英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Make It Happen 中的所有曲目
专辑 Make It Happen 中的所有曲目:

Make It Happen


类型: album

[English]Start Beginning

[English lyric] Hello my love It's good to see you Shining with the freshness of arrival And I see your beauty Standing there before me And I wonder when we will start this love 'Cos we can ...

[中文对照] 你好我的爱 这是很好的,你看 抵达的新鲜度闪耀 我看到你的美丽 我之前站在那里 我不知道,当我们开始这个爱 因为此刻我们就可以开始开始 在我们的心中开始 ...

[English]I'm Alive

[English lyric] Well I can’t stop doing this If I do it would be fruitless We’re gonna make roots music And live rootless And everyone knows Doing what’s right in their heart Is all they ...

[中文对照] 好吧,我不能停止这样做 如果我这样做是徒劳的 我们要做出根源音乐 而现场无根 每个人都知道 做正确的事情在他们的心脏 都是他们想从一开始就做啊 ...

[English]Find Me

[English lyric] Come like a dream love Come on and breathe love Like my mother Comb my hair now Come and awake love Come like the summer Come on and make love Like a rush in the blood Like my ...

[中文对照] 来吧像做梦一样的爱 来吧,爱呼吸 像我的母亲 梳头现在 来吧,清醒的爱 来吧像夏天 来吧,让爱 如血液中的匆忙 像我的初恋情人 这样的爱的渴望 找我吧 ...

[English]Feel Inside

[English lyric] Well I’m calling out through this ice age The system is making our hearts cry And the call in me to not put up with it Is one I’d be a fool to deny Cos the world is all lost ...

[中文对照] 嗯,我喊过这个冰河时代 该系统使我们的心哭了 而在我的电话不忍受它 是我是一个傻瓜否认 就算是全世界的所有丢失 可怜的被摧毁 富都负责 在推土机 ...

[English]Last Night In Dakar

[English lyric] Nagadef je suis Mamadou I love Africa But I’m leaving her Tomorrow morning The way is hard Many people drown Off the pirouge To Barcelona We Wanna make good money Bring it back ...

[中文对照] Nagadef猪乙脑马马杜 我爱非洲 不过,我要离开她 明天上午 该方法是硬 许多人被淹死 关闭pirouge 巴塞罗那 我们想好好赚钱 把它带回来 ...

[English]Drop Your Guard

[English lyric] Been in and out of love For so many years Given out so many tears That I'm washed up on the shore Seeing you and going wow The heart is broken The heart is overcome And we have ...

[中文对照] 一直在和爱 这么多年 给出了这么多的眼泪 那我冲上了岸 看到你和去哇 的心脏被打破 心脏是克服 我们已经说过 因此,许多深夜 祈祷我们的心会发现你的手 ...

[English]The One

[English lyric] Well I met you in late summer time angel And your beauty drew me in I could feel that Autumn gravity Just calling, just pulling Walking Embankment in the Autumn cold We were ...

[中文对照] 嗯,我在夏末时的天使遇见你 和你的美丽吸引了我 我能感觉到秋天的重力 只是打电话,只需拔通 寒秋堤散步 我们打开我们的光 而你在我的胸口发动飓风 ...

[English]Part Of Me

[English lyric] One winter I got so down I could not face the day Cycling to my girlfriends house I wanted the 151 to smash my life away I had this terror running through me that I thought ...

[中文对照] 一到冬天我得到了这样下来 我无法面对每一天 骑自行车到我的女朋友的房子 我想要的151粉碎我的生命 我已经通过我运行这个恐怖 我以为永远不会结束 ...

[English]Without You

[English lyric] Without you My hands don't know what to do... Without you My love is a lost fool Without you I'm wondering who Will love me when I'm so blue Without you The song has no-one to ...

[中文对照] 没有你 我的手不知道该怎么办... 没有你 我的爱是失去的傻瓜 没有你 我想知道谁 会爱我,当我这么蓝 没有你 这首歌有没有人唱 没有你 ...

[English]England UpRise

[English lyric] It's like this, If you don't get up, they' will keep us down From the moment you are born, they put a number on you They will tell you what to eat after they have modified it ...

[中文对照] 是这样的, 如果你不起床,他们“将让我们失望 从你出生的那一刻,他们把一些你 他们会告诉你吃什么,他们已经修改后, 他们会告诉你如何穿着他们设计后 ...

[English]Love Is

[English lyric] We worked it out Now we are home Now angels sing to me When IÂ’m alone You make me cry You make me sing You make me love you And start remembering that Love is the sweetest ...

[中文对照] 我们的工作了 现在,我们回家 现在天使唱歌给我听 当IÂ\'m单 你让我哭 你让我唱 你让我爱你 并开始记住 爱情是最甜蜜的感觉 我们知道 ...

[English]Flooded Quarry

[English lyric] Well I followed my word and I followed my heart to you And I walk these Welsh mountains Going “damn Anna I'm feeling it true yeah” And you saw me coming with this bomb strapped ...

[中文对照] 好吧,我跟着我的话,我跟着我的心脏给你 我走在这些威尔士山区 走出“该死的安娜,我感觉这是真的呀” 和你看到我来了这个炸弹绑在我 ...

[English]If You Care About It

[English lyric] If you care about it do it Run your hands on through it In your hands are the fruits to give to Hands that need you We're messing up all this old structure Boi, doesn't it rock ...

[中文对照] 如果你关心它做 通过它运行你的手 在你手里有成果给予 需要你的手 我们搞乱了这一切的旧体制 BOI ,不是摇滚吗? COS ...

[English]Lay Down

[English lyric] One of these days, I'm gonna lay down Let go, and lay down We're messing the world up, by beating her so hard I Wanna take you in my arms down by the sea, and lay down Cos I've ...

[中文对照] 总有一天,我会放下 放手,放下 我们搞乱世界了,击败她这么辛苦 我想要把你拥在怀里下来的大海,放下 因为我已经烧了这么多 每个人脸上都看起来怪怪的 ...