英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 See Me Now 中的所有曲目
专辑 See Me Now 中的所有曲目:

See Me Now


类型: album

[English]Shades Of Green

[English lyric] Click, clock Tick, tock Run fast Time pass Shades of green are coming Earth move Touch you I can feel that Shades of green are coming The tides are changing and we're following ...

[中文对照] 点击时钟 滴答,滴答 跑得快 时间通 绿色的深浅来了 乾坤挪移 抚摸你 我能感觉到 绿色的深浅来了 潮汐正在发生变化,我们正在效仿 ...

[English]The Beating

[English lyric] I was checking sound When you first came around And I was staring at you Through the mirrors in the room And I wish that I could have seen your face when you first looked up ...

[中文对照] 我检查的声音 当你第一次来这里 我是盯着你 通过在房间内的镜子 我希望我能看到你的脸,当你第一次抬头 但是你拍我你的小凝视之一,这就够了 ...


[English lyric] I sunk my teeth into Something that looked like you If you were frightened, then I politely ignored And I bit down a little bit more I broke through your thick skin And tasted ...

[中文对照] í沉没我的牙齿成 一些看起来像你 如果你害怕,后来我没再理会 我咬下来一点点 我从你的脸皮厚爆发 而在尝到甜美 而你想隐藏你的瘀伤,但 ...

[English]Butterflies Never Lie

[English lyric] Butterflies never lie, but I do When I'm scared of what telling the truth will do And if you so choose to be in my scared vicinity Well, I'm so sorry if I ever lie to you ...

[中文对照] 蝴蝶从来不说谎,但我 当我害怕的是什么说实话会做 如果你这样选择是在我吓坏了附近 好吧,我很抱歉,如果我曾经骗你 秘密来自禁忌 和禁忌来自于恐惧,呵呵 ...

[English]My Humble Plea

[English lyric] You think that I come bearing answers You think that I can solve it all You think the road I've paved is settled But I'm the first one crying when I fall And falls for me may ...

[中文对照] 你以为我来回答轴承 你认为我能解决这一切 你以为我铺平了道路结算 但我当我倒下的第一个哭 并爱上了我可能的方式进一步在你看来 “因为你把我抱起来如此之高 ...


[English lyric] It seems we're traveling unchartered seas But the sharks won't bite if we listen to the waves and breeze I feel you, frightened too but existing none the less With this art in ...

[中文对照] 看来,我们的旅行难以估计海洋 但鲨鱼不会咬人,如果我们听海浪和海风 我觉得你吓坏了太多,但现有的没有少 有了这个技术领域中你的脸你的心脏开始 ...

[English]Six Words

[English lyric] This time I am letting go of you Six words I have thought, but never thought that I would do We had our time and then a moment to rest And now I think we both know this is what ...

[中文对照] 这一次,我不放你 六个字我曾经想过,但从来没有想过我会做 我们有我们的时间,然后片刻休息 现在,我想我们都知道这是什么,是最好的,最好的最好的, ...


[English lyric] Sometimes I'm steady like a rock Sometimes the truth speaks when I talk But then again a little more often than not I'm pushing through the fog of my own thoughts And then the ...

[中文对照] 有时候,我很坚定像一块岩石 有时候,真相讲,当我说话 不过话又说回来了一点往往不是 我通过我自己的想法雾推 然后在我的脑海中翻转路灯的开关,我回来了 ...

[English]Me, My Brother

[English lyric] I don't know how I came to know you but somehow I do I don't know if you'll understand me but now I am you I see what you saw when you saw me so open Oh yeah, I know exactly ...

[中文对照] 我不知道我是怎么认识了你,但不知何故,我做的 我不知道你会理解我,但现在我就是你 我看到你的时候,你看到我这么开放看见了什么 ...

[English]It All Leads To Me

[English lyric] I am fire, I am smoke I am burning candles that you blow I am wind and I am rain I am joy and I am pain Don't you see, it all leads to me? I am the light and the darkness I am ...

[中文对照] 我很火,我的烟 我烧了你吹的蜡烛 我是风,我是雨 我很快乐,我很痛苦 君不见,这一切导致我吗? 我的光明和黑暗 我是你的初恋情人,并第一次接吻 ...

[English]Bottles Will Break (Live @ Eddies Attic)

[English lyric] There's a knot in my throat that I can't swallow When I think about you You're probably driving back right now Back to your hotel room and now Your face is blank, your mind is ...

[中文对照] 有一个在我的喉咙打结,我不能忍气吞声 当我想你的时候 你可能开车回来,现在 回到酒店房间,现在 你的脸是空白的,你的心是赛车\'直到你到达那里 ...