英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Save The World 中的所有曲目
专辑 Save The World 中的所有曲目:

Save The World


类型: album

[English]This Joy

[English lyric] Something deep inside makes me smile when otherwise I would cry in hopeless wonder ´cause I have no peace inside Joy picks me up and takes me through It so real I´m telling you ...

[中文对照] 内心深处让我微笑的时候,否则 我会在无望的奇迹'cause哭泣我没有安内 乔伊拿起我,带我穿过 它如此真实I'm告诉你 因此,许多创新从来就忍着 ...

[English]The Battle Is The Lord's

[English lyric] [Speaking:] What are you trying to say Yolanda? Look forget about all that other junk this battle ain't yours, its the lord's think about it, and then start shouting help me ...

[中文对照] [口语: ] 你有什么想说的约兰达? 看忘记所有其他垃圾 这场战斗是不是你的,它的主的 想想吧,然后开始大喊帮我唱 [诗歌1 : ] ...

[English]Ye Of Little Faith

[English lyric] Oh I see those hidden tears And I know each time your heart bleeds Your desires have not been ignored Ye of little faith you must believe That I came to give you life And a ...

[中文对照] 哦,我看到那些隐藏的眼泪 我知道,您的每一个心脏出血时间 你的欲望都没有被忽略 小信的人哪,你要相信 我来给你的生活 和一个生活更丰盛 ...

[English]Let Us Worship Him

[English lyric] Let us worship Christ our Saviour Let us worship Christ our Saviour Let us worship Him Let us worship Him Let us worship Christ, the Lord [repeat] All the earth should praise ...

[中文对照] 让我们敬拜基督我们的救主 让我们敬拜基督我们的救主 让我们崇拜他 让我们崇拜他 让我们敬拜基督,是神 [重复] 全地要赞美他 让我们在他面前跪拜 ...

[English]Save The World

[English lyric] Looking at the news today is a cold depressing thing we see our nation stained and the whole worlds up in flames. People starving all over the land what a low down dirty shame ...

[中文对照] 今天看新闻是冷郁闷的事情 我们看到我们的民族染色和整个世界在火焰。 人饥饿各地土地 什么是低下来肮脏的耻辱和国外,我们看到同样的,我们有我们自己惹的祸。 ...

[English]I'll Always Remember

[English lyric] When I would lay me down to sleep I'd always pray dear Lord my soul please keep and when I'd awake I would find myself giving you all praise. There was nothing no one could say ...

[中文对照] 当我躺下睡觉 我总是祈祷亲爱的上帝,我的灵魂,请保持和 当我醒来,我发现我给你所有的赞誉。 没有什么,没有人能告诉我挥洒 ...

[English]Before I Tell Them

[English lyric] Before I Tell Them Lord, please tell me Before I serve them Lord, please serve me How can I lead Where I've not been How can I show If I don't know Before I tell them Lord, ...

[中文对照] 之前,我告诉他们 主啊,请告诉我 在我为他们服务 主啊,请为我服务 我怎么可能会导致 在那里,我没有 我该怎么让 如果我不知道 在我告诉他们 ...