英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Kind Of Light 中的所有曲目
专辑 Kind Of Light 中的所有曲目:

Kind Of Light

歌手: 88, THE

类型: album

[English]All The Same

[English lyric] I don't mind where you come from As long as you come to me I don't like illusions I can't see Them clearly I don't care no I wouldn't dare To fix the twist in you You've shown ...

[中文对照] 我不介意你来自哪里 只要你来我往 我不喜欢幻想,我看不到 他们清楚 我不在乎没有我不敢 要修复您的扭曲 你终于给我看 你会做什么 我不介意...... ...


[English lyric] Honey I don’t think it’s funny Where is all the money I need you to save me Don’t be how’s the dope below me Take it out to show me Dying just to throw me Downcast whiplash and ...

[中文对照] 亲爱的,我不认为这很有趣 哪里是我所有的钱要你救我 不要怎么是我下面的涂料 把它拿出来给我看 临终只是把我 垂头丧气的鞭打和向下失速 你会相信我 ...

[English]Elbow Blues

[English lyric] Clean your life away under the God Mama the gun papa the gun And those sea racing sidewalk genes splicing in the midday sun Chasing the one Tell your friends today Show em your ...

[中文对照] 清理你的生活了下神 妈妈对爸爸的枪枪 而这些海的赛车人行道基因拼接在正午的阳光 追一 告诉你的朋友今天 显示新兴市场的拖把 一切都很好,一切都很好 ...

[English]How Good It Can Be

[English lyric] With the cops on your lips it's a holy routine If you'd stop all your trips you could see what I mean I forgot not to slip 'bout you're under 18 You had it in your hands, had ...

[中文对照] 用你的嘴唇上,警察是一个神圣的程序 如果你停止你所有的旅行,你可以明白我的意思 我忘了不溜\'回合你是18岁以下 你在你的手中有它,有它在你的手中 ...

[English]Kind Of Light

[English lyric] Your cry seat Has the smell of a whore It might seem Never fun anymore Call up your thief He knows the score He lies believe It’s funny honey It’s a good night For a crime in ...

[中文对照] 你哭的座位 有一个妓女的味道 这似乎 从来没有好玩了 打电话给你的贼 他懂得人情世故 他相信谎言 这很有趣蜜 这是一个美好的夜晚 对于在黑暗中犯罪 ...

[English]No Use Left For Me

[English lyric] Bleeding from your head You should pull it out instead No one comes to see Failing from the start Taking every scene apart Loathing life and me And everybody thinks I’m gone ...

[中文对照] 从你的头在流血 你应该拉出来,而不是 没人来看看 从一开始就失败 以每一个场景分开 厌恶生活,我 每个人都认为我消失了 但我相信,我知道我的头 ...

[English]God Is Coming

[English lyric] Well God is coming To break your heart and to show you up Yeah and I was just druggin To let me know all about the ups Yeah and I’ll be believin The itty second that he comes ...

[中文对照] 好神来了 要打破你的心脏和向您展示了 是啊,我只是druggin 让我知道所有关于UPS 是的,我会believin 该itty第二,他来 ...

[English]Hate Me

[English lyric] Thank God you’re an open book Thank God you’re a scam Thank God you’re a runaway Thank God for your man I’m giving thanks that you’re old enough to hate me Thank God you’re a ...

[中文对照] 感谢上帝,你是一个打开的书 感谢上帝,你是一个骗局 感谢上帝,你是离家出走 感谢上帝,你的男人 我给了你足够老恨我感谢 感谢上帝,你是扔掉 ...

[English]I'm A Man

[English lyric] It’s life like mine It’s a dope-sick play It’s a blue-faced find Gonna die today It’s a plastic heaven It’s the all white tan I’m a man It’s a black tooth mess It’s the acne ...

[中文对照] 这就是生活像我 这是一种涂料,生病打 这是一个蓝色面临的发现 今天会死 这是一个塑料的天堂 这是全白檀 我是男人 这是一个黑色的牙齿乱 这是痤疮疤痕 ...

[English]Melting In The Sun

[English lyric] Melting in the sun She was undone Bringing sheets for hats Sensing I was small I became tall Swinging meats and bats Doesn’t it seem We broke it off too soon Doesn’t it seem We ...

[中文对照] 融化的太阳 她被撤消 把床单的帽子 感应我小 我变得高大 摆动肉类和蝙蝠 没有它似乎 我们也很快就提出分手 没有它似乎 我们知道失速调整 跑了回来 ...

[English]Sunday Afternoon

[English lyric] I don’t know I think it just depends I’m on the high and flyin morning It’s just a Sunday afternoon I’m feeling God and I believe him I don’t know I think it’s just the pills ...

[中文对照] 我不知道 我认为这只是取决于 我在高日上午飞翔 这只是一个星期天的下午 我感觉上帝,我相信他 我不知道 我认为这只是丸 我在高日上午飞翔 ...

[English]Something Had Me Good

[English lyric] Back when I was skin and bones I looked up I wasn’t alone But I was the one And I was getting it done But something had me good Back when I was ma and pa I knew with them I ...

[中文对照] 回来时,我的皮肤和骨骼 我抬起头,我不是一个人 但我是一个 后来我得到了它做 可是,我有我的好 回来时,我是马和PA 我知道他们我举起后卫 但我是搞 ...

[English]Hard To Be You

[English lyric] Day two made you I could hear the sign Fall down way down I would never lie I know it’s hard to be you Dust and the high that you knew Giving you hope from the sign I know ...

[中文对照] 两天让你 我能听到的标志 倒下一路下滑 我从来不说谎 我知道这很难成为你 灰尘和你知道的高 让您从希望的迹象 我知道一切都很好 给我的东西我从来没有自己 ...