英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Sisters Of Avalon 中的所有曲目
专辑 Sisters Of Avalon 中的所有曲目:

Sisters Of Avalon


类型: album

[English]Sisters Of Avalon

[English lyric] Felt someone calling me into the howling of the wind. I heard the reflection of a sound echoing through my skin ... And a distant drum rumbling under ground gently guides me on ...

[中文对照] 感觉到有人在叫我进风的啸声。 我听到的声音通过我的皮肤回荡反射... 和一个遥远的鼓地下隆隆轻轻地引导我的... 通过我的野生心脏... ...

[English]Ballad Of Cleo And Joe

[English lyric] Every day the clock kicks off the beat. Little Joe struggles just to get up on his feet. Waits in his platforms for the right train to come. Sipping his coffee another day has ...

[中文对照] 每天,钟揭开序幕的节拍。 小乔的斗争刚刚起床,他的脚。 在他的平台上进行正确的列车等待前来。 喝着他的咖啡又一天又开始了...... ...

[English]Fall Into Your Dreams

[English lyric] Little baby, on my shoulder I could fall into your dreams ... Wrap myself up, all around you Till you don't know what it means. Dont lie shrugging your shoulders now like I ...

[中文对照] 小宝贝,我的肩膀上 我可以落入你的梦想... 总结自己了,你身边 直到你不知道这意味着什么。 不骗耸肩现在想我不应该盯着。 不要感叹如此之深。 ...

[English]You Don't Know

[English lyric] You don't know where you belong You should be more careful As you follow blindly along ... You just need to belong somehow. Relying on rhetoric ... Not well versed on topics ...

[中文对照] 你不知道你是属于 你要多加小心 当你盲从沿... 你只需要属于莫名其妙。 依托修辞... 不熟悉的话题... 知不知道你在说什么? 历史版本 ...

[English]Love To Hate

[English lyric] Fashion fascists out in droves, Some with powder up their nose ... And the money men who had to steal away. Telling stories who they've had. Who's a no count, who looks bad. ...

[中文对照] 时尚法西斯出来趋之若鹜, 有些粉了自己的鼻子...... 和没钱的男人谁曾偷掉。 他们已经谁讲故事。 谁是无计,谁的日子也不好过。 ...

[English]Hot Gets A Little Cold

[English lyric] Heaven, You say it could be heaven ... But I don't really know ... Lovers come and go ... When hot gets a little cold. Infatuation is just the great anticipation Of starring in ...

[中文对照] 天堂, 你说这可能是天堂...... 但我真的不知道... 恋人来来去去... 热的时候就有点冷。 痴情只是伟大的期待 主演在图片展示 ...

[English]Unhook The Stars

[English lyric] Just when everything's in order and good, things fall apart Just when life should be resolving I'm back at the beginning, And it comes back to the heart ... I'm not really sad ...

[中文对照] 就在一切都在秩序和良好的,事情土崩瓦解 就在生活中应该解决我回来之初, 而且回来的心脏...... 我真的不难过......我不跑,我找... ...


[English lyric] Feel like I'm crawling on my belly Longing and glad ... Excited at prospects, Humbled and mad Needy as a baby ... I just need a helpin' hand ... Hold me like a cradle With a ...

[中文对照] 感觉我爬在我的肚皮 渴望和高兴... 兴奋的前景, 谦卑和疯狂 有需要的宝宝... 我只是需要一个助人为乐...... 抱着我的摇篮 ...

[English]Say A Prayer

[English lyric] Say a prayer for all the souls in bloom cut down Far too soon under the scarlet moon ... Under the scarlet moon ... Say a prayer ... So, what are you weaving there marionette ...

[中文对照] 说祈祷中绽放所有的亡灵砍倒 远远太早下鲜红的月亮... 在猩红的月亮... 做一个祷告... 那么,什么是你织有提线木偶 坚持让您的余额由单个线程... ...


[English lyric] Over land and over sea She reaches out to me Weaving and threading the loom From womb to womb Slaves and merchants Pilgrims and thieves Felt her hand and charted skys By ...

[中文对照] 陆地和海洋上 她伸出手给我 织和线程织机 从出生到子宫 奴隶和商家 朝圣者和盗贼 感觉她的手,绘制的skys 按照她的月亮 ...


[English lyric] Sometimes I'm afraid when you go Sometimes I'm afraid when you come home Underneath it all ... I think I'm afraid when there's nothing wrong. But if I was fearless ... Could I ...

[中文对照] 有时我很害怕,当你去 有时我很害怕,当你回家 下面这一切...... 我觉得我怕的时候也没什么不好。 但是,如果我是初生牛犊不怕虎... ...

[English]Brimstone And Fire

[English lyric] I met a woman at the laundry mat She left her sock in my dryer I met a woman in a yellow cap It said brimstone and fire I said is this luck ? With just a glance She smiled, and ...

[中文对照] 我遇到了一个女人在洗衣垫 她离开了她的袜子在我的机 我在一个黄色的帽子认识了一个女人 它说,硫磺与火 我说这是运气?只需一瞥 ...

[English]Early Christmas Morning

[English lyric] Listen to the children sing Watch them dancing all 'round the Christmas tree ... Waiting for the opening Early Christmas morning ... All around the world is sleeping Little ...

[中文对照] 听孩子们唱歌 看他们跳舞绕着圣诞树... 等待开幕 早期圣诞节的早晨... 在世界各地是睡觉 小孩子们有没有偷窥 等待,看看圣诞老人的自备 ...