英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Infamous 中的所有曲目
专辑 Infamous 中的所有曲目:



类型: album

[English]Good Old Friend

[English lyric] Good old friend It's been too long My broken heart you mend How they were so wrong Your bad reputation Is nothing more than motivation They think they know you but they don't ...

[中文对照] 好的老朋友 它已经太长时间 我破碎的心脏,你补一补 他们是如何错 你的名声不好 比动机无非 他们认为他们知道你,但他们不知道狗屎吧 ...


[English lyric] Born and raised original, You're just TV typical. You think I'm just a gimmick? From east to west you pussies mimic. Right now's our time, and all I fucking know, Is this city, ...

[中文对照] 出生和长大原来, 你只是电视的典型代表。 你以为我只是一个噱头? 从东到西,你的pussies模仿。 现在是我们的时间,而我他妈的知道了, ...

[English]Less Than Love

[English lyric] [x2:] You don't hear my prayers do you? When will we be together? You don't know that I love you. When will we be together? Attention seeker You're a firm believer In more then ...

[中文对照] [ X2 : ] 你不听我的祈祷你呢? 我们什么时候才能在一起? 你不知道我爱你。 我们什么时候才能在一起? 关注寻 你是一个坚定的信徒 在一个以上 ...


[English lyric] I fear the struggle I fear the strife A fear of death A fear of life I fear for you You fear for me I fear for what Will come to be (Come to be [x4]) Blossoms bloom so fine ...

[中文对照] 我担心的斗争 我担心的纷争 怕死 一怕生活 我担心你 你怕我 我担心的是什么 会是 (后来被[ X4 ] ) 花开的季节做精 只有从葡萄回落 [X2] ...

[English]American Holocaust

[English lyric] We have created The humanity destroyer All we have hated Kill the employer A product of the 21st century I am alone Burning in the infirmary This is my home The American dream ...

[中文对照] 我们已经创建 人类驱逐舰 我们所有的恨 杀雇主 21世纪的产物 我独自一人 燃烧的疗养 这是我的家 美国梦 在候车室会死 我们需要的分辨率 ...


[English lyric] You paid attention Was it time well spent? Lies in the past, got dragged by the current. How can you base what was a lie on trust Strangers now, lovers in august It's mist ...

[中文对照] 您关注 是它的时间用得其所? 已过,拿到拖了电流。 你怎么能基础是什么骗人的信任 现在陌生人,八月恋人 这是雾填满了我的肺, 救我,而我还年轻 ...

[English]Forever Lonely

[English lyric] Turn me up up up when you're feeling low Put on your headphones (When you're feeling low) (Stuck on repeatpeatpeat, I'll never go) Eventually, you're gonna have to find the ...

[中文对照] 把我涨涨了,当你情绪低落 戴上你的耳机 (当你情绪低落) (憋屈repeatpeatpeat ,我永远不会去) 最后,你得找你信任握住手 ...

[English]Made Of Gold

[English lyric] Fuck that when I die I'd rather go to hell I speak the fucking truth It aint hard to fucking tell I'd tattoo it on my fucking face Fuck you, I'll never fucking change. And if I ...

[中文对照] 他妈的,当我死了,我宁愿下地狱 我说的是他妈的事实 它是不是很难他妈的诉说 我想纹身在我的脸上他妈的 你他妈的,我永远也不会他妈的变化。 ...


[English lyric] In the end none of this will matter In the end we all will shatter In the end only us will matter In the end I will never shatter I refuse to just exist In the end we will be ...

[中文对照] 在今年年底没有将此事 最终我们都将打破 最后只有我们将事 最后,我将永远不会动摇 我拒绝只是存在 最后,我们会想念 我拒绝只是存在 最后,我们必须抵制 ...

[English]Brothers For Life

[English lyric] Friends for seasons Friends for reasons Brothers for life. I live my life free of command These are my friends It's all I really have Friends for seasons Friends for reasons ...

[中文对照] 友季节 朋友的原因 兄弟的生命。 我住我的生命自由的命令 这些都是我的朋友 这一切我真的有 友季节 朋友的原因 兄弟的生命。 我从来没有想过它是如此简单 ...