[English]Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven
[English lyric] Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die Once upon a time there lived a man and his name was Isaac He ...
[中文对照] 每个人都想进天堂,但没有人想死 每个人都想进天堂,但没有人想死 很久很久以前有一个人,他的名字是以撒 他与神同行白天和晚上,但他并没有想死 ...
[English]Where No One Stands Alone
[English lyric] Once I stood in the night with my head bowed low In the darkness as black as the sea And my heart was afraid and I cried oh Lord don't hide your face from me Hold my hand all ...
[中文对照] 有一次,我站在夜晚把我的头深深地鞠了一躬 在黑暗中黑如海 而我的心脏很害怕,我哭了哦,上帝不隐瞒你的脸离我 ...
[English]When They Ring Those Golden Bells
[English lyric] There's a land beyond the river that we call the sweet forever And we only reach that shore by fate you see Yes I want to see my Jesus shake his hand and hear him greet us When ...
[中文对照] 还有超出了我们所说的甜蜜永远河流的土地 我们只有命运可以看到达到了岸 是的,我想看看我的耶稣和他握手,并听到他跟我们打招呼 ...
[English]Peace In The Valley
[English lyric] Oh well I'm tired and so weary but I must go along Till my Lord comes and calls me calls me away oh yes Oh well the morning's so bright and the lamb is the light And the night ...
[中文对照] 哦,好吧,我累了,感到多么的疲倦,但我必须走 直到我的主来了,打电话给我叫我走哦,是的 哦,早上的如此明亮,羊肉是光 而晚上夜是漆黑如海哦,是的 ...
[English]If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again
[English lyric] How sweet and happy seem those days of which I dream When memory recalls them now and then And with what rapture sweet my weary heart would beat If I could hear my mother pray ...
[中文对照] 多么甜蜜和幸福似乎它的那些日子,我的梦想 当内存现在再回忆他们 和什么狂喜甜蜜了我疲惫的心脏会跳动 如果我能听到我的母亲再次祈祷 ...
[English]Third Man
[English lyric] Last night I dreamed I took a walk up Calvary's lonely hill The things I saw with my own eyes could not have been more real I saw upon three crosses three men in agony Two ...
[中文对照] 昨晚我梦见我拿起各各他山上孤独的散步 我看到了我自己的眼睛的事已经不能更真实 只见在三个十字架三个男人痛苦 两个哭着求饶,第三人,他看着我 ...
[English]How Great Thou Art
[English lyric] Oh Lord my God when I in all some wonder Considered all the worlds Thy hands have made I see the stars I hear the roaring thunder Thy art throughout the universe displayed Then ...
[中文对照] 主啊,我的上帝,当我在所有有些纳闷 考虑了所有你的手制造了世界 我知道我听到整个宇宙的隆隆雷声你的艺术展示的星星 我灵歌唱祢救亲爱的上帝祢 ...
[English]Old Camp Meetin' Time
[English lyric] How I like the old time preachin' prayin' singin' shoutin' How I like the old time readin' of God's words How I like to hear that old time hallelujah glory How I like the old ...
[中文对照] 我怎么样了旧时代的preachin \'祈祷\'欢唱叫喊着\' 我怎么样老时间看书神的话“ 我怎么样听到老的时候哈利路亚荣耀 我怎么样主的旧时代的崇拜 ...
[English]When I Hear My Children Pray
[English lyric] (Someday I'll be strong enough to make that church bells ring And when my voice grows steady I can help the choir sing Somehow I can be usefull so put me to the test I know I ...
[中文对照] (总有一天我会强大到足以使该教堂的钟声响起 而当我的声音平稳的增长,我可以帮合唱团唱 不知怎的,我可以是有用的,以便把我的测试 ...
[English]In The Sweet By And By
[English lyric] In the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore In the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore There's a land that is fairer than day and by faith we ...
[中文对照] 在甜蜜渐渐地,我们将在这美丽的海岸见面 在甜蜜渐渐地,我们将在这美丽的海岸见面 有一个土地是更公平比白天和信念,我们可以看到它拆开 ...
[English]Where I Learned To Pray
[English lyric] In our little one room country school it's where I learned to pray A church without a steeple that's where I learned to pray Every Sunday morning about the hour of ten The door ...
[中文对照] 在我们的小一房国学校这是在那里我学会了祈祷 没有尖顶这就是我学会了祈祷的教会 每个星期天早上约十小时 门会开到我们学校的传道人也走在 ...
[English]I'd Rather Have Jesus
[English lyric] I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold I'd rather be his than have riches untold I'd rather have Jesus than houses or land I'd rather be led by his nail pierced hands Than ...
[中文对照] 我宁愿有耶稣不是金银,我宁愿他不是有说不尽的财富 我宁愿有耶稣不是房屋或土地,我宁愿被他指甲划破的手带领 比是最好域的女王,看到在罪中的畏惧方式 ...
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