英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Six Days On The Road 中的所有曲目
专辑 Six Days On The Road 中的所有曲目:

Six Days On The Road


类型: album

[English]Another Side

[English lyric] We came up from Sheffield And they put us on the line You could smell the powder burnin' And man, it hurt my eyes They knew them boys were tired and weak- We were fresh and we ...

[中文对照] 我们从谢菲尔德来到了 他们把我们上线 你能闻到粉燃尽的 而男人,伤害了我的眼睛 他们知道这些男孩们累了, weak- 我们是新鲜的,我们是强大的 ...

[English]Talkin' 'Bout You

[English lyric] Mama came home going on and on 'bout the new girl down at the beauty salon She said after what I saw today Our little town will never be the same I didn't even have to think ...

[中文对照] 妈妈回到家怎么回事,对“回合新来的女孩倒在美容沙龙 她是我今天看到后说: 我们的小城镇将永远是相同的 我什至不须三思而后行 至于我担心 我希望她是对的 ...

[English]Six Days On The Road

[English lyric] Well, I pulled out of Pittsburgh, rolling down the eastern seaboard I've got me diesel wound up and she's running like never before There's a speed zone ahead but it's all ...

[中文对照] 好吧,我拿出匹兹堡,滚滚而下的东海岸 我有我的柴油清盘和她从未像现在这样运行 有超前的速度区域,但它的所有权利,我没有看到在望警察 ...

[English]Small Talk

[English lyric] Standing in line at the grocery A bunch of magazines are looking back at me They got a Bigfoot Elvis and a UFO Well it's on TV so it must be so We wanna believe we take the ...

[中文对照] 在杂货店排队 一堆杂志都回头看我 他们得到了一个大脚猫王和不明飞行物 那么它的电视所以它必须是这样 我们愿意相信,我们愿者上钩 我们把它钩和线 ...

[English]With This Ring

[English lyric] I'll say my peace and I'll play my hand And maybe this way you'll understand I'm short on words I was raised that way But I still mean all the ones I say [Chorus:] And with ...

[中文对照] 我会说我的平安,我会发挥我的手 也许这样你就会明白 我简短的话我提出这样 但我还是指所有那些我说 [合唱: ] 并与戒指我答应你 一切,我还是能做到的 ...

[English]Transistor Rodeo

[English lyric] Now she's waiting in the swing under the front porch light The girls from work are going out tonight All week long they've been making plans Gonna look for love and find a man ...

[中文对照] 现在,她在等待中摇摆下前廊光 从工作的女孩今晚要出去 众所周之久,他们已经制定计划 要去寻找爱情,寻找一个男人啊男人 [合唱: ] ...

[English]Night And Day

[English lyric] Nothing to say, but I keep on talking Nowhere to go, but I keep walking anyway Night and day It's been this way since the day I found you It's getting worse every time I'm ...

[中文对照] 没什么可说的,但我一直在讲 无处可去,但我一直走呢 夜与昼 它已经通过这种方式,因为有一天我找到了你 它的每一次,我在你身边越来越差 ...

[English]Half A Heart

[English lyric] I've got to look out my back door Check and see if the coast is clear I'm talking to myself and I keep it low Making sure that you don't hear I never know day to day If you ...

[中文对照] 我得看看我的后门 检查,看看是否海岸是明确的 我说的就是我自己,我把它的低 确保你没有听到 我从来不知道每一天 如果你有同样的感觉 我只能相信 ...

[English]Between You And Paradise

[English lyric] It's bone dry and hot here in Paradise, Arkansas Never seen cracks like the cracks in this dirt It's Uncle Cliff on the phone, but I really think the Lord called When he said, ...

[中文对照] 它的骨骼燥热这里天堂,阿肯色州 就像在这条土裂缝从来没见过裂缝 这是克里夫叔叔的电话,但我真的认为所谓的主 当他说:“下来吧,孩子,我会给你安排工作” ...

[English]A Love Like This

[English lyric] Who would have thought an innocent dance Would leave two hearts with even half a chance And who would have know after all this time We would search and that we would find ...

[中文对照] 谁曾想到一个无辜的舞蹈 会留下两心同,甚至一半的机会 而谁又能毕竟这个时候已经知道了 我们将搜索,而我们会发现 [合唱: ] 在镇这个大的房子这个小 ...

[English]Every Twist And Turn

[English lyric] With every twist and turn we take We'll get out in the passing lane And we'll go on like two rolling stones We live and learn with every twist and turn Your mama and daddy ...

[中文对照] 随着每一次转折都是我们采取 我们要离开的传球路线 我们会继续这样两个滚动的石头 我们在生活和学习与每一次转折都是 你的妈妈和爸爸不喜欢我无 ...

[English]The Nebraska Song

[English lyric] Well I came up from Goodland, Kansas I turned eighteen today I'm college bound for Lincoln Nebraska's where I'll stay It's been my dream all my life To play football on this ...

[中文对照] 好吧,我就从古德兰,堪萨斯州 我转身18今天 我在大学开往林肯 内布拉斯加州,我会留下来 这是我的梦想我的一生 要在这一领域发挥足球 如果我曾经有机会 ...