[English]John McClane
[English lyric] Tiny man, chubby man, trembling scruffy, lazy man sculpting with my puffy hands an idol to my pride's demands. Tonight, I need to be redeemed. I'm in the nude, inhaling ice ...
[中文对照] 小人,胖乎乎的男人,浑身发抖邋遢, 懒人塑身与我的手浮肿 偶像我骄傲的需求。 今晚,我需要赎回。 我的裸体,吸入冰淇淋,跟我的狗。 看到一些我的信心。 ...
[English]Six Six Six
[English lyric] I believe in God but I've no reason to follow. Lost my virginity to myself, I'm just sparks and meat. I believe in love, but I'm gassy, dank and hollow. I'd rather drink, ...
[中文对照] 我相信上帝,但我没有道理可循的。 失去了我的处女给我自己,我只是火花和肉。 我相信爱情,但我瓦斯,透水和空洞。 ...
[English]Judas Decapitation
[English lyric] This is the tale of a bearded sloth Who debases himself so they can get their rocks off. Recruits five skinny better looking men To play guitar parts he'll never play again. So ...
[中文对照] 这是一个大胡子懒惰的故事 谁贬低自己,这样他们可以得到他们的石头了。 新兵5瘦更好看的男人 弹吉他的部分,他永远不会再打球。 ...
[English]Kall Me Kubrick
[English lyric] [Verse 1 - Max Bemis:] There is a nebulous nut-crunching non-entity In my jutting prenatal midsection I judge my parents for a job that I could never hope to do Because I'm a ...
[中文对照] [诗歌1 - 最大比米斯: ] 有一个模糊的螺母捣弄非实体 在我的凸出的腹部胎教 我判断我的父母,一份工作,我从来没有希望做 ...
[English]My Greatest Fear Is Splendid
[English lyric] [Verse 1 - Max Bemis:] My greatest fear is a splendid thing It's an image of a middle-aged me with an earring Playing shows to an empty bar While the bottle waits grinning by ...
[中文对照] [诗歌1 - 最大比米斯: ] 我最大的恐惧是一个出色的东西 这是一个形象的中年我一个耳环 播放显示为空巴 虽然瓶子笑着等待通过的流行音乐明星的影子 ...
[English lyric] When the United States of genocide Decided to break free They instilled a huddled mass Of neuroses in me Or maybe it was Palestine With that wretched German dwarf Who carved ...
[中文对照] 当灭绝种族美国 决定挣脱 他们灌输杂乱地拥挤质量 在我的神经官能症 或者,也许这是巴勒斯坦 与德国猥琐侏儒 谁刻需要自我保护 为了迎合并执行 ...
[English lyric] My God's in hell and all is well Stitched up eyes and sickle cell I cannot thaw the lack in me Submerged in demonology but I hope beyond hope I will not inflict The wound that ...
[中文对照] 我的上帝在地狱,一切都很好 缝合的眼睛和镰状细胞 我不能解冻缺乏我 淹没在恶魔,但我希望以后的希望 我不会造成 他们离开时,他们减去600万的伤口 ...
[English]The Shape Of Love To Come
[English lyric] [Verse 1 - Max Bemis:] They say it takes some time to find the one you're meant for I spent that time in stranger's beds Had my mom pick me up at 5:30 in the morning From a ...
[中文对照] [诗歌1 - 最大比米斯: ] 他们说,这需要一些时间来找到你的意思了一个 我花了时间在陌生人的床 曾经我妈妈来接我5:30早上 ...
[English lyric] Get in the oven, young cousin, If your pupils dilate wide Bearing your rufie and your butter-knife member, wearing their scalps and hides Don’t put your hands on her Don’t read ...
[中文对照] 获取的烤箱,年轻的表兄弟, 如果你的瞳孔扩张宽 轴承的rufie和你的黄油刀成员, 穿着自己的头皮和皮 不要把你的手放在她的 不读你的诗 ...
[English]A Look
[English lyric] Hitchhiker by the side of the road You climb into his truck so he can bring you home But when your pupils took a mallet to his crooked teeth Well, his tongue swelled up and his ...
[中文对照] 旅行者靠马路的一边 你爬入他的卡车,这样他可以带你回家 但是当你的学生把木槌他的歪牙 那么,他的舌头膨胀起来,他的肠子发布 ...
[English]Lost My Touch
[English lyric] Ah-oh Ah-oh [Verse 1 - Max Bemis:] Some say I've lost my touch at crafting Say Anything songs I suppose I'll let you take my place on stage It's not a difficult job to ...
[中文对照] 啊,哦 啊,哦 [诗歌1 - 最大比米斯: ] 有人说,我已经失去了我的触摸,在各具特色说什么歌曲 我想我会让你接替我的位置在舞台上 ...
[English]Nibble Nibble
[English lyric] The man who touched me He cornered me beneath the trees Offering candy And bearing something cold for me He reached inside me To pluck the cherry from my heart But when he ...
[中文对照] 谁摸我的人 他走投无路的我在树下 发售糖果 和轴承冷的东西对我来说 他伸手在我心中 从我的心脏采摘樱桃 但是,当他抓住它 有十亿的牙齿撕扯着他的双手分开 ...
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