英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Jazz 中的所有曲目
专辑 Jazz 中的所有曲目:



类型: album


[English lyric] Abrahim Abrahim Abrahim Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Will pray for you. Hey!! Mustapha, Mustapha, Mustapha, Abrahim. Mustapha, Mustapha, Mustapha, Abrahim. Mustapha Abrahim. ...

[中文对照] Abrahim Abrahim Abrahim 安拉,安拉,安拉,安拉, 会为你祈祷。 嘿! 穆斯塔法, 穆斯塔法, 穆斯塔法, Abrahim 。 ...

[English]Fat Bottomed Girls

[English lyric] Oh you gonna take me home tonight Oh down beside that red fire light Oh you gonna let it all hang out Fat bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round Hey I was just a ...

[中文对照] 哦,你要带我今晚回家 噢,那火红色的光边向下 哦,你要去让这一切挂出 胖女孩见底您做出摇摆的世界去圆 嘿,我只是一个瘦小的小伙子 从来不知道没有好坏 ...


[English lyric] Oh how wrong can you be? Oh to fall in love was my very first mistake How was I to know I was far too much in love to see? Oh jealousy look at me now Jealousy you got me ...

[中文对照] 哦,你怎么错了,可以吗? 呵呵谈恋爱是我的第一个错误 我怎么会知道我太多的爱看到了什么? 哦,嫉妒看看我现在 嫉妒你有点让我 你不给我警告 措手不及带我 ...

[English]Bicycle Race

[English lyric] Bicycle bicycle bicycle I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride it where I like You ...

[中文对照] 自行车自行车自行车 我想坐我的自行车自行车自行车 我想坐我的自行车 我想坐我的自行车 我想坐我的自行车 我想骑它,我喜欢 你说黑我说白 你说的树皮我说咬 ...

[English]If You Can't Beat Them

[English lyric] Keep your chin up when you're feeling lonely Don't let them get you down Ain't no use in sitting all alone Hangin' around for someone to call Ohh they won't come knocking at ...

[中文对照] 保持你的下巴了,当你感到孤独 不要让他们失望让你 是不是在独坐着没有用 犹豫不决,周围的人打电话 哦,他们不会从天上掉下来的所有 ...

[English]Let Me Entertain You

[English lyric] Let me welcome you ladies and gentlemen I would like to say hello Are you ready for some entertainment? Are you ready for a show? Gonna rock gonna roll you Get you dancing in ...

[中文对照] 我欢迎各位女士们,先生们: 我想打个招呼 你准备好了一些娱乐? 你准备好节目? 要摇滚要去滚你 让你在过道上跳舞 爵士和华丽堂皇你 随着风格的一点点 ...

[English]Dead On Time

[English lyric] Fool always jumping never happy where you land Fool got my bus'ness make your living where you can Hurry down the highway Hurry down the road Hurry past the people staring ...

[中文对照] 愚人常跳永远快乐,你的土地 傻子把我bus\'ness让你的生活,你可以 赶快下高速公路 赶紧在路上 匆匆过去的人盯着 快快快快 离开时间离开时间 ...

[English]In Only Seven Days

[English lyric] Monday the start of my holiday Freedom for just one week Feels good to get away ooh Tuesday I saw here down on the beach I stood and watched a while And she looked and smiled ...

[中文对照] 周一我的假期开始 自由短短一个星期 感觉还不错脱身哦 星期二,我在这里看到倒在沙滩上 我站着看一会 她看了一下,我笑了 周三,我没有看到她 ...

[English]Dreamer's Ball

[English lyric] Oh I used to be your baby Used to be your pride and joy You used to take me dancing Just like any other boy But now you've found another partner You've left me like a broken ...

[中文对照] 哦,我曾经是你的宝贝 曾经是你的骄傲和喜悦 你常带我跳舞 就像任何其他的男孩 但现在你已经找到了另一个伙伴 你让我像一个破碎的玩具 哦,是别人你正在服用 ...

[English]Fun It

[English lyric] Everybody in the morning Should do a good turn all right Everybody in the night time Should have a good time all night Now we got a movement Don't shun it fun it Can't you see ...

[中文对照] 每个人都在早上 应该做人情没事 每个人都在夜间 应该有一个很好的时间都晚 现在,我们得到了一个运动 不要躲避它好玩 难道你看现在你移动免费的吗? ...

[English]Leaving Home Ain't Easy

[English lyric] I take a step outside And I breathe the air And I slam the door And I'm on my way I won't lay no blame I won't call you names 'Cause I've made my break And I won't look back ...

[中文对照] 我带了一步外 我呼吸的空气 我摔门 我对我的方式 我不会躺着不怪 我不会叫你的名字 因为我已经做了我的破 我不会回头 我已经把我的背 在这些无休止的游戏 ...

[English]Don't Stop Me Now

[English lyric] Tonight I'm gonna have myself a real good time I feel alive and the world it's turning inside out Yeah! I'm floating around in ecstasy So don't stop me now don't stop me 'Cause ...

[中文对照] 今晚我会自己有一个真正的好时机 我觉得活着的世界它里面翻出来呀! 我在狂喜左右浮动 所以不要阻止我现在不要阻止我 因为我在有一个好时机的好时机 ...

[English]More Of That Jazz

[English lyric] If you're feeling tired and lonely Uninspired and lonely If you're thinking how the days seem long All you're given Is what you've been given a thousand times before Just more ...

[中文对照] 如果你感到疲倦和孤单 平庸和寂寞 如果你正在考虑如何将日子似乎长 所有你给予 是你一直在给前一千倍 只是越多 更多的爵士乐 更没有更多的爵士乐 ...