英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 South 中的所有曲目
专辑 South 中的所有曲目:



类型: album

[English]If I Saw You In A Movie

[English lyric] Sweet, won't let you go Sweet, won't let you go I got an e-mail from you today With a poem that you wrote I was touched because you felt it And 'cause I nearly let you go ...

[中文对照] 甜,不会让你走 甜,不会让你走 我收到一封电子邮件从你今天 有一首诗,你写的 我很感动,因为你觉得它 而且因为我几乎让你走 甜,不会让你走 ...

[English]Talk To Me

[English lyric] Talk to, talk to me Like you used to darling I know it's cold, I know it's late But let's go out walking Cause we haven't heard each other in a long time And we have been ...

[中文对照] 聊得来,跟我说话 就像你曾经亲爱的 我知道这是冷的,我知道这是晚 但是,让我们走出去散步 因为我们还没有听到对方在很长一段时间 ...

[English]Heaven Sent

[English lyric] Got the lights down low, the street below The world inside is spinning All my memories, my doubts about the ways that I've been living You come on like the sun And blow it all ...

[中文对照] 拿到灯光下低,下面的街道 里面的世界在旋转 我所有的回忆,我的怀疑,我一直生活的方式 你来的像太阳 并吹了这一切 我想,上天派你,因为我是天堂高 ...

[English]Help Me Be Good To You

[English lyric] "Sometimes you remember the exact moment you wrote a song and this is one of them. I really was sitting in the light of late afternoon at the edge of the water, and the ...

[中文对照] “有时候,你还记得你写了一首歌的确切时刻,这是其中之一。我真的在水的边缘,坐在午后的光,感悟打我,这似乎是这样一个简单的线,我简直不敢相信别人没有写它了 ...

[English]Like Lovers Do

[English lyric] There is a paradise that can be found A better life to bring us round And all we really need to do Is see the world like lovers do I want to take it easy, take it slow To catch ...

[中文对照] 还有,可以发现一个世外桃源 美好的生活给我们带来一轮 而我们真正需要做的 被看到的世界就像恋人那样 我想慢慢来,慢慢来 搭上火,让它去 我想给自己给你 ...

[English]Virus Of The Mind

[English lyric] While I was watching this talk show the other day And on it there was this guy And he was saying "When you let other people tell you what's right when you leave your instinct ...

[中文对照] 当我在看这个脱口秀一天 并在其上有这个家伙 而他说:“当你让别人告诉你什么是正确的 当你离开自己的直觉和你自己的真相背后,他说: 那是心灵的病毒, ...

[English]Only Love

[English lyric] Love I used to think that I knew what we needed I just assumed we would always be fine Now I don't think that we lost the feeling But we, let everything build up inside It's ...

[中文对照] 爱 我曾经以为,我知道我们需要的 我只是认为我们会永远被罚款 现在,我不认为我们失去了感觉 但是我们,让里面的一切建立 这是唯一的爱 ...

[English]When Somebody Turns You On

[English lyric] Can you hear me Am I loud enough Could you see it coming Like an avalanche I only felt the need When somebody turns you on It's like a light in the dark goes on It's like ...

[中文对照] 你能听到我吗 难道我不够响亮 你可以看到它的到来 像雪崩 我只是觉得有必要 当有人打开你的 这就像在黑暗中的灯就亮了 这就像你在等着雨来,你等着 这么久 ...

[English]Waste The Day

[English lyric] The streets are all busy And we're still in bed We should be up working But we're lying here instead I look outside, the weather's fine For playing music, and drinking wine I ...

[中文对照] 街道都很忙 而且我们仍然在床上 我们应该起来工作 但是我们躺在这里,而不是 我看着外面,天气的优良 播放音乐,喝酒, 我可以跟你浪费这一天 我可以溜走 ...

[English]I'm No Angel

[English lyric] Are you ready For me to be stronger I'm keeping my distance My voice to a whisper Are you ready For me to surrender Cause I find in my return There's no need to hide these ...

[中文对照] 你准备好了吗 让我更坚强 我保持我的距离 我的声音耳语 你准备好了吗 对于我投降 因为我觉得在我的回报 有没有必要隐瞒这句话 ...


[English lyric] Simplicity, is what we need And I know it in my heart So many choices make us think we need What we haven't got I've been blessed, by you I've been tested, by an angel I've ...

[中文对照] 简单,是我们需要的 而且我知道它在我的心脏 这么多的选择让我们觉得我们需要 我们还没有得到什么 我一直在祝福,由你 我已经测试过,一个天使 ...

[English]Gloomy Sunday

[English lyric] Sunday is Gloomy, My hours are slumberless, Dearest, the shadows I live with are numberless Little white flowers will never awaken you Not where the black coach of sorrow has ...

[中文对照] 星期天是郁闷, 我的时间在沉睡, 亲爱的,我生活在无数暗影中 白色的小花将不再能唤醒你 这里没有悲伤的黑人教练采取了你 天使们将不会回顾到你 ...

[English]Just Been Born

[English lyric] My heart opened, like an oyster shell I drank salt water, from your lips And just below the equator I swallowed the pearl And I feel, and I feel, and I feel like I've just been ...

[中文对照] 我的心脏开了,像牡蛎壳 我喝盐开水,从你的嘴唇 而就在下面的赤道 我吞下的珍珠 而且我觉得,我觉得,我觉得我刚刚诞生 和大海卷起 和玫瑰在我们身边 ...