[English lyric] You got a unicorn, butterfly, angel wings, inner thigh Queer tattoo, that's a queer tattoo Flaming skull, smoking pot, that's the opposite of not a Queer tattoo, it's a queer ...
[中文对照] 你有麒麟,蝴蝶,天使翅膀,大腿内侧 奇怪的纹身,这是一个奇怪的纹身 燃烧的头骨,吸食大麻,这是不是一个相反的 奇怪的纹身,这是一个奇怪的纹身 ...
[English]No Meat
[English lyric] Vegan living, so healthy and clean So much brown rice, so many mung beans And no meat, not one bite of meat Juicy meat, succulent meat. Instead I get, gluten and sea weed stew. ...
[中文对照] 素食主义者的生活,让健康和清洁 这么多的糙米饭,这么多的绿豆 肉,无肉,不可一咬 多汁的肉,肉质鲜美。 相反,我得到的,面筋和海苔炖。 ...
[English]So This Is Outer Space?
[English lyric] So this is outer space What a lovely place I can't wait to tell the human race Hello alien will you be my friend Wait there's something I can't comprehend It's not outer space ...
[中文对照] 因此,这是太空 多么可爱的地方 我等不及要告诉人类 您好外星人,你会是我的朋友 等待有件事情我无法理解 这不是外太空可言 我只是在商场 ...
[English lyric] Lorelei Lorelei had lazy eyes Straight ahead she would stare And still see shit over there with her lazy eyes Anabel Anabel had an odd odd odd smell Cigarettes and gin With ...
[中文对照] 罗蕾莱 罗蕾莱有弱视 一直往前走,她会盯着 ,仍然可以看到狗屎在那儿,她慵懒的眼神 安贝尔 安贝尔有一个奇怪的奇怪的异味 香烟和杜松子酒 ...
[English lyric] [Narration] "Howdy, folks. This next song is a story of a gal who just couldn't choose between to fellers. One was about the nicest guy you ever met, and the other one, well, ...
[中文对照] [旁白] “你好,伙计,这下一首歌是一个女孩的故事,谁只是 能之间费勒斯不选择。一个是关于最好的 帅哥,你见过,而另一个,好吧,他是样的 ...
[English lyric] I've seen rocky mountains and great lakes Stood beneath a redwood tree But wherever I go my heart aches For a place called Tennessee Oh come with me Where the Whiskey flows ...
[中文对照] 我已经看到了落基山脉和大湖 站在下方的红杉树 不过,无论我走到哪里我的心脏疼 一个名为田纳西州的地方 哦,跟我来 凡威士忌流似酒 和冰毒实验室是神圣 ...
[English]Let Me Inside
[English lyric] Will you show me your heart? Will you open it wide? Expose the raw nerves Will you let me inside? Can you tear down the wall? For the mortar has dried Will you show me your ...
[中文对照] 您能告诉我你的心脏? 你会打开它宽? 暴露的痛处 你让我进去? 你能推倒这堵墙? 对于砂浆变干 您能告诉我你的心脏? 你让我进去? 有没有来推断 ...
[English]The Night I Laid You Down
[English lyric] We were young, maybe twenty You wore a white dressing gown Drinking wine and dancing slowly On the night I laid you down And the moonlight revealed your body As the radio ...
[中文对照] 我们还年轻,也许20 你穿着白色的睡衣 喝酒和跳舞缓慢 在晚上,我躺在你失望 月色透露你的身体 由于无线电打了一些老菲尔柯林斯的歌 我们相信神圣的东西 ...
[English]Too Jesusy
[English lyric] Oh baby, you were such a tease Only get down on your knees to pray To pray And something in your Bible says Not to let me share your bed today Today Oh, now I see That you ...
[中文对照] 哦,宝贝,你是这样的挑逗 只有让跪在地上祈祷 祈祷 有什么东西在你的圣经上说: 不要让我今天分享你的床 今天 呵呵,现在我明白了 你竟然是 ...
[English]The Gathering
[English lyric] Dare I say, the greatest poets of our day Shaggy 2 Dope and Violent Jay; The hip hip clowns Haters see just white-trash family They say fan of I.C.P. must have the downs I ...
[中文对照] 我敢说,我们时代最伟大的诗人 沙吉2涂料和暴力的周杰伦; 髋关节髋关节小丑 仇敌看到的只是白色垃圾的家庭 他们说I.C.P.风扇 必须有起伏 ...
[English]You'll Do
[English lyric] [VERSE 1 Stephen + (Courtney):] I've been drinking here since 5, it's 2AM and everybody's gone The bar man's cleaning up, the jukebox off and all the lights are on (I look up ...
[中文对照] [诗歌1斯蒂芬+ (考特尼) : ] 我一直在这里喝酒,因为5 ,它的2AM ,每个人都走了 酒吧男人的清理,点唱机,并关闭所有的灯都在 ...
[English]Whiskey Dick
[English lyric] Oh my God, I feel sick Drank too much, whiskey dick Tried so hard with this chick Still too soft, whiskey dick Rise it must, point to prove Wait, I just felt it move Tried ...
[中文对照] 噢,我的上帝,我觉得恶心 喝多了,威士忌家伙 如此努力与这小妞 还是太软,威士忌家伙 上涨必须指向证明 等一下,我只是觉得它的举动 尝试了增益,毫无疑问 ...
[English]Hey Love
[English lyric] Love hurts Love’s a cruel master Love’s a killer Love’s a rotten bastard Hey love, I’m done with you Love will break your heart I hate loving hating love Love’s a douchebag ...
[中文对照] 爱情伤害 爱的残忍主 爱是一个杀手 爱的烂私生子 嘿爱,我带你做 爱情会打破你的心脏 我讨厌爱的恨的爱 爱情是一个的恶棍 爱穿着Ed Hardy的 ...
- 推荐专辑
- Love Is Wicked
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- Magna Carta... Holy Grail
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- Endgame
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- Here I Am
- Fahrenheit 1/15 Part III: A Rhyming Ape
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- Phantasmagore
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- Reverberation
- Sing The Greys
- A Northern Soul
- All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
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