[English lyric] I wouldn't sell my belt to industry So they carded me, and they carted me off. Naked but that belt around my waist It was my father's once. I still see his face. I said whoa oh ...
[中文对照] 我不会出售我的皮带行业 因此,他们梳理了我,他们好不容易把我赶走。 裸体但我的腰周围的腰带 这是我父亲的一次。我还看到他的脸。 ...
[English lyric] All the words in my mouth that the scene deemed unworthy of letting out banded together to form a makeshift militia and burrowed bloodily through my tongue and my teeth. I ...
[中文对照] 所有在我嘴里的话 该场景被认为不配让出 联合起来,形成一个临时的民兵 和钻地的血腥通过我的舌头和牙齿。 我站在骄傲的画廊 带嘴的我打开套接字让他们看到。 ...
[English]The Writhing South
[English lyric] Yeah, yeah, yeah, ok Searching for blood in the salty sea The sun beating down on the chest in back of me Looking for drugs in a southern town Hey, hey, hey, hey I’ve got this ...
[中文对照] 是啊,是啊,是啊,OK 寻找血液中的咸海水 太阳在我的背部上下跳动的胸部 寻找药物的江南小镇 嘿,嘿,嘿,嘿 我有这种红色的右手指向我南 ...
[English]Alive With The Glory Of Love
[English lyric] When I watch you, I wanna do you right where you're standing (yeah) Right on the foyer, on this dark day, right in plain view (oh yeah) Of the whole ghetto. The boots stomp ...
[中文对照] 当我看着你,我想你就在你所站(耶) 右侧的大堂,在这黑暗的一天,就在普通视图(噢) 整个贫民窟。靴子踩草地,但我们忽略了(是啊) ...
[English]Yellow Cat (Slash) Red Cat
[English lyric] I watch my yellow cat invade my red cat in the yard. The feline war has raged for years so I assume it’d be to hard for me to drive my foot between them. I would never risk the ...
[中文对照] 我看我的黄猫侵入我的红猫在院子里。 猫的战争已经持续了多年,所以我认为它会是硬 对我来说,促使它们之间的我的脚。我绝不会冒险从零开始 ...
[English]The Futile
[English lyric] Shit! Nothing makes sense, so I won't think about it. I'll go with the ignorance. Eat, sleep, fuck and flee; in four words, that's me. I am full of indifference. What do the ...
[中文对照] 妈的! 什么是有意义的,所以我不会去想它。我会去与无知。 吃饭,睡觉,他妈的而逃;八个字,那就是我。 我充满冷漠。 ...
[English lyric] No more promises I have made them before and broken them Give me the 'go ahead' and I'll undress myself for you, If you're at all interested now I'm growing legs I'm the ...
[中文对照] 没有更多的承诺 我以前做他们,打破他们 给我的\'继续\' ,我会自己脱衣服给你, 如果你在所有感兴趣的现在 我成长的腿 我的蜘蛛,我是蜘蛛 我成长的腿 ...
[English]An Orgy Of Critics
[English lyric] Sweep the black super market! Sweep it up with your teeth! Put your feather in a box! (Take off! Take off!) Send it off to me! I smell oxygen, precious. Bareback on your horse. ...
[中文对照] 横扫黑超市场! 用你的牙齿扫吧! 把你的羽毛在一个盒子! (起飞!起飞! ) 把它寄给了我! 我闻到氧气,弥足珍贵。 性交对你的马。 ...
[English]Every Man Has A Molly
[English lyric] Here I am, laid bare, at the end of my rope. I’ve lost all hope. So Long! Molly Connolly just broke up with me over the revealing nature of the songs. You goddamn kids had best ...
[中文对照] 我在这里,戳穿,我的穷途末路。我已经失去了所有的希望。这么久! 莫莉·康诺利刚刚和我分手了歌曲的启发性。 你该死的孩子已经是最好的亲切与MERCH钱你花 ...
[English]Slowly, Through A Vector
[English lyric] Passing slowly through a vector damp with fog, The bog that grows through former business sector With my laugh, my lone companion. Only I can save the lives that blink within ...
[中文对照] 慢慢的传递通过一个载体潮湿有雾, 在生长前通过工商部门的沼泽 随着我的笑,我孤独的伴侣。 只有我能救这个峡谷中闪烁的生命。 (哇) ...
[English]Chia-Like, I Shall Grow
[English lyric] I've watched you all succeed with the highest marks in greed From my cave, where you're displayed like photographs that bleed And my teeth grind names into their ivory ...
[中文对照] 我看过你所有的成功与贪婪的最高分 从我的山洞,在那里你显示的那样流血的照片 而我的牙齿磨的名字为自己的象牙膜。 我讨厌永恒的,每个体弱多病的咒语,我投。 ...
[English]I Want To Know Your Plans
[English lyric] I want to know your plans and how involved in them I am. When I go to sleep for good will I be forgiven? And If you want roses you can go buy a bouquet. If that just won't cut ...
[中文对照] 我想知道你的计划,以及如何参与其中的我。 当我去睡觉好,我必被原谅? 如果你想的玫瑰,你可以去购买一束花。 如果只是不会削减它,以及我能说什么呢? ...
[English]Admit It
[English lyric] Admit it! Despite your pseudo-bohemian appearance And vaguely leftist doctrine of beliefs You know nothing about art or sex That you couldn’t read in any trendy New York ...
[中文对照] 承认吧! 尽管你的伪放荡不羁的外表 信念隐约左派主义 你一无所知的艺术或性别 你可以不看任何时髦的纽约地下时尚杂志 典型的不顺从 ...
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