[English]Reign Of Darkness
[English lyric] Fear Me I am the destruction of innocence I am the violence embedded in flesh I am the pain in the bones of the mortal shell the dark heart of the earth I am hell Tear at the ...
[中文对照] 生怕我 我是清白的破坏 我是嵌在肉的暴力 我在红尘壳的骨头疼痛 黑暗的心脏地球 我是地狱 在撕裂的喉咙 欺骗父亲 让懦夫的血 流动的葡萄酒 报应虚假声明 ...
[English]The Purest Strain Of Hate
[English lyric] Repressed The darkness burns A fallen figure left to desecrate Exiled Absolved of the light I am the purest strain of hate Carved skin Engraved with endless sorrow Degenerated, ...
[中文对照] 压抑 黑暗中燃烧 倒下的身影留给亵渎 流亡 赦免的光,我恨的最纯净的应变 雕花皮 刻有无尽的悲伤 退化,备受折磨的灵魂 未献身 废弃秽物 ...
[English]Vile Creations
[English lyric] Vile creations Bearing the crest of the dark Shaped by the flames that gave birth Born into suffering Weakened and left to rot Crushed by the depression of humanity Your blood ...
[中文对照] 邪恶的创作 轴承黑暗的顶部 由生下的火焰状 出生于苦难 减弱,荒郊 通过人性化的凹陷粉碎 你的血液循环勉强 现在声称的绝望和痛苦 你也会有你的信仰烧 ...
[English]Shadow Of Eternal Sin
[English lyric] Sever the tongues of the wretched Eradicate the filth of the divine Ancient pariah cursed by the weak Encased in the flames Vengeance I now seek Vengeance I seek Immortality ...
[中文对照] 切断猥琐的舌头 杜绝神圣的藏污纳垢 古代贱民的薄弱诅咒 包裹在火焰 复仇我现在求 复仇我寻求 仙道等待着我的是什么我已经成为 我疯狂我的黑暗中 ...
[English lyric] Arise My shining beacon A burning mass revealing nothing more I created the sun to conceal whats behind A destroyer of worlds The seas increase They will not fall again ...
[中文对照] 出现 我的光辉的灯塔 燃烧的质量没有透露更多 我创建了太阳背后隐藏什么 世界的破坏者 海洋增加 他们不会再次下跌 破坏性的力量消灭地球 ...
[English]Infinite Forms
[English lyric] I am the everlasting prophet of destruction I walk the earth I stalk my prey and seek my vengeance Like filthy plagues you flee my grasp and seek your shelter In finite forms ...
[中文对照] 我是毁灭的永恒先知 我走在地上 í秆我的猎物,并寻求报复我 像污秽的困扰你逃离我的掌握,并寻求你的庇护 在有限的形式你的弱点,一旦崩溃,以我的力量 ...
[English]Dead Sun
[English lyric] Possessed he wanders your empty mind Forcing the hand of the puppet to move Hatred unleashed upon the earth From the inside of you Treacherous hands hide the face of sadness ...
[中文对照] 他拥有你漫步空心思 强制手中的傀儡移动 仇恨释放在地上 从你的内部 奸诈的手隐藏悲伤的面孔 窒息与嫉妒的绞索 背叛的魔爪 道德的母亲是怕父亲 ...
[English]Gates Of Misery
[English lyric] Drawn out The fires black the sky above As I conspire in sanctums below Its true form released spewing out through the Molten earth and stone Relentless agony reborn into the ...
[中文对照] 抽出 火灾黑色的天空之上 正如我凑到下面sanctums 其真实的形式发布喷涌而出通过 熔火之土石方 无情的痛苦重生注入了灵魂 从我凡人主机行者 ...
[English]Defective Breed
[English lyric] I saw their cities turn to dust Beneath the blackened sky and suffocate the barren land below Sparing none he casts a shadow across the earth To deliver their demise The ruin ...
[中文对照] 我看到了他们的城市化为尘土 下方熏黑的天空,窒息下面的荒芜之地 不放过他没有穿过投射在地球阴影 为了实现他们的困境 人类的毁灭 他们的头脑中感染创造了自 ...
[English]Doomed From Birth
[English lyric] Doomed from birth Bred weak to harbour disease Their minds all drowned forced to believe Tormented by their endless despair Brainwashed a race forever unaware Doomed from birth ...
[中文对照] 从一出生就注定 孕育弱怀有疾病 他们的想法都淹死被迫相信 由他们无尽的绝望折磨 被洗脑的比赛永远不知道 从一出生就注定 DIS-进化失败 基因过时 ...
- 推荐专辑
- Turn Me Loose
- This Is Not A Test
- A Dramatic Turn Of Events
- Theology
- The Seventh One
- Stop The Traffik - Secret Fear
- Blue In The Face
- Forever
- The Bake Sale
- The Sunlandic Twins
- Rhythm-Al-Ism
- The Michael Schenker Group
- The Letter
- Dedicated
- Dogg Chit
- Palabras Del Silencio
- Diary Of A Mad Band
- Ghostdini: Wizard Of Poetry In Emerald City
- These Things Happen
- The Feeding
- All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
- 本站所有歌词的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权,仅供教育目的及仅限个人使用。