英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Phenomenon 中的所有曲目
专辑 Phenomenon 中的所有曲目:



类型: album


[English lyric] If you're like us, calling all riders, roll up beside us, no place to hide us, all freedom fighters, let's unite us, switch on your nitrous and...let's.. go... Destination, for ...

[中文对照] 如果你像我们一样,要求所有乘客,卷起我们身边,无处藏身美国, 所有的自由战士,让我们团结起来,打开你的氮和......让我们...去... ...

[English]Step To Me

[English lyric] I've been as far as you can go, I've learned a lot and now I know, you're never gonna get me on the floor again, I'm prepared to take you to the end, never gonna play your ...

[中文对照] 我一直就你可以走了,我已经学到了很多东西,现在我知道了,你永远不会得到我 再在地板上,我准备带你到最后,就再也不玩你的游戏 ...

[English]Last Words

[English lyric] Dear loved one, please listen, this might be the last chance I get, I'm sorry I left you, I'm living in a world of regret, don't cry if you can hear me, I never meant to hurt ...

[中文对照] 亲爱的心爱的人,请听,这可能是我得到的最后的机会,我很抱歉我离开了你,我 生活在遗憾的世界,不要哭,如果你能听到我,我从未想过要深深地伤害了你, ...

[English]This Is A Call

[English lyric] She fooled all of her friends into thinking she's so strong, but she still sleeps with her light on, and she acts like It's all right on, as she smiles again and her mother ...

[中文对照] 她骗了她所有的朋友误以为她是如此坚强, 但她还是用她的光芒在睡觉, 她就像 没事的,她又微笑着和她的母亲躺在那儿的人患有癌症, 和她的朋友不理解她, ...


[English lyric] Throw up your rockfist if you're feelin it when I drop this. Show 'em how we blow the spot, Let's make it hot, Let's shock 'em with the bodyrock 'til the party stops. It's time ...

[中文对照] 扔了你的rockfist如果你感到它时,我滴了。他们点厉害瞧瞧,我们怎么吹的地方, 让我们把它热,让我们震撼\'时间与bodyrock ...

[English]Faith, Love And Happiness

[English lyric] Everyone is up in my face, need to get out of this place, it's hard to see with you in front of my face, just another perfect day, acting like they wanna talk to me, so fake ...

[中文对照] 每个人都在我的面前,需要走出这个地方,很难看到你在前面 我的脸,只是一个完美的一天,行事像他们想告诉我,又那么这样的假 ...

[English]I Climb

[English lyric] From the middle of the room she hears the conversation moving, further from where she's going without even knowing. Now the vibrations in the floor are getting closer to the ...

[中文对照] 从房间的中间,她听到的谈话活动,进一步在那里,她是怎么回事,甚至不知道。 现在,在地板上的振动越来越接近门口了,这就是你让你的问题渐行渐远的路? ...


[English lyric] I've got things that make me feel unordinary, not necessarily in need of therapy, and I know things have been slipping. Loosening my grip, how much closer until I'm bound to ...

[中文对照] 我有事情,让我觉得不平凡,不一定需要治疗,我知道 事情已经下滑。松开我的抓地力,多么接近,直到我一定打 ...

[English]New Design

[English lyric] Wait, I might hesitate, am I a minute too late? Please Lord, I need to know. This pressure's got me letting go. If I'm wrong, will I still carry on and end up where I belong? ...

[中文对照] 等一下,我可能会犹豫,我是一分钟的时间太晚了?请主,我需要知道。这种压力的 让我放手。如果我错了,我还会继续,并最终属于我的地方?我从不 ...


[English lyric] We come rushing through your stereo system, into your ear canal, like the alignment of the solar system. Have you forgotten about the days when we just wanted to rock cause we ...

[中文对照] 我们来通过您的立体声音响系统冲过来,放入耳内,就像太阳系的对齐方式。 ...


[English lyric] Diggin' slowly, flowers growing, beautiful from inside me, overlooking mispresentation of my findings, how we gonna' come back to this? How we ever gonna' make a match to this? ...

[中文对照] 陷“慢慢地,越来越多的花,从我内心的美丽,俯瞰mispresentation我 ...

[English]Break The Silence

[English lyric] You make me feel (so alive that I'm) trying hard not to (make moves, choosing the wrong place and time) everyone will know, the minute we let it go. I can't hold it anymore, ...

[中文对照] 你让我觉得(这样活着,我是)努力不(出招,选错了地方 和时间)每个人都知道,我们让他走的一刻。我不能拿着它了,让我们有 原来。 ...