英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Naveed 中的所有曲目
专辑 Naveed 中的所有曲目:



类型: album

[English]The Birdman

[English lyric] hopelessly a man starts to feed your day once he was there you never looked back how did you think that his words might just fade away he seemed harmless enough so you let him ...

[中文对照] 无可救药的人开始喂你的一天 有一次,他在那里你永远看 回 你是怎么想的,他的话可能 只是淡出舞台 他似乎很无害的,所以你让 他,现在你要付 ...


[English lyric] i've read the bible, i've read Dylan, i'm reading people now because it is much more chilling i sit on a satellite with the stars made of gold there's life through that hollow ...

[中文对照] 我读过圣经,我读过迪伦, 我是读书人,现在 因为它是更低温 我坐在一台卫星 用金子做的星星 有生命通过空心镜头 我知道supersatellite ...


[English lyric] i let go of the world that was holding a passenger that could not fly in search of souls souls in search of something let it go let it slide when i find out what went on i'll ...

[中文对照] 我松开了握着世界 乘客可能飞不起来 寻找灵魂 寻找灵魂的东西 放手吧 让它滑 当我发现出了什么上 我会带回去 这将是不容易 他们怎么也不会相信一个人 ...


[English lyric] Hope climbs atop of the piano reaching out towards the warmth of the sun some man tries to ask her down but now maybe that's where she belongs my god she said, i'm the ...

[中文对照] 希望攀登之上的钢琴 伸手朝的温暖 太阳 有些人设法让她下来 但现在,也许这就是她属于 我的上帝,她说, 我是谁想要的向日葵 我的上帝,他说, ...


[English lyric] are you there, and is it comfortable? did you want to escape, try to escape the population? the pressure is deceiving, and for you particularly should we let a young man die? ...

[中文对照] 你在那里了,是不是舒服? 没有你想逃跑,试图逃出 人口有多少? 压力是骗人的, 并为您特别要我们让 年轻人死吗? 让他想他死? 我不能住在这里了 ...

[English]Dirty Walls

[English lyric] So you feel that stain, Dried up discussions without weight, yeah. It's that feeling, oh, That you will not have to destroy, yeah. It's that feeling that, oh, You will not have ...

[中文对照] 所以,你觉得污点, 干涸的讨论不重,是的。 这是这种感觉,哦, 那你不会有破坏,是的。 就是这么感觉,呵呵, 你不会有忽略,忽视。 肮脏的墙壁, ...


[English lyric] the telephone is ringing, disconnect the line the tension is building but I'm alright the stars are colliding, so you might as well let me go the television is burning because ...

[中文对照] 电话振铃时,断开 线 张力正在建设,但我没事 恒星发生碰撞,所以你还不如 好让我去 电视正在燃烧,因为我将它 着火 车轮,他们不停的翻动,但我很好 ...

[English]Is It Safe?

[English lyric] time can't fix it fast enough, so we won't notice what it was that went wrong I saw something there much too familiar a butterfly with a broken wing she's fallen under, she's ...

[中文对照] 时间无法修复速度不够快, 所以我们不会注意到它是去 错 我看到的东西有太多太多熟悉的 带着一颗破碎的翅膀蝴蝶 她的下倒下,她的过去结束, 沟通是下来了 ...


[English lyric] Can you see her standing there, Well shes trying to find just anywhere. Flowers in her hand, yes She doesn't know why. And offered his advice to you, And all you do was fake ...

[中文对照] 你可以看到她站在那里, 以及畲族试图找到随便找个地方。 鲜花在她的手,是 她不知道为什么。 并提出了自己的意见给你, 和所有你要做的就是假的。 [合唱] ...

[English]Under Zenith

[English lyric] maybe they'll come back again maybe they're all gone one day you'll find me sending their message strong under your feet the city falls down so far the ground is sky we're ...

[中文对照] 也许他们会再回来,也许 他们都走了 有一天你会发现我把他们的 消息强 在你脚下的城市倒下为止 地面的天空 我们在天顶一遍, 它是健康的,如果时间不长 ...

[English]Neon Crossing

[English lyric] all you people can feel it waiting innocence and love, wrapped in the arms of the burning neon I feel it, I feel it it's so entertaining and so wonderful it magically calls for ...

[中文对照] 所有的人,你能感觉到它在等待 纯真和爱,裹在怀里 燃烧着的霓虹灯 我觉得吧,我觉得这 它是如此有趣,如此美妙 它奇迹般地呼唤你 大霓虹灯交叉给我指路 ...