英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 No Guts. No Glory. 中的所有曲目
专辑 No Guts. No Glory. 中的所有曲目:

No Guts. No Glory.


类型: album

[English]Born To Kill

[English lyric] If you beat a dog for all his life You better pray he doesn't survive Coz every hit stays on his mind He won't forget till the day he dies He'll hunt you down like the dog you ...

[中文对照] 如果你打一只狗的一生 你最好祈祷​​他撑不下去了 怎么把每一击停留在他的头脑 他不会忘记,直到一天,他死了 他会追杀你像你的狗 ...

[English]No Way But The Hard Way

[English lyric] I had a good job and a good lovin' woman But the world fell apart and then I lost them Now I can't pay the loans or the overdue fines Can't drink enough whiskey to make it ...

[中文对照] 我有一份好工作,一个好心爱的女人 但是,世界崩溃了,然后我失去了他们 现在我不能支付贷款或逾期罚款 不能喝足够的威士忌,使其好吗 但是,浪潮将开启 ...

[English]Blonde, Bad And Beautiful

[English lyric] Blonde bad and beautiful In the hot summer sun With her tight dress painted on Fahrenheit 101 She got the long legs to prove it The back end to move it She's triple x movie ...

[中文对照] 金发坏而美丽 在炎热的夏日阳光 随着她的紧身裙上画 华氏101 她得到的长腿来证明这一点 后端移动它 她是三倍X电影只是走了 唇彩高跟鞋我失去了我的心 ...

[English]Raise The Flag

[English lyric] The battle ain't over The fight goes on We'll never surrender We're still standing strong As long as you're alive and we're alive Rock'n'Roll will never die From the southern ...

[中文对照] 战斗还没有结束 战斗继续 我们永远不会投降 我们还站在强 只要你还活着,我们还活着 摇滚永远不会死 从南方明星北极光 摇滚才能生存 ...

[English]Bottom Of The Well

[English lyric] I gotta get out I gotta break free Ain't gonna live in misery My minds made up I'm leaving today Come hell or high water I'm will break these chains Gonna scratch my way, claw ...

[中文对照] 我得出去,我得挣脱 是不是要去活在水深火热之中 我的头脑里订了,我今天要离开 来到地狱或高水,我将打破这些链条 会挠我的路,我的爪的方式, ...

[English]White Line Fever

[English lyric] Truck stop of the border Deep down in Mexico Runnin back to California With a fresh cut heavy load White line fever It's summer time again White line fever It's business time ...

[中文对照] 边境的卡车停 内心深处在墨西哥 飞奔回到加州 用鲜切大负荷 白线发热 这是夏天的时候再 白线发热 这是企业一次又一次 飞在纽约市 Bringin ...

[English]It Ain't Over 'Till It's Over

[English lyric] Sweatin' out upon the stage Thankful to be out of the cage Got no fear coz I dont feel pain Come on baby let's do it again It ain't over till it's over It ain't over till it's ...

[中文对照] Sweatin \'出来在舞台上 感谢走出笼子 有没有担心怎么把我不觉得痛 来吧,宝贝,让我们再做一次 这还没有结束,直到它结束了 ...

[English]Steel Town

[English lyric] I work for a livin' So mr. don't call me sir I spend my whole life giving For nothing much in return but scars and burns Steel town Living in a steel town Free and proud Steel ...

[中文对照] 我工作的一个活着的工作 苏先生。不要叫我先生。 我把我的一生奉献 对于没有多少回报,但是疤痕和烧伤 不锈钢名镇 生活在一个不锈钢名镇 自由而自豪 ...

[English]Chewin' The Fat

[English lyric] Her loving is wild her loving is sweet Like candy to a child, she knows just what I need With love and pain, she left me red and raw I was achin' for days now I'm back at your ...

[中文对照] 她的爱是狂野她爱是甜的 像糖果给孩子,她知道这正是我需要的 爱与痛,她给我留下的红色和原材料 我阿钦“的日子,现在我回来了,在你家门口 回来的越多回 ...

[English]Get Busy Livin'

[English lyric] It's all a lie everything I've been told It's a phony lullaby that your blindly sold Like a dog gone mad in this raging heat Like a gambler been had And shunned to the streets ...

[中文对照] 这都是骗人的一切,我一直在说 这是一个虚假的催眠曲,你的盲目卖 像狗一样在这个来势汹汹的热疯了 就像一个赌徒已经有 并回避与没什么吃街头 ...

[English]Armed And Dangerous

[English lyric] With a cocked and loaded gun and the girl of my dreams I can't control myself know what I mean I had one too many pills now I'm high on sextasy Yeah I'm a supercharged hot ...

[中文对照] 有翘起和装满子弹的枪和我梦中的女孩 我无法控制我自己知道我是什么意思 我有一个太多药,现在我高上sextasy 是的,我是一个机械增压热血性爱机器 ...


[English lyric] Six days and I ain't seen a bed I'm hitting overdrive I got a death wish I'm over the edge On a wild joyride Cause it's too much speed and too much booze It's a suicide Coz ...

[中文对照] 六天,我是没见过一张床 我打的过载 我有一个死亡之愿,我在边缘 上野兜风 原因是太多的速度,太多的酒 这是一个自杀 怎么把与每2风我不能失去 ...

[English]Back On The Bottle

[English lyric] Been slaving all week lone but now Friday's here I'm gonna blow my paycheck on whiskey women And beer I got no security or college degree Coz if I had just one wish baby I'd ...

[中文对照] 整个星期都在孤独的,但现在周五在这里被役使 我要去的威士忌女人吹我的薪水 和啤酒 我没有安全或大专学历 ...