英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Labor Days 中的所有曲目
专辑 Labor Days 中的所有曲目:

Labor Days


类型: album


[English lyric] "This is labor" [echoes] [sample cut and scratched] [Aesop Rock] Who put the monkey wrench in well oiled prefectionist emblem Just to watch these moniters spit white noise ...

[中文对照] “这是劳动” [回音] [样品切割和抓伤] [伊索岩] 谁把井油prefectionist徽猴子扳手 只是看这些moniters吐白噪声 ...


[English lyric] Yo...put one up shackle me, not clean logic procreation I did not invent the wheel I was the crooked spoke adjacent While the triple sixers lassos keep angels roped in the ...

[中文对照] 哟......把一上来卸扣我,不干净的逻辑生育 我并没有发明轮子我的歪讲相邻 而三七六人套索让天使拉拢地下室 我走了块带晕和棍子戳你的耐心 ...

[English]Save Yourself

[English lyric] [Verse 1:] Pull the pin out, sheep creep in wolf garb Fronted by the Hail Mary parry lunge mixer Kill the populace for stability, jeopardy's a stickler It's bob and weave ...

[中文对照] [诗歌1 : ] 拔出插销,羊蠕变在狼的外衣 由万福玛利亚招架弓步搅拌机额 杀平民的稳定性,危险是一个很讲究 这是鲍勃和编织齐起鹘您的灯具 ...


[English lyric] "We'll have more news after this commercial word" (As so it goes..) "At least I think I was here asleep... Is it possible, conceiveable that I sleepwalked out of my apartment ...

[中文对照] “我们将有更多的消息这条商业一词后” (至于如此这般..) “至少我觉得我在这里睡着了...... 有没有可能, ...

[English]No Regrets

[English lyric] Lucy was 7 and wore a head of blue barettes City born, into this world with no knowledge and no regrets Had a piece of yellow chalk with which she'd draw upon the street The ...

[中文对照] 露西是7 ,穿着蓝色barettes的头 市诞生,成为这个世界上,没有知识,也没有遗憾 有一块黄色的粉笔与她博采街 各种当地人的多面性,她会满足 ...

[English]One Brick

[English lyric] [Aesop Rock] I start my city with a brick (one brick) Then add another brick (two bricks) Brick by brick, I manufacture homes for fallen angels I ain't no great Samaritan, ...

[中文对照] [伊索岩] 我开始我的城市,一砖(一砖) 然后再添砖(两块砖) 一砖一瓦,我院生产的堕落天使 我不是伟大的见义勇为,这只是游戏继续下去的方式 ...

[English]The Tugboat Complex Pt. 3

[English lyric] I could make 'em all dance, or I could sleep I could walk with a limp and make your step feel incomplete people are made of match sticks, light this bread a flames note at the ...

[中文对照] 我可以让他们所有的舞蹈,我也可以睡 我可以走路一跛一跛,让你一步不完整的感觉 人是由火柴棒的,光这面包的火焰 注意在工艺工作门的达米安主机的最后傻笑 ...


[English lyric] "We now present to you...music" [cut up] "Music to make you stutter" [Aesop Rock] I've been a biplane dog fighter Henson invention Trooper burst result of Dragon Ball Z/Speed ...

[中文对照] “我们现在向您的音乐...... ” [切碎] “音乐让你口吃” [伊索岩] 我是一个双翼战斗机狗汉森发明 中龙珠Z /极速赛车基因拼接爆裂警官结果 ...


[English lyric] [Aesop Rock:] Yo change the fuckin channel I burn a Coma candle When the flame fades, consider my flatline a soldier's sample We them cats talkin noise behind that New York ...

[中文对照] [伊索岩: ] 哟改变他妈的通道 我烧昏迷蜡烛 当火焰消失,考虑我的平直线士兵的样本 我们这些猫说话背后的纽约垃圾堆噪音 ...


[English lyric] Raw, I'm going to give it to you With no trivia Raw like that Aesop rock iron-fisted blissed felicia While bent funny bone grown community Spit a thousand m-1 ripples to ...

[中文对照] 生的,我要去把它送给你 由于没有琐事 原料喜欢的伊索摇滚铁腕blissed费利西亚 而弯曲的搞笑骨生长的社区 吐千M-1的涟漪致残的连续性 ...

[English]Bent Life

[English lyric] [Aesop Rock] Yo I take 10 steps with a bedlamped vision Study the disorders we've absorbed inside the village I understand the plagues and shake hands with my grimace that ...

[中文对照] [伊索岩] 哟 我拿10步骤, bedlamped愿景 研究中,我们村子里面所吸收的障碍 据我所知,瘟疫和握手,我的鬼脸是留在 我的脸像上下车厢的感受 ...

[English]The Yes And The Y'all

[English lyric] [Aesop Rock - acapella] Jiggy-jabberjaw vitamin idol and primal rages When bible page verse tidal waves has begun (Water one) I wrote the book that shook America to splinters ...

[中文对照] [伊索岩 - 阿卡贝拉] Jiggy运行, jabberjaw维生素偶像和原始肆虐 当圣经经文页浪潮已经开始(一水) 我写这本书,震撼美国到稀里哗啦 ...

[English]9-5ers Anthem

[English lyric] [Aesop Rock] Zoom in to the fuming of an aggravated breed Via the study of post-adolesent agitated seeds Half the patients wasted self pride at Commencement So I focus on the ...

[中文对照] [伊索岩] 放大到加重品种的复明 通过后adolesent搅动种子的研究 一半的患者浪费了自身的骄傲,在开学 所以我重点城市样本氧,热,使得它的呼吸 ...


[English lyric] [Chorus: x2] I don't shrug instead of the ramifications of my shovel Lovin the consequences of uprooting the jungle I'm huggin the cyclo Gemini stooped contenders from viewin ...

[中文对照] [合唱: X2 ] 我不耸肩,而不是我铲的后果 爱着铲倒丛林的后果 我huggin的环双子座驼背的竞争者从viewin拼图 ...