英语人>英文歌词>专辑>专辑 Ghost 中的所有曲目
专辑 Ghost 中的所有曲目:



类型: album

[English]Welcome Home

[English lyric] Sleep don't visit, so I choke on sun, and the days blur into one And the backs of my eyes hum with things I've never done Sheets are swaying from an old clothesline Like a row ...

[中文对照] 睡眠不访问,所以我呛的太阳,而天模糊成一个 而我的眼睛背上哼唱的事情我从来没有做过 床单从旧晾衣绳摇曳 像一排捕捉鬼魂在老废草 ...

[English]Let The River In

[English lyric] You, beneath the bed, I know all your tricks I've seen you watching I've seen you drifting away I've seen you floating along I've seen you disappear Now, there ain't a cloud in ...

[中文对照] 你的床底下,我知道你所有的招数 我看过你看 我看过你渐行渐远 我看过你飘顺 我见过你消失 现在,还没有一个云在望 并通过雪和树枝 我可以算你所有的牙齿 ...


[English lyric] I was born when they took my name When the world turned wicked, when I joined their game But I turned and fought them Like you always knew I'd do I sat and dreamed at the foot ...

[中文对照] 当他们把我的名字我出生 当世界变成恶人,当我加入他们的游戏 不过,我转身打他们 就像你一直都知道我会做 我坐下来,梦想在你的床尾 ...

[English]The Strangest Things

[English lyric] The ghost inside my head, it never sleeps It just rearranges thoughts and leaves me numb for weeks But I'm okay, yeah I feel fine Because I know there's more than one way to ...

[中文对照] 我的脑袋里面的鬼,这不夜城 它只是重新安排的想法和让我麻木周 不过,我没事,是我感觉很好 因为我知道有失去我的心不止一种方法 失去了我的心 失去了我的心 ...

[English]Wrapped In Piano Strings

[English lyric] I saw your father in the hall His ghost is living in the walls I heard him crying while you slept I heard him breaking things after you left I watched you crawl into my bed ...

[中文对照] 我看到了你的父亲在大厅 他的鬼魂是住在城墙 我听到他哭,而你睡 我听到他打破东西,你离开后 我看着你爬到我床上 与诅咒,从你的头上洒 ...

[English]Along The Road

[English lyric] There, along the road, was a tiny home The yard held dead machines behind its fences Like they were its kids Broken down, but still worth a lot to someone It made me stop and ...

[中文对照] 在那里,沿路,是一个小家 院子里举行了死机器后面的栅栏 就像他们的孩子 分解了,但还是值得很多人 这让我停下来,眉开眼笑 从一个垂死的月光 ...


[English lyric] I can hear the car As it rumbles up the driveway But I'm too scared to look, So I curl up beneath the window And I pray they won't find me And I pray that I'll keep still I see ...

[中文对照] 我能听到汽车 因为它隆隆了车道 但我太害怕的样子, 所以,我蜷缩在窗下 我祈祷他们不会找我 我祈祷,我会保持静止 我看到你的脸在玻璃 ...

[English]Winter Is Coming

[English lyric] I see the winter, she's crawling up the lawn I feel her breathing beneath my palms She tears the trees down while curses roll from her tongue Got eyes like anvils and storms ...

[中文对照] 我看到了冬天,她爬上草坪 我感觉她的呼吸下我的手心 她的眼泪树上下来,而诅咒她的舌头卷 有眼睛像铁砧和暴风雨的肺 隐藏在我们家,晒斑在他的嘴里, ...


[English lyric] I fell asleep in the chair by the fireplace And I woke up in the kitchen sink With an umbrella full of holes overtop my head and I fell asleep on the table with your picture in ...

[中文对照] 我睡着了,在椅子上的壁炉 我在厨房水槽醒了 用一把雨伞千疮百孔凌驾我的头, 我睡着了,在桌子上在手的图片 我在柜子里醒了 ...


[English lyric] Well, I left my home on hollow bones While you were curled and sleeping And I wandered far beneath a concrete star And slept along the highways But even though I am lost all ...

[中文对照] 好吧,我离开了我的家在中空的骨头 当你蜷缩睡觉 我逛到远远低于一个具体的明星 沿公路睡 但是,即使我失去了所有的时间 我有钩在我的两侧,你离开了那里 ...