英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Of Faith, Power And Glory 中的所有曲目
专辑 Of Faith, Power And Glory 中的所有曲目:

Of Faith, Power And Glory


类型: album


[English lyric] Can we say that we are free? Our hands are bound and voices silent I'm sure it's not a dream I am awake my eyes are open I can't accept and won't concede In aftermath we find ...

[中文对照] 我们可以说,我们是免费的吗? 我们的双手捆绑,人声无声 我敢肯定这不是一个梦 我醒了我的眼睛是睁开的 我不能接受,也不会承认 在之后,我们找到救赎 ...

[English]Tomorrow Never Comes

[English lyric] Heaven help us, we've lost control This should be our finest hour But we're racing towards the end of days Pulling back from the brink despite our best efforts The volume ...

[中文对照] 上帝保佑我们,我们已经失去了控制 这应该是我们最好的时光 但我们对赛车的天结束 从危险的边缘拉了回来,尽管我们尽了最大努力 体积增大和节奏继续延伸下去 ...

[English]The Great Divide

[English lyric] Deep is the longing in the heart that ever strives The expanses far and wide that still confine The simple facts that yet lay waiting to be found As lost as some forgotten ...

[中文对照] 深是在不断努力心脏的渴望 在浩瀚无远弗仍然限制 这个简单的事实却躺着等待被发现 由于失去了一些被遗忘的乐土 认为通过我们道别的理由 回顾在最后一次 ...


[English lyric] I climbed down to watch the tide Mark the time that slips away Where the oceans meet the sky The drawing out of self And bitter cold goes side by side The self sustained ...

[中文对照] 我爬下来观看潮 标记溜走的时间 凡符合海洋天空 该抽出自我 和严寒去并排 自默默无闻持续 我不能保持香味 永不减弱的幽灵 我走出来迎接我的命运 ...

[English]Art Of Conflict

[English lyric] The art of war is of vital importance to the state it is a matter of life and death a road either to safety, or to ruin. Divide and conquer in all your battles is not supreme ...

[中文对照] 战争的艺术是非常重要的国家 它是生命和死亡的问题 道路无论是安全,还是要毁灭。 分而治之于所有的战斗是不是最高的卓越性。 ...

[English]In Defiance

[English lyric] I think back upon the person I knew you to be Righted the wrongs in the name Of all you believed The one who brought the fight Who never said die Never letting fate decide Be ...

[中文对照] 我想在后面的人 我知道你是 纠正了错的名字 大家认为 是谁把打一个 谁从来不说死 千万不要让命运决定 是你所希望的 你是最好的,你可以 ...

[English]Verum Æternus

[English lyric] If you and I Had been anything less Than these tormented souls We would never have gone so far To become what we are If you and I Had never seen the world Through the eyes of a ...

[中文对照] 如果你和我 曾少什么 比这些折磨的灵魂 我们永远也不会走了这么远 要变成什么样,我们都 如果你和我 从来没见过世面 通过一个孩子的眼睛 ...

[English]From My Hands

[English lyric] So much I've thought I'd have to say Though I try to speak My meaning strays We can't avoid The facts that brought us here I've come to say goodbye The lies I try To tell with ...

[中文对照] 这么多,我想 我不得不说, 虽然我尽量放慢说话 我的意思流浪狗 我们不能避免 这把我们带到这里的事实 我是来道别 我尝试的谎言 告诉我自己的眼睛 ...

[English]Where There Is Light

[English lyric] The carousel begins to slow I’ll take my chances So far removed I’ll fail to see The recklessness I’ve shown In all my words and deeds The good in other souls I never fail to ...

[中文对照] 转盘开始减速 我要我的机会 到目前为止,除去我看不到 我展示的鲁莽 在我所有的言行 在其他的灵魂好 我从来没有看不到 你能看到光明 至于眼睛可以看到 ...