Earth ...
[中文对照] 我觉得一个沉重的负担 数以百万计的灵魂在我身上的重量 虽然我觉得不确定性 更多的透露,我发现我的方式 我是一个礼物,我是祸? 我是一个和所有的神和地球 ...
[English]Crown Of The Fallen
[English lyric] Many lifetimes have come and gone In elation of this day By the Order's hand The minions forged his way At age thirteen Dawn the Days of Revealing The human forms will rue the ...
[中文对照] 许多寿命来来去去 在这一天的得意 该命令的手 爪牙伪造他的方式 在13岁 曙光天露出 人的形式将后悔的一天 我们冠星界野兽 丹顶鹤是堕落之王 ...
[English]The Dimension Gauntlet
[English lyric] I face the gauntlet as my final test Thrusting through the vault of time and space Intergalactic, interstellar quest From this day forth, I manipulate! I am the wicked one ...
[中文对照] 我面对战书作为我的最终测试 通过时间和空间的拱顶推 星际,星际探索 从这一天起,我操纵! 我是恶人 加冕这一天,我们庆祝 我走在这个地球2000年 ...
[English]I Walk Alone
[English lyric] I am your inner fear Your kind refuse to hear I am the light I am the way But the fallacies of man Are easy to embrace And I, in purest form I always weather every storm And ...
[中文对照] 我是你内心的恐惧 你那种不肯听 我是光 我就是道路 但人的谬论 很容易拥抱 而我,在最纯粹的形式 我总是渡过每一个风暴 虽然你看不到 事实是路径 ...
[English]Harbinger Of Fate
[English lyric] When I was young I was different there was more inside of me so alone yet a sense of purpose the guiding light of the order nurtured me daunted by the truth revealed what am I? ...
[中文对照] 当我年轻的时候是不同的 还有更多我的内心 目的很孤独但感 订单的指路明灯哺育了我 通过揭示真相吓倒 我是什么?什么是我的命运? 一百万的灵魂,牧师的化身 ...
[English]Crucify The King
[English lyric] Look at you now Exalted no more Scourging's left your blood Soaked into the floor For having the sight You will pay a heavy price Martyr for mankind Contrived sacrifice ...
[中文对照] 现在就来看看你 上人不多 鞭打的离开你的血 浸透到地板 对于具有视 你会付出沉重的代价 烈士为人类 做作的牺牲 [合唱: ] 让所有的孩子祈祷 ...
[English]Sacrificial Kingdoms
[English lyric] It does not take much to destroy a man Give him rope and he will hang Same can be said for dynasty So fat with itself, can no longer feed Rome will burn when it's time has come ...
[中文对照] 它并不需要太多摧毁一个人 给他绳子,他会继续留 同样可以为王朝说 因此,脂肪与自身,不能再喂 罗马会燃烧时,它的时代已经到来 奥斯曼部落的命运远 ...
[English]Something Wicked (Part 3)
[English lyric] I walk the earth The wicked one Baptized in fire Vindication's only son Through folds of space and time I've sown my evil seeds Till mankind is erased My last prolific deed He ...
[中文对照] 我走在地上 那恶者 受洗火灾 辩护的唯一的儿子 通过对空间和时间的褶皱 我已经播下我的邪恶种子 直到人类被删除 我最后多产契税 他走到地球 那恶者 ...
[English]Divide And Devour
[English lyric] Through the folds of time I forge the way Messiah to my own and sent to slay I am pure embodied rage Made of a million souls that dearly paid The icy pulse that's pumping' ...
[中文对照] 经过时间的褶皱í伪造方式 弥赛亚我自己送杀 我是纯粹的愤怒体现 采用了沉重的代价付出一百万的灵魂 冰冷的脉冲是抽的“穿我的血管 成圣的人的方式结束 ...
[English]Come What May
[English lyric] As I watch through the ages And gaze upon this world The troubled race of man So impetuous and afraid There's potential in this race A man can spark hope But in masse they do ...
[中文对照] 当我千古观看 上凝望这个世界 人的困扰比赛 那么浮躁和害怕 有没有在这场比赛中的潜力 一个人可以激发希望 但在集体它们倒退 恒定向下的斜率 ...
- 推荐专辑
- Turn Me Loose
- This Is Not A Test
- A Dramatic Turn Of Events
- Theology
- The Seventh One
- Stop The Traffik - Secret Fear
- Blue In The Face
- Forever
- The Bake Sale
- The Sunlandic Twins
- Rhythm-Al-Ism
- The Michael Schenker Group
- The Letter
- Dedicated
- Dogg Chit
- Palabras Del Silencio
- Diary Of A Mad Band
- Ghostdini: Wizard Of Poetry In Emerald City
- These Things Happen
- The Feeding
- All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
- 本站所有歌词的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权,仅供教育目的及仅限个人使用。