英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Somewhere Over China 中的所有曲目
专辑 Somewhere Over China 中的所有曲目:

Somewhere Over China


类型: album

[English]Where's The Party

[English lyric] Every night the stars come out to light another town Just because I'm lonely doesn't mean that gets me down I cruise the local drive-in watching lovers holding hands Like movie ...

[中文对照] 每天晚上,星星出来点燃另一个城市 就因为我是孤独并不意味着使我难受 í巡航本地驱动器,在看手牵手的恋人 像小轿车de Villes和日本轿车的电影剧照 ...

[English]It's Midnight And I'm Not Famous Yet

[English lyric] Catch the elevator from the penthouse suite And take it down to the casino The God almighty sound of money movin' round Can be heard all the way to Reno Well it's midnight and ...

[中文对照] 赶上从顶楼套房的电梯 并把它记下来赌场 钱居无定所的全能的上帝的声音\'轮 可以一路听到里诺 那么它的午夜,我不尚名品 试着去赢得这一切与一个以上投注 ...

[English]I Heard I Was In Town

[English lyric] Came to see friends Walk old streets again Grab a bite and beer by the sea It caught my attention The old town has grown That's why I came alone But I've been treated well I ...

[中文对照] 来见朋友 再次走老街 吃点东西和啤酒在海边 这引起了我的注意 老城区已经发展 这就是为什么我独自来到 但我一直善待 我提出各种地狱 ...

[English]Somewhere Over China

[English lyric] Just a semi normal person Thought he had the future planned Then he won some silly sweepstakes Now he had a hundred grand Never stopped to think of taxes He was gone before ...

[中文对照] 只需一个半正常的人 认为他的未来计划 然后,他赢得了一些愚蠢的抽奖活动 现在,他有一百个大 永远不要停下来思考的税收 他走了以后,他们才知道 ...

[English]When Salome Plays The Drum

[English lyric] [Chorus:] When Salome plays the drum The crowd goes deaf and dumb Swept up by dark sensations Partially the heat More so it's the beat She moves in syncopation Gazelle on the ...

[中文对照] [合唱: ] 当莎乐美饰演的鼓 人群中去聋哑 风靡起来暗的感觉 部分热 更何况它的节拍 她进入了切分音 瞪羚在奔跑 裙子缝过去她的大腿 男孩叹了口气 ...

[English]Lip Service

[English lyric] Talk, talk, talk til your jowls turn blue But you never really tell me what you're gonna do You seem to keep it all locked up inside I can't help but start to thinkin' You've ...

[中文对照] 谈话,谈话,谈话直到你的下颌变蓝 但你永远不会真正告诉我你是什么怎么办 你似乎让这一切锁在里面 我不禁开始想的 你有东西要隐藏 为什么痛 什么是你的游戏 ...

[English]If I Could Just Get It On Paper

[English lyric] If I could just get it on paper The things that have happened tonight But that seems to me to be the big key I'm havin' too good a time to ever turn Out the lights. Go to bed ...

[中文对照] 如果我能得到它在纸面上 今晚发生的事 但是,在我看来,是大关键 我就吃太好的时候曾经关闭 灭灯。 睡觉醒来后,清醒的头脑 回顾是什么让这一个球 ...


[English lyric] I remember that steamer The time you set sail The crowd was steamin', streamin' and leanin' on the rail Then the big whistle blew And I lost my place Next thing I knew I could ...

[中文对照] 我记得蒸笼 你启航时间 观众被steamin “ , streamin ”和上轨leanin “ 那么大的哨声吹响 我失去了我的地方 接下来的事情我知道 ...

[English]On A Slow Boat To China

[English lyric] I'd love to get you On a slow boat to China All to myself alone Get you and keep you In my arms ever more Leave all your lovers Weepin' on a far away shore Out on the briny ...

[中文对照] 我很想得到你 在慢船到中国 所有对自己孤独 找你,保护你 在我的怀里更加 把所有你的爱人 在一个遥远的岸边Weepin “ 列于海水 月亮又大又闪亮 ...