[English]Everything Went Black
[English lyric] Crawling the walls through every crack and crevice teems blackness washing over the windowpanes painting the buildings in between creeping down the alley ways consuming every ...
[中文对照] 通过每道裂痕和缝隙爬城墙 盛产黑洗了画中的建筑物的窗玻璃 匍匐下来的胡同消费方式每一条街道 虚无一定要毁灭我们所有人的无声群 拉尖叫地球人到其无牙爪 ...
[English]What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
[English lyric] This twisted wretched place shadowed by the utmost darks of hell in dreams of black beyond the bounds of a withered witch's spell where the doors surely are locked when the sun ...
[中文对照] 由地狱的极端深色阴影这扭曲猥琐的地方 黑色的梦想超越枯萎巫婆的咒语的范围 那里的门肯定是当太阳威胁减弱锁定 ...
[English]Virally Yours
[English lyric] The sound of vomiting to my ears like singing now I am beginning to become erect with illness I am obsessed in the beds of the fallen I rest a fixation amplified the smell here ...
[中文对照] 呕吐的声音我的耳朵喜欢唱歌 现在我开始变得直立 与病魔我沉迷在床的堕落我休息 放大这里的气味固定是我最喜欢的 ...
[English]I Worship Only What You Bleed
[English lyric] Oh its flowing through me combusting with contempt rationality abandoning chemically lead astray stepping outside the confines of this circle bane of society become I'm about ...
[中文对照] 哦,它流经我轻蔑燃烧 理性放弃化学导致误入歧途 社会这个圈子祸根成为范围之外步进 我对越线,并采取生活没有什么能阻止我 杀气在我说话正常的动物 ...
[English lyric] Between the lies our dead language tongues before the dawns our hearts they shall hunt the smell of blood excites the nostrils at first cut the sanguinary worship of red ...
[中文对照] 谎言我们死的语言方言之间 之前的黎明我们的心应当追捕 血腥味激发鼻孔 首先削减的红色血腥崇拜 喷涂穿刺眼前的景象让神 抓着她胴体的脸冻结的时间 ...
[English]Deathmask Divine
[English lyric] Removal of the eyes gives my heart a saddened chill I preserve them in formaldehyde to gaze upon at will how their greenish flecks befill me that starlit winters night how I ...
[中文对照] 去除眼睛给我的心脏一种抑郁的寒意 我保留他们中的甲醛 在凝视着意志 他们的绿色斑点怎么befill我 在星光灿烂的夜晚冬天 我是如何失去了一切,我曾经是 ...
[English]Of Darkness Spawned
[English lyric] Pretenders to the throne kneel before him appalling wretched demon king praise be to us his children spawns of evils reckoning doomed from the inception claiming fire as our ...
[中文对照] 觊觎王位在他面前下跪 令人震惊的猥琐妖王 赞美是我们自己的孩子 的罪恶清算产卵 从成立之初就注定 声称火是我们的家 被火焰我国钢铁增长舔 ...
[English]Climactic Degradation
[English lyric] Devastate leave them weeping in your wake a family's broken dreams with gloved hand I separate mutilate them carve them up bring them to their knees the powers of a knife at ...
[中文对照] 毁灭打击离开他们垂在你的唤醒一个家庭的破碎的梦与 戴手套的手,我分开毁坏他们瓜分起来把他们自己的膝盖 刀在手的权力,如果它呼吸它他妈的人类流血结束 ...
[English]To A Breathless Oblivion
[English lyric] The chair's been kicked a rope tied to the rafters blue faced and broken necked I sigh relieving my vision from the sick mocking stare of that hated sun burning the sky slumped ...
[中文对照] 椅子的被踢出绑在椽子一根绳子 蓝脸和破碎的颈我叹了口气 从生病嘲弄的眼神减轻了我的视野 这讨厌的太阳燃烧的天空 呆呆像无头的稻草人 冷瘫软靠在墙上 ...
[English lyric] Amidst a swirling din of smoke and screaming on the battlefield born reared on the teat of my dead mother war hardened to stone through abuse mocked beaten and scorned a ...
[中文对照] 在一片烟雾和尖叫声的喧嚣纷飞 在战场上出生成长于我死去的母亲的战争的奶嘴 硬化通过滥用石头嘲笑殴打和嘲笑 刺刀割断脐带 风吹过唱着甜蜜的摇篮曲 ...
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