[English lyric] "All revolutions are impossible until they happen, then they become inevitable." [Verse 1:] It's not enough to kill the past, be blind to history. And all at once there's a ...
[中文对照] “所有的革命都是不可能的,直到他们出现,然后他们成为必然。 ” [诗歌1 : ] 这是不够的,杀过去,盲目的历史。 ...
[English lyric] You'll never know what it feels like til you're there. When love changes, faces appear from nowhere. Where beautiful, lovely is ugly or alone. You need me back bad, just can't ...
[中文对照] 你永远不会知道是什么感觉,直到你在那里。 当爱情的变化,脸上出现不知从何处。 凡漂亮,可爱是丑陋还是孤单。 你需要我回去不好,只是不能成为你自己的。 ...
[English lyric] Stuff your pockets stuff your mouth Much more than feeding Your bloated god your bank account Your empathy's fleeting Now that you own the cure, you bought the truth, still you ...
[中文对照] 东西你的口袋里的东西你的嘴 远比饲养更多 你臃肿的上帝,你的银行帐户 你同情的流年 现在,你拥有了治愈,你买的道理,还是你想要更多 跪在地上,你将其排出 ...
[English]A Song To Stifle Imperial Progression (A Work In Progress)
[English lyric] God bless the USA God bless the USA God bless the USA We're saying no way, no way USA By declaring war on terror you declare war on yourself We're saying no way, no way USA The ...
[中文对照] 上帝保佑美国 上帝保佑美国 上帝保佑美国 我们说没办法,没办法美国 通过对恐怖宣战你宣战自己 我们说没办法,没办法美国 ...
[English]Generation Throwaway
[English lyric] Whoah Generation throwaway Whoah Generation throwaway [Verse 1] Get caught as we dig in the dirt While the pretty ones climb the trees with the keys to the gate Get caught as ...
[中文对照] 哇 代暴殄天物 哇 代暴殄天物 [诗歌1 ] 被抓到,我们挖泥巴 而漂亮的人爬的钥匙门树 被抓到,因为我们正在做的事情变得更糟 ...
[English]Make Believe
[English lyric] I can’t see what it is that you want me to see Let alone could I ever believe That there is only one way to be And somehow you were given the key I was just a kid, I trusted ...
[中文对照] 我看不出它是什么,你要我去看看 别说我能永远相信 存在于只有一个方式 并以某种方式向您解释的关键 我只是一个孩子,我信任你 ...
[English lyric] Call me a trader, For changing my mind. Call me a criminal, If thinking's a crime. Call me an animal, It's hard to define. I don't care what you say I came to defy. I've come ...
[中文对照] 骂我是商人, 为了改变我的主意。 叫我犯罪, 如果思维是一种犯罪。 给我打电话的动物, 这是很难界定的。 我不在乎你怎么说我来违抗。 我已经走了这么远。 ...
[English]Imaginary Enemy
[English lyric] I wasn't made to understand. I've given up my name, forgotten where I stand. Sometimes I don't know who I am. I used to feel so scared, I used to hold your hand. I'm so sick of ...
[中文对照] 我是不会理解的。 我已经放弃了我的名字,忘了我的立场。 有时候我不知道我是谁。我曾经觉得很害怕, 以前我握住你的手。 我很讨厌玩收藏,生病被吓坏了。 ...
[English]Kenna Song
[English lyric] Shine a light on what we think. Kenna Song. Move the people to their feet. Kenna Song. Leave us brave enough to fight. Kenna Song. Give us strength to do what's right. We have ...
[中文对照] 照我们所认为的光。 肯纳歌。 将人的脚。 肯纳歌。 让我们勇敢地战斗。 肯纳歌。 请给我们力量,做正确的事情。 我们要让我们的声音被听到的权利。 ...
[English]Force Without Violence
[English lyric] Our voices still silence the plans that we've made the dead cannot hear all the prayers that we beg Is there a force without violence is there a catch with no hook believing ...
[中文对照] 我们的声音依旧沉默 我们所做的计划 死人不能听 所有我们恳求的祷告 有没有暴力的力量 有没有钩捕 相信谎言,而他们解决所有的书 事情永远不会改变 ...
[English lyric] Does it start all at once? Or come as slow as can be. It's not about you and me And never mind what it costs At least it's not make believe We can get it for free But to get ...
[中文对照] 是否立即开始呢? 来或可慢。 这不是你和我 而不去管它的成本 至少它不是虚构 我们可以免费得到它 但是,为了得到爱 你必须付出爱 不知怎的,我得到你的爱 ...
- 推荐专辑
- Graffiti Bridge
- Freedom Cry
- Lynch By Inch: Suicide Note
- Dropbox
- The Flower That Shattered The Stone
- You Lay So Easy On My Mind
- Swingin' With Raymond
- Aqualung
- The Unplanned Mixtape
- Gift Of Gab 2
- Talkie Walkie
- Street Sweeper Social Club
- The Triptych
- Overboard And Down
- Solace
- Archetype
- Come On Over
- The Force Behind The Power
- Electric Circus
- Surrender
- All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
- 本站所有歌词的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权,仅供教育目的及仅限个人使用。