英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 I Like 'Em Country 中的所有曲目
专辑 I Like 'Em Country 中的所有曲目:

I Like 'Em Country


类型: album

[English]Two Mules Pull This Wagon

[English lyric] Well you come home most every night as grouchy as can be And start right in a pickin' on our little kids and me I'm sick and tired of hearin' are you worth keep you a trigon ...

[中文对照] 那么你每天晚上不高兴一样可以回家最 并开始正确的再找\'我们的小孩和我 我厌倦了赫林的“都是你值得让你特里贡 因为你似乎忘记了大男孩的两头骡子拉这个车 ...

[English]It's Been So Long Darling

[English lyric] It's been so long darling since I had to go away It's been so long darling and I'll never forget that day Although I never mentioned it I cried the whole day long It's been so ...

[中文对照] 这是这么久的宝贝,因为我不得不离开了 这是这么久的宝贝,我永远不会忘记那一天 虽然我从来没有提过它,我哭了整整一天长 ...

[English]Sometimes You Just Can't Win

[English lyric] Just when the sun shines the brightest and the world looks all right again The clouds fill the skies you can't believe your eyes sometimes you just can't win My love never ...

[中文对照] 就在阳光普照的聪明和世界看上去一切正常再 云把天空你不能相信自己的眼睛有时你赢不了 我的爱从来就不是多给你亲爱的和你我永远的朋友 ...

[English]If Teardrops Were Pennies

[English lyric] If teardrops were pennies and heartaches were gold I'd have all the treasures my pockets would hold I'd be oh so wealthy with treasures untold If teardrops were pennies and ...

[中文对照] 如果眼泪是便士和心痛是金 我把所有的财宝我的口袋里将举行 我会是如此的富有与无尽的宝藏 如果眼泪是便士和心痛是金 ...

[English]Your Cheatin' Heart

[English lyric] Your cheating heart will make you weep you'll cry and cry and try to sleep But sleep won't come the whole night through your cheating heart will tell on you When tears come ...

[中文对照] 你作弊心脏会让你哭,你哭了又哭,并尝试睡眠 不过,睡眠不会整夜的你作弊心脏会告诉你来 当眼泪下来像落雨你辗转反侧呼唤我的名字 ...

[English]Go On And Go

[English lyric] Why not tell me that I'm really losing you It's no secret that you've found somebody new I just hope that she'll love you the way I do Go on and go if you need her like I need ...

[中文对照] 为什么不告诉我,我真的失去你 这已经不是什么,你已经找到了某个新的秘密 我只希望她会爱你我的方式 去,去,如果你需要她,正如我需要你 ...

[English]Cry Cry Cry

[English lyric] Everybody knows where you go when the sun goes down I think you only live to see the lights uptown I wasted my time when I would try try try Cause when the lights have lost ...

[中文对照] 每个人都知道你去哪里,当太阳下山 我想你只能活到看到灯光住宅区 我浪费了我的时间,我会尝试试试 原因当灯光已经失去了光芒,你会哭泣想哭就哭 ...

[English]Home You're Tearin' Down

[English lyric] I don't know your name I wouldn't know your face But you're right with the one I love out there someplace You have an invitation be free to come around Come over anytime and ...

[中文对照] 我不知道你的名字我不知道你的脸 但你是对的我爱的人在那里的某个地方 你有邀请函可以自由来到我身边 过来随时随地看到你,撕裂下来的家 ...

[English]Today Has Been A Day

[English lyric] Today has been a day filled with heartaches but tonight I'll be happy again The flashing lights call out the lonely from the darkness On each door reads the welcome come on in ...

[中文对照] 今天,已经有一天充满了悲伤​​,但今晚我会重新快乐起来 在闪烁的灯光调出从黑暗中孤独 在每个车门读取的欢迎来吧 ...

[English]Jealous Heart

[English lyric] Jealous heart oh jealous heart stop beating can't you see the damage you have done You have driven him away forever jealous heart now I'm the lonely one I was part of ...

[中文对照] 心脏嫉妒眼红哦心脏停止跳动,你看不到你所造成的伤害 你已使他永远离开心脏嫉妒,现在我是孤独的 我是他计划的一切的一部分,我知道他爱我从一开始就 ...

[English]Dear Uncle Sam

[English lyric] Dear Uncle Sam I know you're a busy man And tonight I write to you through tears with a trembling hand My darling answered when he got that call from you You said you really ...

[中文对照] 亲爱的山姆大叔,我知道你是个大忙人 今晚我从泪水用颤抖的手给你写信 我亲爱的回答时,他得到了这一号召,从你 你说你真的需要他,但你并不需要他,正如我做的 ...