英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Leaving Through The Window 中的所有曲目
专辑 Leaving Through The Window 中的所有曲目:

Leaving Through The Window


类型: album

[English]I Want To Save You

[English lyric] standing on the edge of morning scent of sex and new found glory playing as she's pulling back her hair she drives away she's feeling worthless used again but nothing's ...

[中文对照] 站在清晨的边缘 性香味和新发现的荣耀 打她的回拉她的头发 她赶走 她的感觉不值钱 再次使用,但没有什么不同了 她会留下来过夜 但是他知道他不在乎 ...

[English]Punk Rock Princess

[English lyric] Maybe when the room is empty, Maybe when the bottle's full. Maybe when the door gets broke down, Love can break in. Maybe when I'm done with thinking, Maybe you can think me ...

[中文对照] 也许当房间是空的, 也许当瓶子满了。 也许当门被砸开, 爱可以打破英寸 也许我的思维就完了, 也许你可以把我整。 也许当我和结局就完了 ...

[English]I Woke Up In A Car

[English lyric] i woke up in new york city from my sleep behind the wheel caught a train to Poughkeepsie and time stood still she wrote me a letter from san diego to qualify her luck these ...

[中文对照] 我醒来在纽约市 从我的方向盘后面的睡眠 赶上火车到波基普西 和时间停止了 她给我写了从圣迭戈的一封信 晋级她的运气 这些航班亚利桑那州通过连接 ...

[English]If You C Jordan

[English lyric] I have a story, a bitter anthem for everyone to hear, about this kid who just don't like me and that's a solid fact. They say he's hunting me and as you see I'm all swelled up ...

[中文对照] 我有一个故事,一个痛苦的国歌给大家听到, 这个孩子谁就是不喜欢我,这是一个坚实的事实。 他们说他是打猎我和你看我都肿起来了恐惧 ...

[English]The Astronaut

[English lyric] i've been sleeping with ghosts i've been watching stars crawling out of the sky and i've been hoping i'm close to the space man movies i call my life and i've been climbing ...

[中文对照] 我一直睡鬼 我一直在看星 爬出来的天空 我一直希望 我很接近太空人电影 我把我的生命 我已经经历了一次被爬梯 我已经得到了隧道的设想 但我很好 我一直在 ...


[English lyric] Shake down you make me break For goodness sake I think I'm on the edge Of something new with you Shout out don't drown the sound I'll drown you out You'll never scream so loud ...

[中文对照] 摇下来你让我突破 老天爷 我觉得我的优势 新的东西与你的 喊出不要淹没的声音 我会淹死你了 你永远不会尖叫那么大声 我想尖叫与你 你的笑容眩目的站在那里 ...

[English]Cavanaugh Park

[English lyric] At Cavanaugh Park Where I used to sit All alone in the dark And dream about things That I cannot say You always said denstiny Would blow me away And nothing's gonna blow me ...

[中文对照] 在卡诺瓦公园 我曾经坐在 在黑暗中独自 与梦想有关的事情 我不能说 你总是说denstiny 会吹我走 并没有什么的会吹我走 在卡诺瓦公园 ...


[English lyric] i close my eyes thought i was lost but i was stranded i go outside to my surprise the sky had landed i thought it made more sense if i could only keep you guessing i was a fool ...

[中文对照] 我闭上眼睛 以为我是失去了,但我被搁浅 我去外面 让我吃惊的天空降落 我想这更有意义 如果我只能让你猜 我是一个傻瓜去思考 我要阻止你脱衣服 ...

[English]Straw Dog

[English lyric] Staring into the intersection she thinks that she can fly and she might holding on in a new direction she's gonna try it tonight the closer i get to feeling the further that ...

[中文对照] 盯着路口 她认为自己能飞,她可能会 在一个新的方向持有 她今晚要去试试 越接近我到感觉 进一步的,我是从正常的感觉 我越步入阳光 我越走出了光 ...

[English]Good News

[English lyric] she's trapped inside her room with reruns on the screen old books and movies but she can't stop thinking i'm torn between myself my radio my friends i want to write this one ...

[中文对照] 她陷入了她的房间里 与屏幕上的重播 旧的书籍和电影 但她无法停止思考 我自己之间徘徊 我的电台我的朋友 我想了一遍又一遍又一遍写这一个 然后她看着我尖叫 ...

[English]Drunk Girl

[English lyric] I kissed a drunk girl I kissed a drunk girl, yes I did Kissed a drunk girl on the lips I let my guard down how could I have been so dumb Her eyes were open I know I am not the ...

[中文对照] 我吻了一个女孩喝醉了 我吻了一个女孩喝醉了,是我没有 吻醉酒的女孩的嘴唇 我让我放松警惕 我怎么能一直这么愚蠢 她的眼睛是睁着的 我知道我不是一个 ...

[English]Not What It Seems

[English lyric] A long day If ever these questions were yours what would you say you don't know but I'm writing the answers on cheap paper napkins and now he's turning off and now she's ...

[中文对照] 漫长的一天 如果说这些问题是你你会说什么 你不知道 但我写的廉价餐巾纸答案 现在他关闭 现在她的关停 而且它似乎没有什么 没有任何事情一样,当你把它送人 ...

[English]You're Gone

[English lyric] taking steps back through the words i should've said to you they all got lost you went away well i feel sick and you just don't care anymore anymore hours to be with you ...

[中文对照] 采取措施,通过后面的话我应该对你说 他们都迷路了 你走了 嗯,我觉得恶心,你只是不小心了 再 小时和你在一起 在你我的分 我感觉不到这种情况的发生 ...

[English]Globes & Maps

[English lyric] Light breaks underneath a heavy door And I try to keep myself awake Fall all around us on our hotel floor And you think that you've made a mistake And there's a pain in my ...

[中文对照] 下面一个沉重的门灯破裂 我尽量使自己保持清醒 秋季在我们身边我们的宾馆楼 而你认为你已经犯了一个错误 而且也从另外一个不眠的狂欢,我肚子痛 ...