[English lyric] Engines are running our blood burns like oil. Head one by one down the highway Tires are screaming leave trails on the road, the sirens of death coming our way We'll always be ...
[中文对照] 发动机在运行我们的血液里燃烧石油等。 头一个个在高速公路上 轮胎尖叫着离开步道的道路上,死亡的警报器来我们的方式 我们将始终领先一步,我们将不会回落 ...
[English lyric] Hear the rolling sound of thunder As the battle rages on We will tear this world us under Feel our power Through a darkened sky we riding Pierce the night with bolts of light ...
[中文对照] 听到雷声的滚动声 随着战斗还在激烈地进行 我们将颠覆这个世界上我们下 觉得我们的力量 透过昏暗的天空,我们骑 皮尔斯在夜间灯光的螺栓 ...
[English lyric] We live for the magic in the sound, distorted guitars are breaking ground The drum pounding faster than my heart, the vocals are screaming extreme art The passion for metal ...
[中文对照] 我们生活在魔法的声音,扭曲的吉他都破土动工 鼓捶比我的心脏快,人声大呼极致艺术 金属的激情驱使我们提出,最好的重金属来自北 ...
[English lyric] Facing the wind as they ride through the sky Shadows of Mordor black horses they fly Black shadow king, find the ring. Search for the Halfling you lords of the dark The hobbit ...
[中文对照] 迎着寒风,因为他们在天空驰骋 的魔多黑马的影子,他们飞 黑色的影子国王,找到戒指。 你领主黑暗搜索的半身人 与索隆的戒指哈比人,他是你的商标 ...
[English]Burn Your Crosses
[English lyric] No use to pray, there's no one listening I will die anyway. Some say I've killed, some call me Satan Now my blood must be spilled I'm sentenced for crimes I did not commit I'll ...
[中文对照] 没有用的祈祷,有没有人听 我会死呢。 有人说我杀了,有的叫我魔鬼 现在,我的血,必须泻 我被判罪我没有犯 我会用我的血付出,这是真的吗? 上帝的创造? ...
[English lyric] The dawn of time breaks See the sun rise to the sky The wheel of time begins to turn But then we heard it A divine voice out of nowhere Spoke to our hearts and showed the way ...
[中文对照] 休息时间的黎明 看到太阳升起的天空 时间的车轮开始转动 但是,我们听到了 中有神的声音从哪儿冒出来 谈到我们的心和表现方式 万能的主啊,我们来到你的大厅 ...
[English]Endless Nights
[English lyric] Clouds are gathering in the darkness. Lightning strikes the Earth. Evil forces celebrate, Lucifer's rebirth Necromancers, sacrifices, he'll be here for sure. Drained blood from ...
[中文对照] 云聚集在了黑暗中。 闪电击中地球。 黑恶势力庆祝,路西法的重生 死灵法师,祭祀,他会在这里肯定。 抽干血了一千人,而现在他回来了。 ...
[English]Hail To The King
[English lyric] Once we lived in harmony, but it seems so distance now. Even though it wasn't long ago, were all doomed to plague and death. Working hard from dawn 'til dusk. But that ain't ...
[中文对照] 一旦我们和睦相处,但似乎因此现在距离。 即使是不久前,都是注定要折磨和死亡。 努力从黎明,直到黄昏。 但这是不够的,他 产品圣洁的爱,王的不真实的弟弟。 ...
[English lyric] Crack in the distance, a flash in the sky It's getting dark, clouds gather power You heard it coming from over the hill It's time to run, time to seek cover. Now there is no ...
[中文对照] 裂缝的距离,闪光灯在天空 天快黑了,乌云聚集力量 你听到它从山那边来了 它的时间来运行,时间寻找掩护。 现在有没有世外桃源 你有没有机会 ...
[English lyric] Born with a heart of a lion, raving to space on your own. Into the belt of Orion, g-forces bite to the bone Speed makes your heart burn like fire Speed makes your heart burn ...
[中文对照] 出生与狮子的心脏,呓语在自己的空间。 到猎户座的腰带, G力咬骨 速度使你的心脏如火焚烧 速度使情欲您的心脏燃烧 挑战你服用高 骑快,做你想做的 ...
[English]Masters Of The World
[English lyric] We're a small crowd left to rotten, there's not many hard souls left As the pop is growing stronger, will metal fade away? Will we be broken, will we go down? No! We'll never ...
[中文对照] 我们是一小群人离开烂,还有剩下没有多少辛勤的灵魂 随着流行日益强大,将金属消逝? 我们将被打破,我们就下去? 不!我们永远不会落在我们是世界的主人 ...
[English lyric] Deadly as the viper Peering from its coil The poison there is coming to the boil Ticking like a time bomb The fuse is running short on the verge of snapping if it's caught And ...
[中文对照] 致命的毒蛇 从线圈对等 毒药有即将沸腾 滴答就像一个定时炸弹 保险丝不多 在断裂的边缘,如果它抓住了 而所有的压力一直建立 对于所有这些年来它承担的负荷 ...
- 推荐专辑
- Ok Computer
- Caminho De Milagres
- Hello, Good Friend
- Chronchitis
- Moving On
- Obsession
- Above And Beyond The Doll Of Cutey
- My Darkest Days
- Dream A Little Dream
- 1000 Stars
- Awakening
- Everything Everytime Everywhere
- Hidden Treasures
- Heart In Motion
- VerseChorusKillMe
- The Gold Experience
- Intensive Care
- Dusty
- Revenue Retrievin': Day Shift
- Frozen
- All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
- 本站所有歌词的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权,仅供教育目的及仅限个人使用。