英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 I'm Blessed 中的所有曲目
专辑 I'm Blessed 中的所有曲目:

I'm Blessed


类型: album

[English]Born To Win

[English lyric] You bled and died that I might live Your body broken now am healed Your blood was shed all for my righteousness And now I walk in victory Oh, oh and now I walk in victory I was ...

[中文对照] 你流血而死,我可能活 你的身体现在很破愈合 你流血的时候我所有的义 现在我走在胜利 哦,哦,现在我走在胜利 我出生取胜 我出生统治基督 我没有被打败 ...

[English]You Are Next In Line

[English lyric] You are next in line For a miracle This is your time Arise and be blessed You are next in line For a miracle This is your time You may have gone everywhere Searching for peace ...

[中文对照] 您是在网上下 奇迹 这是你的时间 出现与祝福 您是在网上下 奇迹 这是你的时间   您可能已经无处不在 搜索安心 您可能已经无处不在,你知道(你知道) ...

[English]It's A Miracle

[English lyric] I have seen the blind eyes receive its sight The deaf who heard, the dumb who spoke again The lame who walked, impotent man made whole again There is nothing impossible with ...

[中文对照] 我已经看到了眯眼睛接收其视线 谁听说过聋哑人,谁讲了一遍哑 谁走瘸腿的,无能的人做一次全 没有什么神不可能 这是一个奇迹,当你与神同行 ...

[English]No Failure With God

[English lyric] There is no failure with God There is no failure with God No not with God. [Solo 1] God is not a man that He should lie What He will do, He’ll do much more [2x] [Solo 2] What ...

[中文对照] 没有与神没有失败 没有与神没有失败 不,不是神。 [独奏1 ] 上帝是不是一个男人,他应该说谎 他会做什么,他会做更多的事情 [ 2倍] [独奏2 ] ...

[English]Never Late

[English lyric] He’s never late He’s not a late God He’s never late He’s not a late God He’s never failed anyone I know He is always on time He’s never late He’s not a late God Remember Moses ...

[中文对照] 他从来不迟到 他不是一个迟到的神 他从来不迟到 他不是一个迟到的神 他从未失败过的人,我知道 他总是很准时 他从来不迟到 他不是一个迟到的神 ...

[English]God Is Our Rock

[English lyric] Strength and power is our God He is mighty in this place He heals the broken heart You can put your trust in him The hand of God is on your life today No devil can withhold the ...

[中文对照] 力量和能力是我们的上帝 他是伟大在这个地方 他医治破碎的心脏 你可以把你对他的信任 上帝之手是你今天的生活 没有魔鬼可以扣留神的力量 神是我们的磐石 ...

[English]Sing And Dance

[English lyric] Awesome God how great thou art Magnificent God how great thou art Mighty God how great thou art Glorious God how great thou art There is so much to thank You for This is what ...

[中文对照] 真棒神你真伟大 宏伟的神你真伟大 全能的神你真伟大 荣耀的神你真伟大 有这么多感谢你 这是我会做 [合唱: ] 我会唱 我会跳舞 我给我赞美你 我会唱 ...

[English]Jesus Is Alive

[English lyric] What a miracle it is That Jesus is alive Lifting holy hands to him Am a witness that he lives That same spirit That raised him from the dead That same spirit Is alive in me ...

[中文对照] 这真是一个奇迹是 耶稣还活着 起重圣洁的手给他 我认为他的生命见证 同样的精神 从死里复活 同样的精神 是活在我身上永远 耶稣活着 该墓是空的哈利路亚 ...

[English]You Deserve

[English lyric] When we lift up our hands It is an offering to you And in liberty we worship and we pray [2x] you deserve, you deserve you deserve the lifting of our hands to you [2x]

[中文对照] 当我们举起我们的手 这是一个提供给你 而在自由,我们崇拜,我们祈祷 [ 2倍] 你值得,你值得拥有 你应该得到我们的手解除你 [ 2倍]

[English]My Faith

[English lyric] As I came into this place I felt His presence in this place As I came into this place I felt His power in this place The hand of God is moving He is reaching out to me The King ...

[中文对照] 当我来到这地方 我觉得在这个地方他的存在 当我来到这地方 我觉得他的力量在这个地方 上帝之手正 他伸手给我 万王之王存在 所以打开你的心脏 ...

[English]There Is A Miracle

[English lyric] There is a miracle In this place There is a miracle For everyone You will never leave Same way that you came, There is a miracle in this place [Chorus] Trust and obey God by ...

[中文对照] 有一种奇迹 在这个地方, 有一种奇迹 给大家 你将永远不会离开 你来了同样的方式, 有奇迹发生在这个地方 [合唱] 信靠顺服上帝通过他的话语, ...

[English]You Do Mighty Things

[English lyric] I stand amazed in your presence There is nothing you cannot do I stand amazed in your presence There is joy peace and hope There’s no one like you, Jesus There’s no one like ...

[中文对照] 我站在惊讶于你的存在 没有你不能做什么 我站在惊讶于你的存在 有欢乐和平与希望 有没有人喜欢你,耶稣 有没有人喜欢你,在所有的地球 有没有人喜欢你,耶稣 ...

[English]I'm Blessed

[English lyric] Am blessed [3x] Oh am blessed [3x] Kings shall come to my rising For am favoured and graced In all I do I shall prosper Everything I touch shall be bless

[中文对照] 很幸运[ 3倍] 哦,很幸运 [3倍] 国王要来我的瑞星 对于上午的青睐和增光 在所有我做的,我会蓬勃发展 一切,我摸不得祝福

[English]Lord Your Ability

[English lyric] Lord Your ability, Your ability is at work in me Lord Your ability, Your ability is at work in me [Chorus] It’s not by power or might But by Your Spirit oh God Its not by power ...

[中文对照] 耶和华你们的能力, 你的能力是在工作中我 耶和华你们的能力, 你的能力是在工作中我 [合唱] 这不是由权力或力量 但是,你的灵神哦 它不是由权力或力量 ...

[English]The Battle Is Already Won

[English lyric] The battle is already won We have the victory in His Name [4x] We have overcome Through the blood of Jesus Christ We have overcome With the testimonies of our lips Oh oh oh oh ...

[中文对照] 战斗已经获得了 我们在他的名字胜利 [ 4倍] 我们克服了 借着耶稣基督的宝血 我们克服了 随着我们的嘴唇的证词 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦 ...