英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 See You On The Other Side 中的所有曲目
专辑 See You On The Other Side 中的所有曲目:

See You On The Other Side

歌手: KORN

类型: album

[English]Twisted Transistor

[English lyric] Hey you, hey you, Devil's little sister Listening to your Twisted Transistor Hold it between your legs Turn it up, turn it up Low end is coming through Can't get enough A ...

[中文对照] 嘿,你,嘿,你,魔鬼的妹妹 听你扭晶体管 握住你的双腿之间 打开它,把它上升 低端是通过未来 无法获得足够的 一个孤独的生活,这里没有人懂你 ...


[English lyric] Everyone's corrupt You should just shut up Lay down, back off The demon you disrupted Don't want to talk about politics Don't preach or talk about politics Don't make me talk ...

[中文对照] 每个人的腐败 你应该给我闭嘴 放下,后退 你打乱了恶魔 不想谈政治 不要说教或不谈政治 不要让我不谈政治 不要给有关政治狗屎 ...


[English lyric] Your messiah was never mine [x10] Hypocrites! Weeping rose of Jeremiah Drops of blood drip off your petals Representing all our tears in a ring of burning metal How you wanna ...

[中文对照] 你的救世主从来没有我的[ X10 ] 伪君子! 哭泣的玫瑰耶利米 血淌滴了你的花瓣 代表我们所有的眼泪 在燃烧的金属环 如何你想成为的,你会怎么说 ...


[English lyric] I never knew what I was gonna be Somebody saw what I couldn't see And lifted me up now I never thought I could be worthy of Loving under the sky above Don't let the wonderful ...

[中文对照] 我从来不知道我是要去 有人看到了我看不到 扶我起来,现在 我从来没有想过我能配得上 在爱的天空之上 不要让美好的 为什么每个人都适合 ...

[English]10 Or A 2-Way

[English lyric] Precious finger she knows how to hold the poison Lick it dip it and for no particular reason She crawls on the floor slides against the door Press your fingers over blossom and ...

[中文对照] 宝贵的手指,她知道如何把握毒药 舔它蘸并没有特别的原因 她就爬在门的地板上滑 按你的手指上绽放,它的季节 没关系,她将会做它自己的方式 ...

[English]Throw Me Away

[English lyric] Flesh wound, flesh wound With medication it will fade Should I assume That someone hears me when I pray? Love, full of hate Don't you love how I break? [Chorus] Don't let them ...

[中文对照] 外伤,外伤 服药它会褪色 我应该承担 有人听到我,当我祈祷? 爱,充满仇恨 难道你不爱我怎么破? [合唱] 不要让他们把我扔走 请我,我会好起来的 ...

[English]Love Song

[English lyric] Mother! You're holding my heart, screaming Motherfucker! They left me broken, bleeding Son of! The man you loved and left for The son of a bitch! Who tried to show me death's ...

[中文对照] 妈妈! 你正握着我的心脏,尖叫 混蛋! 他们给我留下了坏了,出血 儿子! 那人你爱和离开 狗娘养的儿子! 谁试图告诉我死亡之门 一切都淘汰 一切都奉献 ...

[English]Open Up

[English lyric] What were you thinking I guess I'll never know See your eyes blinking Pupils begin to grow Drilling you softly Pulling you in Making your mind up What's sick or a sin [Chorus] ...

[中文对照] 你在想什么 我想我永远也不会知道 看到你的眼睛闪烁 学生开始增长 轻轻地钻进你 拉着你的 让你的头脑 什么是生病或一种罪过 [合唱] 现在打开 ...

[English]Coming Undone

[English lyric] Keep holding on When my brain's tickin' like a bomb Guess the black thoughts have come Again to get me Sweet bitter words Unlike nothing I have heard Sing along mocking bird ...

[中文对照] 坚持下去 当我的大脑的tickin就像一颗炸弹 猜黑色的思绪再次降临让我 甜苦字 不像什么我都听过 沿着八哥唱 你不要影响我 这是正确的 我的心脏拯救 ...

[English]Getting Off

[English lyric] Look it buried yourself (go with it) Is it turning you on? (go with it) I'll be sitting right here (go with it) When the time is right (I'll stick it) Licking your own skin, so ...

[中文对照] 你看它掩埋自己(去用它) 难道把你的? (去用它) 我将在这里坐(带它去) 当时间是正确的(我会坚持下去) 舔自己的皮肤,这样迷幻 ...


[English lyric] My brother, you love her But don't give up your instincts Hang onto you know what They'll be gone fast as you blink They're trained to seduce you Suck you dry quick as they can ...

[中文对照] 我的哥哥,你爱她 但是,不要放弃自己的直觉 挂到你知道什么 他们将消失快,您眨眼 他们训练有素勾引你 吸你干快,因为他们可以 他们试图减少你 ...

[English]For No One

[English lyric] I'm getting out I'm leaving here I'm kickin' right through this door I stole your girl Who was my girl I always said she's a whore Must you accelerate From everything I hate ...

[中文对照] 我得到了 我要离开这里 我唱歌的权利,通过这扇门 我偷了你的女孩 谁是我的女孩 我总说她是个妓女 必须在加快 从一切我恨 现在,这是我的一种灾难 ...

[English]Seen It All

[English lyric] I'm an animal I'm a victim I'm the answer to your prayers I'm a witness On the witchhunt I'm the monster up the stairs I'm ghost that's In the mirror I'm everything that you ...

[中文对照] 我是一个动物 我是受害者 我回答你的祷告 我是证人 在witchhunt 我是怪物拾级而上 我是鬼那 在镜子 我说你害怕一切 我是激流 我的灵魂震荡 ...


[English lyric] Well I wish there was someone Well I wish there was someone To love me When I used to be someone And I knew there was someone That loved me As I sit here frozen alone Even ...

[中文对照] 嗯,我希望有一个人 嗯,我希望有一个人 爱我 当我曾经是一个人 我知道有一个人 那个爱我 当我坐在这里独自冻结 即使是鬼累,回家 当他们爬在石头后面 ...

[English]It's Me Again

[English lyric] I shred your bullshit poetry Yes, it's me again I wreck your postivity Yes, it's me again I fuck it to watch it bleed I kick it to make it scream I am the alternate choice To ...

[中文对照] í撕碎你的废话诗 是的,这是我再次 í破坏你的postivity 是的,这是我再次 我他妈的就看它流血 我踢它,使它尖叫 我是备用的选择 ...

[English]Eaten Up Inside

[English lyric] I'll die smiling, Something the past Someone said to me will, Make me laugh, And I'll lay back and fade away, Let me go I'll be fine, Frozen here in time, Sick of being alive, ...

[中文对照] 我会死的微笑, 明日黄花 我会不会有人说, 让我笑, 我会躺下来逐渐消失, 让我去,我会没事的, 在这里冻结的时间, 生病的活着, 内吃掉 让我死, ...

[English]Last Legal Drug (Le Petite Mort)

[English lyric] Put your hand against your skin Rub it gently to begin You feel it? Can you feel it? When does pleasure become pain? When does sex become insane? You say yes As you feel it ...

[中文对照] 把你的手对你的皮肤 擦轻轻的开始 你感觉到了吗? 你能感觉到吗? 当不快乐成为痛苦? 什么时候做爱变得疯狂? 你说的没错 你觉得它 当你射精 ...