[English]The Voice Of Enigma
[English lyric] Good evening This is the voice of Enigma In the next hour we will take you with us into another world, into the world of music, spirit and meditation Turn off the light, take a ...
[中文对照] 晚上好 这是谜之声 在下一小时 我们将带您与我们 进入了另一个世界, 进入音乐,精神和冥想世界 关灯, 深呼吸 放松 开始慢慢移动, 很慢 ...
[English lyric] Procedamus in pace In nomine Christi, Amen Let us go forth in peace In the name of Christ, So be it Cum angelis et pueris, fideles inveniamur We shall find the faithful in the ...
[中文对照] Procedamus的步伐 在诺米斯蒂,阿门,让我们继续前进,以和平 在耶稣基督的名,阿们 射精安吉利斯等pueris , fideles ...
[English]Find Love
[English lyric] The principles of lust are easy to understand do what you feel feel until the end the principles of lust are burned in your mind do what you want do it until you find love...
[中文对照] 好色的原则 很容易理解 做你的感觉 感受,直到结束 好色的原则 燃烧在你的心中 做你想做的 这样做,直到你找到 爱...
[French]Sadeness (Reprise)
[French lyric] Cum angelis et pueris, fideles inveniamur Sade dit moi Sade donnes moi Sade dit moi Hosanna Sade donnes moi Hosanna
[中文对照] 射精格雷斯和pueris ,忠实inveniamur 萨德告诉我 萨德给我 萨德告诉我 和散那 萨德给我 和散那
[English]Callas Went Away
[English lyric] Callas went away but her voice forever stay Callas went away She went away Ah! je les relis sans cesse Je devais les detruire Ces lettres! Ces lettres! Ah! I read them ...
[中文对照] 卡拉斯走了 但她的声音永远留 卡拉斯走了 她走了 啊!济莱relis SANS cesse 济devais LES detruire CES纯文学! ...
[English]Mea Culpa
[English lyric] Kyrie eleison Christe eleison Je ne dors plus (The time hascome) Je te desire (The time has come) Prends moi Je suis a toi Mea culpa Je veux aller au bout de me fantasmes Je ...
[中文对照] 垂怜 Christe eleison JE NE四川农村发展组织加 (该时间hascome ) 济德的欲望 (现在是时候了) Prends ...
[English]The Voice And The Snake
[English lyric] The first bowl on the earth the second bowl on the sea the third bowl on the rivers the fourth bowl on the sun the fifth bowl on the beast the sixth bowl on the stars the ...
[中文对照] 第一碗在地上 第二碗的海面上 第三碗上的河流 第四碗放在阳光下 第五碗兽 第六碗上的明星 第七碗上的空气 和地球变成灰色 海变成黑色 河流变红 ...
[Galician]Knocking On Forbidden Doors
[Galician lyric] Eia, ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui. Hurray, therefore, our advocate, turn those, your merciful ...
[中文对照] 环境影响评估, ERGO ,倡导诺斯特拉,伊洛tuos观音眼镜的广告让我们 等Iesum , benedictum fructum地利TUI 。 ...
[Latin]Way To Eternity
[Latin lyric] ...quem quaerimus adjutorem, nisi te, Domine... Sancte Deus, Sancte fortis, Sancte misericors Salvator, amarae morti ne tradas nos. ...we search the helper, if not you, Lord... ...
[中文对照] ......我们寻找的帮手,如果不是你,主... 神圣的神,圣强之一,神圣,仁慈的救世主, 不给我们死亡的苦难。 ...
[English lyric] Turn off the light take a deep breath and relax Turn off the light relax take a deep breath relax
[中文对照] 关灯 深呼吸 放松 关灯 放松 深呼吸 放松
[English]The Rivers Of Belief
[English lyric] Take me back to the rivers of belief Take me back to the rivers of belief my friend I look inside my heart I look inside my soul I promise you I will return And when the Lamb ...
[中文对照] 带我回到信仰的河流 带我回到信仰的河流 我的朋友 我期待在我的心脏 我期待在我的灵魂 我答应你 我会回来 当羔羊揭开第七印 沉默笼罩着天空 ...
[English]Mea Culpa (Fading Shades Mix)
[English lyric] Turn off the light, take a deep breath and relax O Sacrum Convivium recolitur passionis eius O Sacret Banquet His passion is renewed Je ne dors plus (Je ne dors plus) Je te ...
[中文对照] 关灯, 深呼吸和放松 Ø骶骨Convivium recolitur passionis eius Ø Sacret宴会 他的激情被更新 JE ...
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