[English]Your Next Bold Move
[English lyric] coming of age during the plague of reagan and bush watching capitalism gun down democracy it had this funny effect on me i guess i am cancer i am HIV and i'm down at the blue ...
[中文对照] 年龄在瘟疫来临 的里根和布什 看资本主义枪下的民主 这对我这个有趣的效果 我猜 我是癌症 我是艾滋病毒 而我倒在蓝色的耶稣 蓝十字医院 ...
[English lyric] you can doubt anything if you think about it long enough. cause what happened always adjusts to fit what happened after that. and it's hard to feel like you are free. all you ...
[中文对照] 如果你仔细想想足够长的时间,你可以怀疑任何东西。造成什么 总是发生调整,以适应后发生了什么。而且很难去感受 ...
[English]So What
[English lyric] who's gonna give a shit who's gonna take the call when you find out that the road ahead is painted on a wall and you're turned up to top volume and you're just sitting there in ...
[中文对照] 谁是要给狗屎 谁的要接电话 当你发现前面的路 是画在墙上 和你开到最大音量 而你只是坐在那里停顿 你野性的小秘密 你用爪子抓挠 而你在努力搞清楚 ...
[English]Imagine That
[English lyric] imagine that i'm on stage under a watchtower of punishing light. and in the haze is your face bathed in shadow and what's beyond you is hidden from sight. and somebody right ...
[中文对照] 想象我在舞台下的惩罚光的岗楼。和在 霾是你的脸沐浴在阴影的,什么是你无法从视线隐藏。 而有人现在正在打哈欠,看我像一台电视机。我一直在 ...
[English lyric] the sky is grey, the sand is grey, and the ocean is grey. i feel right at home in this stunning monochrome, alone in my way. i smoke and i drink and every time i blink i have a ...
[中文对照] 天空是灰色的,沙子是灰色的,而海洋是灰色的。我觉得就在 家在这个美丽的单色,独自一人在我的方式。我抽烟,我喝酒, ...
[English lyric] white people are so scared of black people. they bulldoze out to the country, and put up houses on little loop-d-loop streets. and while america gets its heart cut right out of ...
[中文对照] 白色的人是如此害怕黑衣人。它们铲平出到 国家,搭起的房子在小环D-loop区的街道。虽然美国 得到它的心脏斩其胸部,柏林墙依然向下运行 ...
[English]Old Old Song
[English lyric] i'll sing you a song that starts out descriptive and locates a time and a place like a dinner table where a whole family is just sitting down to say grace an old old song that ...
[中文对照] 我会唱你开始时描述的一首歌 并找到时间和地点 就像一个餐桌,其中全家 刚坐下来恩说 一个旧旧的歌曲移动到行动 同时它的甜甜蜜时光 ...
[English]Sick Of Me
[English lyric] how sick of me must you be by now? while you're standing just outside of what your pride will allow, always reaching into yourself to find a new way to understand me. when i'm ...
[中文对照] 怎么我生病了,你一定要现在?你站在外面,而 你的骄傲让,总是把手伸进自己寻找新的出路来 明白我的意思。我敢肯定,有没有其他人在这个世界上能 ...
[English]School Night
[English lyric] she went over to his apartment clutching her decision and he said, did you come here to tell me goodbye? so she built a skyscraper of procrastination and then she leaned out ...
[中文对照] 她去了他的公寓 抓着她的决定 他说,你到这里来告诉我,再见了吗? 所以她拖沓建的摩天大楼 然后她把头探出二十五楼窗口 她的答复 她感觉自己就像一个演员 ...
[English lyric] you were so in love that it was all you could talk about and i think i felt a little left out you were on cloud 9 all the time while i was levelling i was wringing my hands and ...
[中文对照] 你那么爱 这是你可以谈 我想我觉得有点左了 你是云9所有的时间 而我是练级 我是捶胸顿足我的手,你陶醉 但为什么不应该吗? 这是一个美丽的事 ...
[English]In Here
[English lyric] even when i look right at you i always just see through and i always just see new things to admire about you am i what you thought you were getting? does this love we make make ...
[中文对照] 甚至当我看就在你 我总是只看到过 我总是只看到新的东西 佩服你 我是你以为你都拿到? 没有这种爱,我们做让你感到骄傲? 它看起来像它那样在菜单上 ...
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