[English]What's The Matter Here?
[English lyric] That young boy without a name anywhere I'd know his face. In this city the kid's my favorite. I've seen him. I see him every day. Seen him run outside looking for a place to ...
[中文对照] 那个小男孩没有名字的任何地方我都能认出他的脸。 在这个城市里的孩子是我的最爱。 我见过他。我看他的每一天。 看到他跑到外面找地方,从他的父亲隐瞒, ...
[English]Hey Jack Kerouac
[English lyric] Hey Jack Kerouac, I think of your mother and the tears she cried, they were cried for none other than her little boy lost in our little world that hated and that dared to drag ...
[中文对照] 嘿杰克·凯鲁亚克,我觉得你的母亲 她哭了,眼泪,他们哭了让利 比她小男孩失去了我们的小世界恨 并敢于把他拉下来,她的小男孩勇敢。 ...
[English]Like The Weather
[English lyric] Color of the sky as far as I can see is coal grey. Lift my head from the pillow and then fall again. Shiver in my bones, just thinking about the weather. Quiver in my lip as if ...
[中文对照] 彩色的天空,据我看到的却是煤灰色。 从枕头抬起我的头,然后再次下降。 气死我的骨头,只是想着天气。 颤动的嘴唇,仿佛我真的哭了。 ...
[English]Cherry Tree
[English lyric] Over your shoulder, please don't mind me if my eyes have fallen onto your magazine Oh I've been watching and wondering why your face is changing with every line you read. For ...
[中文对照] 你的肩膀,请不要介意我 如果我的眼睛已经落到你的杂志 哦,我一直在看,不知道 为什么你的脸正在发生变化,你读的每一行。 ...
[English]The Painted Desert
[English lyric] The Painted Desert can wait till summer. We've played this game of just imagine long enough. Wait till summer? When I'm sure the rains have ended, the blooms have gone, ...
[中文对照] 彩绘沙漠可以等到夏天。 我们已经玩过这个游戏的想像足够长的时间。 等到夏天? 我敢肯定,降雨已经结束,华已经走了, 每个人都在晨霜死亡。 ...
[English]Don't Talk
[English lyric] Don't talk, I will listen. Don't talk, you keep your distance for I'd rather hear some truth tonight than entertain your lies, so take you poison silently. Let me be. Let me ...
[中文对照] 别说话,我会听。 别说话,你保持距离 因为我宁愿听到一些真话比今晚招待你的谎言, 所以把你默默的毒药。 让我。让我闭上双眼。 不说话,我就相信了。 ...
[English]Peace Train
[English lyric] Now I've been happy lately, thinking about the good things to come And I believe it could be, something good has begun I've been smiling lately, dreaming about the world as one ...
[中文对照] 现在,我一直很高兴最近,想着美好的明天 而且我相信它可能是,好东西已经开始 我一直在微笑近来,梦想世界为一体 而且我相信它可能是,好东西必然要到来 ...
[English]Gun Shy
[English lyric] I always knew that you would take yourself far from home as soon as, as far as you could go. By the 1/4 inch cut of your hair and the Army issue green, for the past eight weeks ...
[中文对照] 我一直都知道,你会采取自己远离家乡 只要,只要你可以走了。 通过你的头发的四分之一英寸的切割和军绿色的问题, 在过去的八周以后我可以告诉你去过的地方。 ...
[English]My Sister Rose
[English lyric] Big plans are being made for my sister's wedding day. We'll have a ball at the Sons of Roma Hall. Family, friends come one and all. First the best man makes a toast to Rocky ...
[中文对照] 正在为我妹妹的婚礼当天的宏伟计划。 我们将有一个球在罗马音乐厅的儿子。 家人,朋友来一个和所有。 首先伴郎,使举杯岩石和妹妹玫瑰, ...
[English]A Campfire Song
[English lyric] A lie to say, "O my mountain has coal veins and beds to dig. 500 men with axes and they all dig for me." A lie to say, "O my river where many fish do swim, half of the catch is ...
[中文对照] 谎言说, “啊,我的山上有煤脉和床挖。 500人用斧头,他们都掏给我。 “ 谎言说, “啊,我的河流,许多鱼都游, 一半的渔获是我,当你拖着你的渔网“。 ...
[English]City Of Angels
[English lyric] Heaven, is this heaven where we are? See them walking, if you dare, if you call that walking. Stumble, stagger, fall and drag themselves along the streets of heaven. Where is ...
[中文对照] 天堂,这是天堂的地方,我们是谁? 看到他们走,如果你敢,如果你调用行走。 跌跌撞撞,东倒西歪,秋,拖动自己沿着天堂的街道。 ...
[English]Verdi Cries
[English lyric] The man in 119 takes his tea alone. Mornings we all rise to wireless Verdi cries. I'm hearing opera through the door. The souls of men and women, impassioned all. Their voices ...
[中文对照] 在119名男子把他的茶单。 早上大家都导致无线威尔第的呼喊。 我透过门听到歌剧。 男人和女人的灵魂,慷慨激昂所有。 他们的声音上升和下降;战斗鼓吹通话。 ...
- 推荐专辑
- Accelerate
- Past Masters. Volume One
- To Wish You A Merry Christmas
- Let It Go
- The Door
- Iron Maiden
- The Wall
- Allure
- Lifehouse
- The Other Side
- Up
- Picture Of Perfect Youth
- A Day Without Rain
- Earl
- Get Closer
- Major Lodge Victory
- Linda Ronstadt
- C.A.S.H. (Cass Always Stays Hard)
- Beyond Magnetic
- Other Voices, Other Rooms
- All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
- 本站所有歌词的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权,仅供教育目的及仅限个人使用。