[English]Alpha Centauri
[English lyric] widows an antique replacement a briefcase filled with mace widows six legged lost and found students spray the kent state mist wishing wills missing clientele widows sex legged ...
[中文对照] 寡妇古董更换 洋溢着狼牙棒公文包 寡妇6条腿的失物招领 学生喷肯特州立雾 希望遗嘱失踪客户 寡妇的性足失物招领 大衣穿在夏天的服装 断箭汗屋昏迷 ...
[English lyric] valmara valmara valmara flechettes kiss me with the lisp of your shrapnel caress lost this arm, lost this leg lost this diving board just a belly flopped proposal of let's be ...
[中文对照] valmara valmara valmara flechettes 吻我的口齿不清 您的弹片爱抚 失去这条胳膊,失去这条腿 失去了这种跳水板 ...
[English]Hulahoop Wounds
[English lyric] in a small ghost town, there's a little arcade where the poltergeists play their video games at the top of the roof he says game over they said, game over they said run and get ...
[中文对照] 在一个小鬼城,有一个小商场 其中poltergeists发挥自己的视频游戏 在屋顶上,他说: 比赛结束了,他们说,比赛结束了,他们说: 运行,让您在宿舍 ...
[English]Napolean Solo
[English lyric] cut and paste were you sitting down on the beaded impotence of new orleans a hint of suspense when that telephone rings this is forever it paved a wave of distance between the ...
[中文对照] 剪切和粘贴 被你坐下 在新奥尔良的串珠阳痿 悬念暗示当电话铃响 这是永远的 它铺平了一波距离 语法错误的 从奥斯汀的黄砖路 这是永远的 ...
[English]Pick Pocket
[English lyric] in the humble stence of nativity hummed the smell of television snow a faint S.O.S. flickering riding on the coattails of their ground zero neighborhood footprints ingrown the ...
[中文对照] 在耶稣诞生的卑微stence 哼电视雪花的味道 淡淡的S.O.S.闪烁 骑在他们的地面零的燕尾服 附近的脚印嵌 日光节约时间将永远不知道 这个雪花冷 ...
[English]For Now...We Toast
[English lyric] it's hit or miss upon the gate walls are the guards asleep, bayonet and all are the search lights coming we built this tunnel we shovel with our hands dig just a little bit, ...
[中文对照] 它击中或错过在门墙 有警卫睡着了,刺刀和所有 是搜索灯来 我们建这条隧道 我们铲用我们的双手 只是挖一点点,营地辽阔睡着了 库洗衣店 脏床单里 ...
[English]A Devil Among The Tailors
[English lyric] they say that thirteen is just a number a double agent funded in the secret of the hive and the workers and their lives all sweet and honeycombed a hunger ravenous and funded ...
[中文对照] 他们说, 13只是一个数字 在秘密资助的双重间谍 蜂房,工人和他们的生活 所有的甜蜜和蜂窝 饥饿贪婪并资助 隐姓埋名剃刀烧伤 滑石粉供电指纹 ...
[English]Shaking Hand Incision
[English lyric] nothing ever changes except scenery rearrangements in the affectionate hands of horsepower assault best keep your pants on, boy behind the armor of fault homeless makeshift ...
[中文对照] 从来都没有改变 除了风光重排 在深情的手 马力殴打 最好让你的裤子上,男孩 故障的铠甲背后 无家可归者临时的触发器 你再也不会走,你再也不会走路 ...
[English lyric] this is the accent of the halfhearted land does it all make sense now and if the ship was built in bottled sand does it all make sense now the anchor's kiss was scrawled in ...
[中文对照] 这是半心半意地口音 所有这一切是有意义现在 如果这艘船建造于瓶装沙 所有这一切是有意义现在 锚的吻被潦草地写在诵读困难的蜡笔 是的,这一切才有意义,现在 ...
[English lyric] sucks me in, taking a ride and i'm wishing for the satellite grabbing vein pulling down on the radio laughing at the face that's bending down i'm all alone so far up here and ...
[中文对照] 吮吸我,走一程 我很希望为卫星 抓住静脉收音机拉低 笑在脸的弯腰 我是独自一人,到目前为止在这里 和我的氧气的都走了 弯曲的金属 我的荣耀中失败 ...
[English]Transatlantic Foe
[English lyric] pet sounds filling pet peeve void's black and white tv with the sound turned down is it mono or stereo? lending aneurysm satisfaction in the fruitless gaze of your mona lisa ...
[中文对照] 宠物听起来填补忌讳无效的 黑白电视机的声音拒绝 它是单声道或立体声? 贷款瘤满意的 你的蒙娜丽莎的微笑慵懒的目光无果而终 欺骗自己的便携节 ...
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