[English lyric] Rattle Big Black Bones in the Danger zone there's a rumblin' groan down below there's a big dark town it's a place I've found there's a world going on UNDERGROUND they're ...
[中文对照] 嘎嘎大黑骨头 在危险地带 有一个rumblin \'呻吟 楼下 有一个大黑镇 这是我发现的地方 有一个世界上正在发生 地下 他们还活着,他们是清醒 ...
[English]Shore Leave
[English lyric] Well with buck shot eyes and a purple heart I rolled down the national stroll and with a big fat paycheck strapped to my hip sack and a shore leave wristwatch underneath my ...
[中文对照] 以及与降压出手的眼睛和一条紫色的心脏 我摇下了全国漫步 并与大发薪水 绑在我的臀部口袋 和上岸休假手表下方 我的袖子 在古巴高跟鞋香港小雨 ...
[English]Johnsburg, Illinois
[English lyric] She's my only true love she's all that I think of look here in my wallet that's her She grew up on a farm there there's a place on my arm where I've written her name next to ...
[中文对照] 她是我唯一真爱 她的一切,我想到的 看这里,我的钱包 这是她的 她从小就在一个农场有 还有我的手臂的地方 在那里我已经写了她的名字 我旁边 你看我就是不 ...
[English]16 Shells From A Thirty-Ought-Six
[English lyric] I plugged 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six and a Black Crow snuck through a hole in the sky so I spent all my buttons on an old pack mule and I made me a ladder from a pawn ...
[中文对照] 我插入16炮弹从三十应当- 6 和黑乌鸦悄悄通过 天空中的孔 所以我花了我所有的按钮 老骡子 我和我的梯子从 当铺马林巴 我也凑起来反对 蒲公英树 ...
[English]Town With No Cheer
[English lyric] Well it's hotter 'n blazes and all the long faces there'll be no oasis for a dry local grazier there'll be no refreshment for a thirsty jackaroo from Melbourne to Adelaide on ...
[中文对照] 那么它的热\'东经大火,所有的长面 就会有一个干燥的地方放牧无绿洲 将没有茶点的渴jackaroo 从墨尔本到阿德莱德的奥弗兰德 ...
[English]In The Neighborhood
[English lyric] Well the eggs chase the bacon round the fryin' pan and the whinin' dog pidgeons by the steeple bell rope and the dogs tipped the garbage pails over last night and there's ...
[中文对照] 好蛋追腊肉 轮fryin “泛 和whinin “狗pidgeons 由钟的尖顶绳 和狗打翻垃圾桶桶 昨天晚上 而总是有施工 打扰你 在附近 在附近 ...
[English]Frank's Wild Years (For Frankie Z.)
[English lyric] Well Frank settled down in the Valley and hung his wild years on a nail that he drove through his wife's forehead he sold used office furniture out there on San Fernando Road ...
[中文对照] 以及弗兰克在硅谷安家 并且把他的野性年 在钉子上,他开车经过 他的妻子的额头 他卖二手办公家具 在那里的圣费尔南多路 并承担3万美元贷款 在15 1/4 ...
[English lyric] Well he came home from the war with a party in his head and modified Brougham DeVille and a pair of legs that opened up like butterfly wings and a mad dog that wouldn't sit ...
[中文对照] 嗯,他放学回家的战争 在他的头上方 并修改布鲁厄姆蒂娜 而一双美腿的开辟 像蝴蝶的翅膀 而疯狗是不会 坐不住了 他去了,拿起一个救世军 带女孩 ...
[English]Down, Down, Down
[English lyric] He went down down down and the devil called him by name he went down down down hangin' onto the back of a train he went down down down this boy went solid down always chewed ...
[中文对照] 他就下来下来下来 和魔鬼叫他的名字 他就下来下来下来 犹豫不决,上火车的后面 他就下来下来下来 这个男孩就倒固 总是嚼烟草 与浴缸杜松子酒 总是嚼烟草 ...
[English]Soldier's Things
[English lyric] Davenports and kettle drums and swallow tail coats table cloths and patent leather shoes bathing suits and bowling balls and clarinets and rings and all this radio really needs ...
[中文对照] Davenports和水壶鼓 和燕尾外套 桌布和漆皮皮鞋 泳衣和保龄球 和单簧管和戒指 真的,所有这台收音机 需求是一个导火索 à补锅匠,裁缝 ...
[English]Gin Soaked Boy
[English lyric] I got a belly full of you and that Leavenworth stuff now I'm gonna get out And I'm gonna get tough you been lying to me How could you crawl so low with some gin-soaked boy that ...
[中文对照] 我得到了一个完整的,你的肚子 和莱文沃思的东西 现在,我要离开 而且我会变得艰难 你一直在骗我 你怎么能爬那么低 一些杜松子酒浸泡过的男孩 你不知道的 ...
[English]Trouble's Braids
[English lyric] Well I pulled on trouble's braids and I hid in the briars out by the quick mud stayin' away from the main roads passin' out wolf tickets downwind from the blood hounds and I ...
[中文对照] 嗯,我拉着麻烦的辫子 我藏在荆棘 通过快速的泥 留下来远离主要道路 passin \'出来的狼票 顺风从血猎犬 我拉着麻烦的辫子 我躺在被柏树 ...
- 推荐专辑
- All I Want Is You
- White On Blonde
- Ritual De Lo Habitual
- Nine Lives
- Out Of Ashes
- More Songs From Pooh Corner
- Renegade
- Sports
- Nocturama
- Live In Japan
- The Chase
- Lessons In Love
- Praise & Blame
- Still Standing
- Diabolus In Musica
- Nowhere To Here
- Silverback Gorilla
- The Bedlam In Goliath
- Under The Lights
- The Money Store
- All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
- 本站所有歌词的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权,仅供教育目的及仅限个人使用。