[English]Names And Dates And Times
[English lyric] I know so many white people I mean, where do I start? the trouble with white people is you can't tell them apart I'm so bad with names and dates and times but I'm big on faces ...
[中文对照] 我就知道这么多白的人 我的意思是,我从哪里开始? 与白人的麻烦 就是你不能告诉他们分开 我是那么糟糕了名字和日期和时间 但我很热衷于脸 即除矿 ...
[English lyric] I will lean into you and you can be the wind I will open up my mouth and you can come rushing in you can rush in so hard and make it so I can't breathe I breathe too much ...
[中文对照] 我要瘦成你 你可风 我会打开我的嘴 你可以来冲来 你可以抢在这么难 并使它让我无法呼吸 我呼吸太多反正 我能做到这一点ANYDAY ...
[English]4th Of July
[English lyric] you gotta have the right tools for every job so I invite myself in through a hole in the fence I am tripping through the junkyard scanning over the piles the thin cats raise ...
[中文对照] 你得有合适的工具 对每一项工作 所以我邀请自己在 透过栅栏上有一个洞 我穿过垃圾场跳闸 扫描过桩 瘦猫提高他们的皮肤防御 我知道他在看我 ...
[English]Willing To Fight
[English lyric] The windows of my soul are made of one way glass don't bother looking into my eyes if there's something you want to know, just ask I got a dead bolt stroll where I'm going is ...
[中文对照] 我灵魂的窗户 是由单程玻璃 也懒得看我的眼睛 如果有你想知道的东西, 只问 我有一个锁舌漫步 我要去哪里很清楚 我不会等你想知道 ...
[English]Egos Like Hairdos
[English lyric] I saw on the poster my name was printed just a little bit smaller I can tell you need to stand just a little bit taller no one ever talks about it but no one can disguise the ...
[中文对照] 我看到海报上的 我的名字被印 只是一点点小 我可以告诉你需要站 只是一点点长高 没有人谈论它 但没有人可以伪装 竞争的云 这就是背后挂着他们的眼睛 ...
[English]Back Around
[English lyric] my lipstick jumped ship to a styrofoam cup with the coffee gone the conversation strong all I got left to give baby, is up but sentiments like shadows grow oh so long guess I ...
[中文对照] 我的口红 跳槽 以保丽龙杯 与咖啡走了 谈话强 我的一切留下来给 宝贝,到了 但像影子情绪增长 哦,这么久 想我得走了 不起床 不要哭 它真的很简单 ...
[English]Blood In The Boardroom
[English lyric] sitting in the boardroom the I'm-so-bored room listening to the suits talk about their world they can make straight lines out of almost anything except for the line of my upper ...
[中文对照] 坐在会议室 在我 - 所谓的无聊空间 听着西装 说说他们的世界 它们可以使直线 从几乎任何东西 除了线 当卷发我的上唇 穿着我最好的皮肤油腻 ...
[English]Born A Lion
[English lyric] I'm not hurting anyone I'm just telling my truth and if there if there is something wrong then maybe there's something wrong with you what's the big deal get over it relax just ...
[中文对照] 我没有伤害任何人 我只是告诉我的真相 并且,如果有 如果有什么不对 那么也许 有什么东西你错了 有什么大不了的 克服它 放松 只是因为我做了你的脸 ...
[English]My I.Q.
[English lyric] when I was four years old they tried to test my I.Q. they showed me a picture of 3 oranges and a pear they said, which one is different? it does not belong they taught me ...
[中文对照] 当我四十岁 他们想测试我的智商 他们给我看了一张照片 3个橘子和梨 他们说, 哪一个是不同的? 它不属于 他们教给我不同的是错的 但是当我13岁 ...
[English]Used To You
[English lyric] I'm still here because I've got nothing else to do you're an asshole but I'm getting used to you I like the fact that you talk incessantly I got a thing for assholes who tell ...
[中文对照] 我还在这里,因为 我已经没有什么别的事情可做 你是个混蛋 但我已经习惯了你 我喜欢的事实, 你唠叨 我有个事情蛀虫 谁讲好故事 我认为喝酒 ...
[English]Pick Yer Nose
[English lyric] How come I can pick my ears but not my nose who made up that rule anyway how can you say that's the way it is that's just the way it goes why don't you decide for yourself what ...
[中文对照] 为什么我可以选择我的耳朵 但不是我的鼻子 谁做了这条规则呢 你怎么能说这是事情是这样的 这仅仅是不言而喻的方式 你为什么不自己做决定 你可以做什么 ...
[English]God's Country
[English lyric] state trooper thinks I drive too fast pulled me over to tell me so I say out here on the prarie any speed is too slow I miss brooklyn I miss my crew let's start over I missed ...
[中文对照] 州警察认为我开车太快 把我拉过来告诉我这样 我说在这里的普拉里 任何速度太慢 我想念布鲁克林我想念我的船员 让我们重新开始 我想念我的提示 ...
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