英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Shangri La 中的所有曲目
专辑 Shangri La 中的所有曲目:

Shangri La


类型: album

[English]There's A Beast And We All Feed It

[English lyric] They grin but they don't mean it They sing but they don't feel it They're gone but they don't see it They can call but they can't heed it They think but they don't speak it ...

[中文对照] 他们眉开眼笑,但他们并不意味着它 他们唱的,但他们不觉得 他们走了,但他们没有看到它 他们可以打电话,但他们也不会听你的 他们认为,但他们不说 ...

[English]Slumville Sunrise

[English lyric] The wind keeps beating on my window. I haven't slept all night. That drum just keeps on banging. They must be buzzin' out their minds Like bees in a hive Tell me when the ...

[中文对照] 风一直在敲打我的窗。我还没有睡了一夜。 那鼓只是不断敲打。 它们必须buzzin \'他们的头脑 就像一个蜂巢的蜜蜂 告诉我,当早晨到达。 ...

[English]What Doesn't Kill You

[English lyric] Step out the door 2 AM yesterday Me and my friend keeping the night aflame And as we’re walking in the clear night blind Two guys come up and take him out of sight All I know ...

[中文对照] 昨日走出门上午02时 我和我的朋友保持晚辉耀 正如我们走在晴朗的夜空盲目 两个家伙上来,并把他的视线 我只知道一件事,他们打他努力,他双打 ...

[English]Me And You

[English lyric] All the time people follow us where we go We both should believe the path that we chose And I'll hold you with such delicacy No they won't catch you and me It's all over all of ...

[中文对照] 所有的时间的人跟着我们去哪里 我们都应该相信,我们选择的路径 我会抱着你这样的美味 不,他们不会赶上你和我 一切都结束了,所有的时间 如果你想我不会介意 ...

[English]Messed Up Kids

[English lyric] Johnny deals a bit of blow on the side Thinks that he's invincible, hates a fight Jenny walks the streets alone she was fine But she got kicked out of her home in hard times ...

[中文对照] 约翰尼处理有点打击的就在身边 认为他是不可战胜的,不喜欢打架 珍妮走在街上独自她是个好人 但她被踢了她的家在困难的时候出 该搞砸了孩子们的角落 没有钱 ...

[English]A Song About Love

[English lyric] You tell me all the things you do Tell me that it's up to you Crying in the peaceful night Telling all the things you hide But out there in the future Maybe you're the rainbow ...

[中文对照] 你告诉我你做的事情 告诉我,这是给你 哭了宁静的夜晚 告诉你隐藏的东西 但是在那里,未来 也许你是彩虹 有没有歌无爱 闭上双眼,你在你的床上哭泣 ...

[English]All Your Reasons

[English lyric] Got all of your reasons And all of thems been used Read a lot about it You can read up in the news There's a lot of hungry faces There's a lot of pain out there Oh anyway, it's ...

[中文对照] 得到了所有的你的理由 和所有thems的被使用 看了很多关于这 您可以在新闻阅读起来 有很多饥饿的面孔 有很多的痛苦在那里 ...


[English lyric] I wake up, check my phone Jump in my whip, and off I go I pay off the police to stay out of my way I got it all sewn up And I'm kingpin for a day I got the blues, I got the ...

[中文对照] 我醒来的时候,检查我的手机 跳跃在我的鞭子,和关我去 我付了警方留出我的路 我得到了这一切缝起来 而我的中流砥柱一天 我得到了蓝调,我得到了红魔 ...

[English]Kitchen Table

[English lyric] I wrote this song by your kitchen table Maybe it all seems okay Sometimes it's better just to laugh than to run away Maybe I'll leave you in the coming winter And all of your ...

[中文对照] 从你的厨房桌子上写了这首歌 也许这一切似乎还好 有时,最好只是笑,而不是逃跑 也许我会离开你,在即将到来的冬季 和你所有的梦想很快就消逝 ...

[English]Pine Trees

[English lyric] You can walk in the pine trees You can sit down You can hold the earth in your hands You can run from all this You can go the long way You can carry my weight the whole way ...

[中文对照] 你可以走在松树 你可以坐下来 您可以保持地球在你的手中 您可以从所有这一切运行 你可以走了很长的路 你可以把我的重量,整个一路下滑 由于乌鸦直飞 ...

[English]Simple Pleasures

[English lyric] You've been huntin' round for treasure Find it all in the simple pleasures I don't understand this life you lead Tryna be somebody else and Tryna be the one's who help Wanna ...

[中文对照] 你一直打猎“圆宝 发现这一切在简单的快乐 我不明白,这辈子你带领 Tryna是别人和 Tryna是一个人谁帮助 想找到一个谁可以帮助你呼吸 ...

[English]Storm Passes Away

[English lyric] As the clouds roll by I can see the sunshine Mmmhmmm 'Cause it's sad and slow And oh so close We fell together and made our way But now it seems You don't need me Where will ...

[中文对照] 由于白云悠悠飘飞 我可以看到阳光 Mmmhmmm 因为那是可悲的和缓慢的 哦如此接近 我们一起下跌,使我们的方式 但现在看来, 你不需要我 ...